What if every baseball player used the BALCO “cream” according to protocol? Would anyone fail the current MLB doping controls? I could figure out how to take a fair amount of testosterone and you’d never catch me, and if I can say that, a lot of others can too. Who is accredited with the aforementioned statement? Patrick […]
Steroid Common Sense from Dr. Charles Yesalis
Two of my favorite steroid writers are John Hoberman, PhD and Charles Yesalis, PhD. I read their books. I read their articles. I have “Google Alerts” set to notify me when they are quoted by the media. I have even invited them to write for my website (and I’ve been fortunate to have Dr. Hoberman […]
Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Mortality Risk
The medical journal Circulation published a new study this week entitled “Endogenous Testosterone and Mortality Due to All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer in Men.” The role of testosterone in health has long been a controversial topic and the recent steroid hysteria has only fueled the love-hate relationship with steroids in our society. Reuters reports that […]
Anabolic Steroids and Red Blood Cells
Anabolic/androgenic steroids display a wide range of physiological effects. Androgen receptors are found in numerous body tissues including skeletal muscle, skin, scalp, liver, heart, prostate, brain and nervous system, bone, adipose and kidney tissue, and consequently these drugs, as our endogenous androgens, have numerous activities in the body aside from just building muscle. Although often […]
Testosterone – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
One of the most infamous hormones around is Testosterone. You hear Clueless news anchors about it on the evening news. You hear about it in the gym. You even read about it in the “growing older with style” magazines. Depending on who you talk to, it is both the good, the bad, and the ugly […]
Anabolic Steroids and Aggression, Part 1 A Review of the Evidence
The association between the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (hereinafter referred to as “anabolic steroids” or “steroids”) and aggression (“’roid rage”) has been widely accepted in the culture in general, the mainstream media, and the resistance training subculture. This view has been bolstered by the use of anabolic steroid “induced” rage as a legal defense
Growth Hormone vs. Testosterone – A Retrospective Based on the Latest Research
I was one of the first private practitioners in the country to dispense growth hormone as part of an overall anti-program hormone replacement program for adults that fit the criteria of the “Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency Syndrome”. Like many other anti-aging physicians, I was extremely impressed by the initial research on growth hormone showing […]
Inhibition and Recovery of Natural Testosterone Production
One of the most significant side effects of anabolic/androgenic steroid (AAS) use is inhibition of natural testosterone production. There is no way to entirely avoid the problem, but there are ways to minimize the problem and recover natural testosterone levels reasonably quickly after a cycle. In this article, we will look at the problem of […]
Contrarian Endocrinology Part 1 – Testosterone for Women
In this series of articles, I will attempt to bring clarity to two common myths about endocrinology. The first myth is the notion of the exclusivity of “male” and “female” sex hormones. While it is true that men have higher concentrations of testosterone and lower concentrations of estrogen and progesterone than women, all of these […]
The History and Present Status of the Drug Development of Anabolic Steroids
Table of Contents Abstract Approximately 75% of all health care expenditures in the United States are for treatment of diseases showing preference or distinction in effects between the sexes: for example, cardiovascular disease and many forms of cancer. Yet a comprehensive understanding of the diverse physiological actions of sex hormones and their drug analogues is […]