@iris got mad I called out her pet project, anyone that takes over a gram of tren while fat is an idiot and deserves the clowning, sticking up for them just makes you sound like an idiot. Joins harm reduction forum, ignores all harm reduction advice, get depressed and wants to kill themselves, solid member guys!
The reality is we got more and more young people coming in here and all they care about is results, letting people who openly abuse steroids like that and post their results is sending the wrong message. Those kids aren’t going to read the bad parts, they will just see the results.
Here comes the pompous reddit/glp forum reject, whose moniker defines the only gifts nature has bestowed on him are an uncontrollable appetite, only tamed by Eli's or Novo's miraculous interventions, and an outstanding cowardice.
You mock me and OP, goading others to do the same, denigrate and criticise him but have never done so, right here where he writes.
You do it hidden away in the comfort of your fave glp source, the now defunct QSC.
That place fits you to a T.
But since you are so aghast at what he does, why not come here and confront him about being fat, on tren, stupid and dangerous?
Answer: because you are a lame, poisonous keyboard warrior, with zero to show for it.
First of all, I am nobody's mommy, you disrespectful little turd.
Go talk like that to the real life melts that gravitate around you.
They deserve it.
Your mommy did an outrageously bad job: her son is an insufferable, deluded cretin.
Secondly, nobody here is a pet project and, once again, you show yourself for the pathetic, sad untermensch you are.
And nobody condoned, justified or liked what Rek was doing.
You are just being malicious.
Many members (myself included) interacted with Rek out of concern, to provide advice, to share their experience or maybe just out of curiosity.
But never with the spite and meanness that marks what you put on this forum.
You want to look like a little princess but fail. You just don't have it.
Looking at your desperate attempts at grandstanding, one would think you would call for tren to be consigned to its intended recipients (bovine, rather than human).
True harm reduction.
But no.
You castigate others whilst busying yourself microdosing 10mg of tren a week.
Very enlightened and progressive, guys.
It is very likely you are middle aged.
There's that typical envious, old man vibe about you.
Here, there are many men in that age bracket (a fabulous few of those come to mind) who have told us about the excessive and adventurous cycles they ran, in their youth.
They are also still engaged in steroid cycles that, despite not being as intensive, are certainly not what one would call basic/conservative, simple or low dose.
That has never been and would never be your scenario, because you lack the guts and knowledge to do even a fraction of what they have done and do.
Perhaps, the awareness of this inferiority that Meso has exposed for you is also what enhances the natural snotty contempt you are full of.
Judgemental but no backbone.
Now be a good boy and go deal with your tirz fatigue and your glps.
But, in case you are fat, follow your own advice and leave the 10mg of tren alone.
Harm reduction dictates fat people don't take tren.