Dirts Brew log

im new to the board, wanted to drop a thanks to all contributed to this forum and thread and to @Dirthand for taking the time to log his journey. I'm about to get started myself and was a good read as I waited for all my equipment to show up.
Wanted to give a little update on. The test/trenbase with the 10%ba... this is where it's gonna be for anything concerning tne for now on for me.. pinned 1ml few hrs ago.. we shall see in the morning ing but so far I tell it's gonna be a winner.. also I put 5ml in the freezer this morning.. no crash whatsoever... This is gonna be great!!!
Wanted to give a little update on. The test/trenbase with the 10%ba... this is where it's gonna be for anything concerning tne for now on for me.. pinned 1ml few hrs ago.. we shall see in the morning ing but so far I tell it's gonna be a winner.. also I put 5ml in the freezer this morning.. no crash whatsoever... This is gonna be great!!!
Hi, been following this project with great interest since I am involved in a similar project that also involves BA more as a solvent. You think it´s possible to skip Guaiacol and do something like BA 15-17% and BB 50%?
I beleive
Hi, been following this project with great interest since I am involved in a similar project that also involves BA more as a solvent. You think it´s possible to skip Guaiacol and do something like BA 15-17% and BB 50%?
You can skip the guaiacol all together and keep the ba 10% and bb30% if it's just tne 100mg/ml
I beleive

You can skip the guaiacol all together and keep the ba 10% and bb30% if it's just tne 100mg/ml
Thanks. It´s TNE 100mg/ml that I´m sure will turn out great. Then it´s TNE/Tren-NE 50/50. For that I´m thinking if it might be possible to skip Guaiacol and increase BA & BB. To curious not to try and if I find a ratio that works I´ll share it with you.
Did 1ml of the tren/test base 45/75 mg/ml Walla go.. quad injection no burn like the delt.. I did however experience tren cough for the first time tho. I would compare it to about a 1/4 gram injection of old school meth.. eeeehh it was cool ..
Did you inject pre workout and if so how does it compare to something like injectable winstrol or injectable anadrol if you have any experience?
Did you inject pre workout and if so how does it compare to something like injectable winstrol or injectable anadrol if you have any experience?
Ive never did injectable Anadrol, but comparing injectable winny to 75mg of test base and 45mg of tren base would be like comparing a team of mules and a wagon to fucking rocket ship.... do you want to hit the Oregon trail or zip to the moon??
Ive never did injectable Anadrol, but comparing injectable winny to 75mg of test base and 45mg of tren base would be like comparing a team of mules and a wagon to fucking rocket ship.... do you want to hit the Oregon trail or zip to the moon??
I like the analogy lol. How long do you plan on running this, or is it more of a once in a while thing your just going to throw in when you feel like it?