It obviously bothers
@iris that I make a shitload of gear and post about it.. The fact that I can brew most all of my gear under 1% of the target concentration is something I am very proud of. I obviously post about it to boast. Obviously
@iris is salty tward me for some reason.. We use to be very good friends and talked multiple times a day for a few months. For whatever reason she decided to unfriend me with no explaination.. I have respected that and let her be.
The Iris I used to know was a very caring and respectful person..To my knowledge I have never disrespected her in any way.. Maybe I weirded her out I'm not sure. Whatever I got over it..
I have stated multiple times I do not sell the gear I make on meso , I do not post about my test and gear I make to promote selling gear on meso.. I have not done any narcotic drugs in over 6 years so I'm not that kind of drug dealer either. What i am is a solid stand up mother fucker!! If my intentions and aspirations was to source my dope on this forum that's exactly what the fuck id do, and I'd hide it from nobody..
One thing I do is hit a son of bitch head on, I dont gossip about people behind their backs and I don't make accusations about people falsely. Further more I could give a fuck what other people have going on cause it's NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSSINESS!
I did make 50 vials of lady cyp 20mg/ml, tested it and privately handed them out to the women of meso (and some I know in discord) 100% for free shipping and all, for valentines day.. I acually send
@Millard a message asking if that was breaking any rules.. He never responded I did it anyway. Honestly like I could give a shit what tag my name has.. like I said if I wanted to use this forum as a place to source my gear for money that's what I'd do. I don't fucking run and I don't fucking hide and I don't cry about wtf other people do or dont!!! I luv all you folks .... even you