North of 350 yes 374 to be exact at 6 foot 7, I'm not body builder.... you were saying? Lol. Again trying to insult me when what I said was grounded in pure undeniable fact. I've been NPA for 35 years neither left or right I hate hypocrisy and both sides are neck deep in it. I'm asking questions based off Trump's last performance. These past 4 years I've done quite well financially but.....I do hate the fact foreigners can get shit faster than I can, and our borders are open. I love my constitutional carry and vote Republican on a local level I hold a variety of beliefs without saying I belong to one political ideology.. Your far reach at my weight I can care less about since I'm probably bigger than you mass wise and tower over you physically. So let's stop with the BS.. and not out of raws at all just ordered more...Holy shit what brought you out of the multi year coma? Finally run out of raws?
First, let me tell you GLPs have been invented since you fell unconscious in 2021. Since half your posts are about being north of 350lbs, hopefully you're getting on one for the good of your health. I mean that, it's not a dig at your weight. It'll save your life man. $100 of Sema is pretty much a year's supply.
Most of the rest of your thin posting history are mostly anti-Trump rants from 2020, but this comment aged really well. Since you believed that laptop was "Russian disinformation", based on a coordinated campaign intended to deceive sincere people like you, aren't you pissed off?
I mean this wasn't a little "spin" or PR.
New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Judiciary Committee, its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released a joint interim staff report titled, "