Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

if i remember correctly those same people told you to stop posting so much in this thread, yet here you are too :) just pointing out the irony (is it irony? i always get that wrong..) just wanted to point out that most of your posts seem to be about him, i feel bad for the guy as yes hes in the wrong but you trying to bully him out of the forum isnt cool imho
if i remember correctly those same people told you to stop posting so much in this thread, yet here you are too :) just pointing out the irony (is it irony? i always get that wrong..) just wanted to point out that most of your posts seem to be about him, i feel bad for the guy as yes hes in the wrong but you trying to bully him out of the forum isnt cool imho

And I did stop posting so much. What are you on about?

I’ve posted all across this board in the meantime, been a part of the community and have completely refrained from posting here unless helping members and/or calling out stupidity such as his. Which in essence, is actually calling out what many others claim is shilling for a source.

So your attempt at pointing out ‘irony’ is completely wrong and kind of silly. I’m heeding advice and doing what I said I would. Or are you going to say I’m not allowed to post here now? Lol
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not gonna get into a stupid debate about it as sometimes i find it hard to put across what im trying to say on a forum without sounding like im arrogant, if you dont get what im on about now then you wont after i just repeat it in different ways. It just perpetuates the boring attacks on people when none of us can be completely in the right.
And I did stop posting so much. What are you on about?

I’ve posted all across this board in the meantime, been a part of the community and have completely refrained from posting here unless helping members and/or calling out stupidity such as his. Which in essence, is actually calling out what many others claim is shilling for a source.

So your attempt at pointing out ‘irony’ is completely wrong and kind of silly. I’m heeding advice and doing what I said I would. Or are you going to say I’m not allowed to post here now? Lol
I can attest to this. @jackbladezzz has been active in the rest of the community with some pretty solid advice and life experience. That's what it's all about and I commend you for acnowledging the advice given and becoming one of us.
And I did stop posting so much. What are you on about?

I’ve posted all across this board in the meantime, been a part of the community and have completely refrained from posting here unless helping members and/or calling out stupidity such as his. Which in essence, is actually calling out what many others claim is shilling for a source.

So your attempt at pointing out ‘irony’ is completely wrong and kind of silly. I’m heeding advice and doing what I said I would. Or are you going to say I’m not allowed to post here now? Lol
I'm also glad to see you venture out from this thread and see more of meso.
I'm also glad to see you venture out from this thread and see more of meso.
I can attest to this. @jackbladezzz has been active in the rest of the community with some pretty solid advice and life experience. That's what it's all about and I commend you for acnowledging the advice given and becoming one of us.

I figured instead of constantly argue and defend myself (and obviously seem a little weird only posting here), I’d simply fix the issue. Plus I’ve had some good convo with other members in the meantime. Win for my credibility, Win for other members, Win for Meso.
and when did i call anyone out on posting exclusively in this thread? im calling you out on being hard on the other guy when you not so long ago were getting the same shit and was not enjoying it at all if i remember right? movingiron I think you're getting irony wrong too ;) anyways focus on me if you like it'll fly past me, yeah i mainly posted in here coz thats what brought me here, ive read quite a lot on these forums, if i have something i think is worth saying i say it. I wouldnt post just for the sake of posting if i had nothing useful to add purely to appease other folks who think im not being a part of the community. That doesnt happen overnight.
If anyone asks something that i know the answer to and nobody else has already said it, then i shall answer.
and when did i call anyone out on posting exclusively in this thread? im calling you out on being hard on the other guy when you not so long ago were getting the same shit and was not enjoying it at all if i remember right? movingiron I think you're getting irony wrong too ;) anyways focus on me if you like it'll fly past me, yeah i mainly posted in here coz thats what brought me here, ive read quite a lot on these forums, if i have something i think is worth saying i say it. I wouldnt post just for the sake of posting if i had nothing useful to add purely to appease other folks who think im not being a part of the community. That doesnt happen overnight.
If anyone asks something that i know the answer to and nobody else has already said it, then i shall answer.

I have to disagree, it is pretty much the definition of irony. Here you go I'll save you time googling

a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
and when did i call anyone out on posting exclusively in this thread? im calling you out on being hard on the other guy when you not so long ago were getting the same shit and was not enjoying it at all if i remember right? movingiron I think you're getting irony wrong too ;) anyways focus on me if you like it'll fly past me, yeah i mainly posted in here coz thats what brought me here, ive read quite a lot on these forums, if i have something i think is worth saying i say it. I wouldnt post just for the sake of posting if i had nothing useful to add purely to appease other folks who think im not being a part of the community. That doesnt happen overnight.
If anyone asks something that i know the answer to and nobody else has already said it, then i shall answer.

Thank you for your support but let me give my 2 cents: the only thing I’ve learned from meso is that it’s totally useless to discuss with some members. There are few people worth talking to, the others just keep on their way no matter what you say.
That's life gentlemen, some people are assholes and others aren't as bad lol. Take the solid advice given, intake the negative comments, but just move forward and be true to yourself! Always try to improve in every aspect of life.... Some guys on here are good dudes, others maybe not so much. Communicate, don't dickpull sources unless they truly are amazing but just as we've seen over time... It's only a matter of time to the negatives (fuck-ups, etc.) happen. Panda was the truth, pharma was the truth, but things happen and how they handle these situations or work on these things so they do not happen again is what will ultimately make them "G2G" to an extent lol.. Just rambling guys lol, but you know what I mean... Relax, enjoy, and keep it moving!