Rektest - Death is available log

I ain't slandering.

The posts are there for everyone to see.

Open the dictionary if you don't know what that word means.

I have already stated what I think about you.

And here you are showing us again.
It's slander. You have no proof of him selling here on MesoRX.

I understand you ain't the brightest gal but you should know what the subscriber tag is used for. USERS THAT SELLS ON MESORX.

what one does in his own private life, at home, in his own country it's his own business.

Your attacks are vicious and pathetic, dirthand is one of the most peaceful and kind person around here, always trying to be humble and helps out and never once he has given proof of selling here.

shut your mouth mommy because that is slandering and you better read the dictionary as you are at fault here.
Nope, all I did was voice my displeasure at someone being made fun of by some random loser on a source thread that had nothing to do with him.
Little princess took an emoji amiss and called me mommy.

Bullies, things that are unfair, men that behave like gossiping old ladies.
I don't like it.

And it been about someone else, I would have done the same thing.

No matter what "malice on two legs" aka Sampei says.

I mean, look at the shitshow of 40-50 year old so called men that have piled on in here to continue the bitchfest from the qsc.

Of course, demented narcissist numero Uno could not miss, along Sampei.

Lol, you cannot make stuff like this up.
I literally remember when Sampei was beloved by you. And nothing about him changed. Talk about emotional stability over here… oh wait you can’t hear me. Oh well. Better that way….

It's slander. You have no proof of him selling here on MesoRX.

I understand you ain't the brightest gal but you should know what the subscriber tag is used for. USERS THAT SELLS ON MESORX.

what one does in his own private life, at home, in his own country it's his own business.

Your attacks are vicious and pathetic, dirthand is one of the most peaceful and kind person around here, always trying to be humble and helps out and never once he has given proof of selling here.

shut your mouth mommy because that is slandering and you better read the dictionary as you are at fault here.
Yea that’s right, mommy! Shut it or I’m gonna get @RekTest to rek you!

This is what happens when you haven't seen a dick for more than a decade.

I would rather that than have at home a "husband" that spends his days shagging 20 year old girls and then goes back to his "wife ".

You are so disgusting there isn't even a word for it.

And look at what you are writing to me here.
I have no problem with you whatsoever and have always liked you.

I was just sorry and disappointed to see you join in the with the lame cretins against someone who had, clearly, been in a place of personal vulnerability and doing things along the line of what you had.

It's just that if glpidiot talks about "selective" harm reduction and calls for this kind of thing to get banned, 3hat did he do on your thread?

He is a loser, a coward, a spineless little turd.
If you’re talking about @RekTest I took the piss out of some of the stuff in this thread yeah absolutely, I’m not a child, never behind his back, or personal attacks, I have no problem with him, never spoke to him, guy has a decent physique and we’ve never spoke ?

