i have ptsd induced insomnia due to tbi about 10 years ago, tried everything,, finally landed on Trazadone and contrary to belief its actually something i can handle,tolerate, with no hangover next day, been taking it for over 8 years and it still does the trick @250 mg every night, ymmvYeah I forgot about that. I have prescription for Ambien but I hate taking it cause of the hangover and when I do take it regularly it stops being effective. Sucks having chronic insomnia. I switch back and forth from Ambien to Trazadone to keep them effective. On a side note I have found a good melatonin liquid form that works pretty well but I have to take 30mg to be effective which is 3 servings but hey sleep is worth it. No other melatonin works for me it actually keeps me awake except this one.