@MisterSuit i dont think for a second that you are a "shill", anyone who says he is like its a fact is being a bit daft its a bit like a salem witch hunt. unless you have actual evidence other than your opinion?
with the same logic someone could accuse the people accusing him of working for some other source.
theres no proof of any of this. if this forum is anything like the rest of the internet statistically speaking at least a few of the posters on here claiming to be 10% bodyfat behemoths are actually 50% bf agoraphobics who've never set foot in a gym

However, from my personal perspective i'd say that mistersuit is trying way too hard to build up his post count for whatever reason feeling the need to answer every single question (maybe he's just googling, maybe he has used a lot of meds/roids i couldnt say either way unless i knew him in real life)
If i may be so bold as to give you some unsolicited advice mistersuit it'd be to maybe calm down with the constant posting a little? you can see the reception its getting

Its all getting a little bit like an episode of love island on here...