If he had a problem with me taking the piss he could have messaged and I would have taken them down, I’m not here to look for fights or upset anyone, but I take the piss out of loads of people, I’ve done loads of dumb shit I put out there for people to take the piss out of, come on now, this is a forum of strangers from all different backgrounds, we’re gonna say / do embarrassing, cringey shit sometimes, we’re all adults, we should be able to take the piss out of eachother without getting upset, I’m not a 14 year old mean girl @RekTest if I’ve upset you brother just tell me, we don’t know eachother personally, we’re both adults, we both pay bills, message me if I say something out of line man
@Dirthand mommy is slandering you but doesn't have the balls to tag you.
It obviously bothers @iris that I make a shitload of gear and post about it.. The fact that I can brew most all of my gear under 1% of the target concentration is something I am very proud of. I obviously post about it to boast. Obviously @iris is salty tward me for some reason.. We use to be very good friends and talked multiple times a day for a few months. For whatever reason she decided to unfriend me with no explaination.. I have respected that and let her be.
The Iris I used to know was a very caring and respectful person..To my knowledge I have never disrespected her in any way.. Maybe I weirded her out I'm not sure. Whatever I got over it..
I have stated multiple times I do not sell the gear I make on meso , I do not post about my test and gear I make to promote selling gear on meso.. I have not done any narcotic drugs in over 6 years so I'm not that kind of drug dealer either. What i am is a solid stand up mother fucker!! If my intentions and aspirations was to source my dope on this forum that's exactly what the fuck id do, and I'd hide it from nobody..
One thing I do is hit a son of bitch head on, I dont gossip about people behind their backs and I don't make accusations about people falsely. Further more I could give a fuck what other people have going on cause it's NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSSINESS!
I did make 50 vials of lady cyp 20mg/ml, tested it and privately handed them out to the women of meso (and some I know in discord) 100% for free shipping and all, for valentines day.. I acually send @Millard a message asking if that was breaking any rules.. He never responded I did it anyway. Honestly like I could give a shit what tag my name has.. like I said if I wanted to use this forum as a place to source my gear for money that's what I'd do. I don't fucking run and I don't fucking hide and I don't cry about wtf other people do or dont!!! I luv all you folks .... even you @iris
It obviously bothers @iris that I make a shitload of gear and post about it.. The fact that I can brew most all of my gear under 1% of the target concentration is something I am very proud of. I obviously post about it to boast. Obviously @iris is salty tward me for some reason.. We use to be very good friends and talked multiple times a day for a few months. For whatever reason she decided to unfriend me with no explaination.. I have respected that and let her be.
The Iris I used to know was a very caring and respectful person..To my knowledge I have never disrespected her in any way.. Maybe I weirded her out I'm not sure. Whatever I got over it..
I have stated multiple times I do not sell the gear I make on meso , I do not post about my test and gear I make to promote selling gear on meso.. I have not done any narcotic drugs in over 6 years so I'm not that kind of drug dealer either. What i am is a solid stand up mother fucker!! If my intentions and aspirations was to source my dope on this forum that's exactly what the fuck id do, and I'd hide it from nobody..
One thing I do is hit a son of bitch head on, I dont gossip about people behind their backs and I don't make accusations about people falsely. Further more I could give a fuck what other people have going on cause it's NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSSINESS!
I did make 50 vials of lady cyp 20mg/ml, tested it and privately handed them out to the women of meso (and some I know in discord) 100% for free shipping and all, for valentines day.. I acually send @Millard a message asking if that was breaking any rules.. He never responded I did it anyway. Honestly like I could give a shit what tag my name has.. like I said if I wanted to use this forum as a place to source my gear for money that's what I'd do. I don't fucking run and I don't fucking hide and I don't cry about wtf other people do or dont!!! I luv all you folks .... even you @iris
So you've been diagnosed hypo / autoimmune hypo? What were you under the care of Endo for?

Look forward to seeing the bloodwork. Always include ref ranges when you share bloodwork

Did I miss your answers somewhere?

Damn, come back after a couple days and whoa. I'm guilty myself but Gee Willikers.
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I would rather that than have at home a "husband" that spends his days shagging 20 year old girls and then goes back to his "wife ".

You are so disgusting there isneven a word for it.

And look at what you are writing to me here.

Ouch truth hurts, doesn't it?
You are becoming even more pathetic one post after another :)

You have zero clue of my personal life, my relationship with my wife or anything that is even remotely related to that but keep blabbering it's amusing.

Before trying to take the moral high ground I would remember you to take your anti psychotic meds because it's clear to anyone reading that you having another of your manic episode.

Being alone for so long I know can be painful and clearly your frustration is expressed in lashing out on a forum where you don't even remotely belong.
I wish you to find help and a bit of love in your miserable life.

I mean you ain't even a tranny with a nice cock, that at least would be useful for the guys on tren.
It's slander. You have no proof of him selling here on MesoRX.

I understand you ain't the brightest gal but you should know what the subscriber tag is used for. USERS THAT SELLS ON MESORX.

what one does in his own private life, at home, in his own country it's his own business.

Your attacks are vicious and pathetic, dirthand is one of the most peaceful and kind person around here, always trying to be humble and helps out and never once he has given proof of selling here.

Coda di paglia, huh?
Now you have joined the club, after lovely Narta spoon fed you from a to z and back again.

Check your attitude, you ungrateful, shameless piece of crap.

I have not attacked anyone.

From what one sees, that particular person takes anything, anything that people direct at him as a personal attack and there is a reason for that and for his passive aggression.

Of course there is no "proof".
Such a disingenuous snake.

How many others do you see, in this forum, post pictures of the drugs they sell (outside meso, of course), all over the place, with people asking questions (totally inconsequential, ofc) about it?

You are a hypocrite, just like he is.
Hence playing attorney.

For anyone with eyes, it ain't working
Coda di paglia, huh?
Now you have joined the club, after lovely Narta spoon fed you from a to z and back again.

Check your attitude, you ungrateful, shameless piece of crap.

I have not attacked anyone.

From what one sees, that particular person takes anything, anything that people direct at him as a personal attack and there is a reason for that and for his passive aggression.

Of course there is no "proof".
Such a disingenuous snake.

How many others do you see, in this forum, post pictures of the drugs they sell (outside meso, of course), all over the place, with people asking questions (totally inconsequential, ofc) about it?

You are a hypocrite, just like he is.
Hence playing attorney.

