The Session Thread - Post your favorite routines


I’ll start this off with a high volume arm session.

24 sets, everything should be 6-12.
All supersets.
Rope hammer curl • Rope extensions

Incline seated DB curl • DB skull crushers

DB hammer curl • Hammer strength dip

Close grip preacher • V bar cable

DB concentration curl • Single Arm cable extensions

Reverse grip ez bar • Single arm overhead cable extensions

Try this!!

I’ve got legs tmrw, give me some ideas brother!
26 sets - all supersets
4 sets each

Cable pullover • wide grip pull down

Tbar row • shrug variation

Hammer strength high row • medium grip cable row (mag grip if you have them)

Hammer strength low row • DB row

Rack dead’s • pull ups - 10 sets
I’ve been running 5th Set for powerlifting, and am really liking it thus far. Using Deadlifts as my technique/speed lift. I’m only on my 2nd Microcycle of the 1st Mesocycle (was running a different program for abut 8 months before this). Things will ramp up nicely, and love how it programs in max attempts/meet peaking cycles.

Here’s a snap of the program, sorry it’s so small only way I could get it to fit entirely.
I’ve been running 5th Set for powerlifting, and am really liking it thus far. Using Deadlifts as my technique/speed lift. I’m only on my 2nd Microcycle of the 1st Mesocycle (was running a different program for abut 8 months before this). Things will ramp up nicely, and love how it programs in max attempts/meet peaking cycles.

Here’s a snap of the program, sorry it’s so small only way I could get it to fit entirely.
View attachment 136898

That’s a nice spreadsheet setup. Now that you have it all setup like that, you can run it indefinitely and make really good progress over time.
That’s a nice spreadsheet setup. Now that you have it all setup like that, you can run it indefinitely and make really good progress over time.

thanks, it’s nice to be able to easily see all my numbers laid out like that. Planning on hitting some nice #’s running this for a while.