For anyone with eyes, it ain't working


You are a pathetic liar and like to make up stories to stir crap thinking you are the great Sherlock Holmes when in reality you are just CRAZY.

iris contribution to mesoRX.

BELOW 9000 go smear your crap some other place mommy
From what one sees, that particular person takes anything, anything that people direct at him as a personal attack and there is a reason for that and for his passive aggression.
Due elaborate... I'm not scared!!! What part of I DON'T SELL DOPE ON MESO do you not get.. if i did Id say so.. 1 guy on here gets his tne from me.. thats it.. im not a liar. I'm not scared little girl. Just get it off your chest about me , right out in the open. Whatever will give you peace. You were once my friend..have a nice day.
It obviously bothers @iris that I make a shitload of gear and post about it.. The fact that I can brew most all of my gear under 1% of the target concentration is something I am very proud of. I obviously post about it to boast. Obviously @iris is salty tward me for some reason.. We use to be very good friends and talked multiple times a day for a few months. For whatever reason she decided to unfriend me with no explaination.. I have respected that and let her be.
The Iris I used to know was a very caring and respectful person..To my knowledge I have never disrespected her in any way.. Maybe I weirded her out I'm not sure. Whatever I got over it..
I have stated multiple times I do not sell the gear I make on meso , I do not post about my test and gear I make to promote selling gear on meso.. I have not done any narcotic drugs in over 6 years so I'm not that kind of drug dealer either. What i am is a solid stand up mother fucker!! If my intentions and aspirations was to source my dope on this forum that's exactly what the fuck id do, and I'd hide it from nobody..
One thing I do is hit a son of bitch head on, I dont gossip about people behind their backs and I don't make accusations about people falsely. Further more I could give a fuck what other people have going on cause it's NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSSINESS!
I did make 50 vials of lady cyp 20mg/ml, tested it and privately handed them out to the women of meso (and some I know in discord) 100% for free shipping and all, for valentines day.. I acually send @Millard a message asking if that was breaking any rules.. He never responded I did it anyway. Honestly like I could give a shit what tag my name has.. like I said if I wanted to use this forum as a place to source my gear for money that's what I'd do. I don't fucking run and I don't fucking hide and I don't cry about wtf other people do or dont!!! I luv all you folks .... even you @iris

You are a hypocrite and ghastly.

Have you asked your mum to PRAY for your "HOBBY", like you have asked me?

You are so far from Jesus, it's tragic.
Poor Jesus, that his name should be on your lips.
I cannot believe I read that stuff and thought sure, no problem, I will pray.

Fuck me.

Friendship my ass.
You are full of shit and an hypocrite and once I read back your "story" and lacrimose Bs about not caring about money, omg this hobby makes you some friends and keeps you occupied, brilliant stuff, there was no more fooling me.

If the owner here allows you to send free gear to the pool of members that will then become customers, outside of Meso ofc, then yay.

Yes you are not a Meso source.
You just come here to fish for customers, for free.

I do not want to receive any more communication from you, publicly or otherwise.

I am just sorry for Rek that you have come to his thread to pollute it with your bullshit, once again.

Whatever will give you peace

For the last time,

Keep this bullshit for yourself.

I am not a junkie and a drug dealer (or dope, as you call it) like you.

I got plenty of peace.

You will never get it, though, despite chucking the term for fun at people.

Go give your hugs to whichever other woman is hearing about your "story" online, as I am sure you end up in everyone's dms.
she befriend someone call him with multiple nice words and praising him randomly most of the time excessively, then one day something flip in her

A vile cretin, that's what Sampei is @MindlessWork

I did not befriend anyone.
You make it sound like this is something I searched for.


I did not go around asking people to hear about my drug dealing stories.

I only showed understanding, gave time and was amicable (the way I am to anyone who may come to me for help or in need).

You really are as horrendous a person as I figured you are.
If you’re talking about @RekTest I took the piss out of some of the stuff in this thread yeah absolutely, I’m not a child, never behind his back, or personal attacks, I have no problem with him, never spoke to him, guy has a decent physique and we’ve never spoke ?

If he had a problem with me taking the piss he could have messaged and I would have taken them down, I’m not here to look for fights or upset anyone, but I take the piss out of loads of people, I’ve done loads of dumb shit I put out there for people to take the piss out of, come on now, this is a forum of strangers from all different backgrounds, we’re gonna say / do embarrassing, cringey shit sometimes, we’re all adults, we should be able to take the piss out of eachother without getting upset, I’m not a 14 year old mean girl @RekTest if I’ve upset you brother just tell me, we don’t know eachother personally, we’re both adults, we both pay bills, message me if I say something out of line man

No no no

It was not about you.

Please reread what I wrote.

This is not about you.