Rektest - Death is available log

In your particular situation I agree, take it slow and assess the situation, I hope you are able to just use twice a week and enjoy the benefit without any issues

If I can manage eod, and just switch to once a week full dose I'll be very happy, Quartering is a pain, they're never even.

I'm glad the solid doses make this an option at all for me, I always felt Dut would be better, but too much of a risk in my case.

I empathize with the PFS guys. Kept me away from fin for many years before the light bulb went on that this was similar to the experience of the guys who crash E2 with Exemestane, and swear all AIs are the devil after that.
Mommy @iris got mad I called out her pet project, anyone that takes over a gram of tren while fat is an idiot and deserves the clowning, sticking up for them just makes you sound like an idiot. Joins harm reduction forum, ignores all harm reduction advice, get depressed and wants to kill themselves, solid member guys!

The reality is we got more and more young people coming in here and all they care about is results, letting people who openly abuse steroids like that and post their results is sending the wrong message. Those kids aren’t going to read the bad parts, they will just see the results.

Here comes the pompous reddit/glp forum reject, whose moniker defines the only gifts nature has bestowed on him are an uncontrollable appetite, only tamed by Eli's or Novo's miraculous interventions, and an outstanding cowardice.

You mock me and OP, goading others to do the same, denigrate and criticise him but have never done so, right here where he writes.
You do it hidden away in the comfort of your fave glp source, the now defunct QSC.
That place fits you to a T.
But since you are so aghast at what he does, why not come here and confront him about being fat, on tren, stupid and dangerous?
Answer: because you are a lame, poisonous keyboard warrior, with zero to show for it.

First of all, I am nobody's mommy, you disrespectful little turd.
Go talk like that to the real life melts that gravitate around you.
They deserve it.
Your mommy did an outrageously bad job: her son is an insufferable, deluded cretin.

Secondly, nobody here is a pet project and, once again, you show yourself for the pathetic, sad untermensch you are.
And nobody condoned, justified or liked what Rek was doing.
You are just being malicious.

Many members (myself included) interacted with Rek out of concern, to provide advice, to share their experience or maybe just out of curiosity.
But never with the spite and meanness that marks what you put on this forum.
You want to look like a little princess but fail. You just don't have it.

Looking at your desperate attempts at grandstanding, one would think you would call for tren to be consigned to its intended recipients (bovine, rather than human).
True harm reduction.
But no.
You castigate others whilst busying yourself microdosing 10mg of tren a week.
Very enlightened and progressive, guys.

It is very likely you are middle aged.
There's that typical envious, old man vibe about you.

Here, there are many men in that age bracket (a fabulous few of those come to mind) who have told us about the excessive and adventurous cycles they ran, in their youth.
They are also still engaged in steroid cycles that, despite not being as intensive, are certainly not what one would call basic/conservative, simple or low dose.

That has never been and would never be your scenario, because you lack the guts and knowledge to do even a fraction of what they have done and do.
Perhaps, the awareness of this inferiority that Meso has exposed for you is also what enhances the natural snotty contempt you are full of.
Judgemental but no backbone.

Now be a good boy and go deal with your tirz fatigue and your glps.
But, in case you are fat, follow your own advice and leave the 10mg of tren alone.
Harm reduction dictates fat people don't take tren.
Here comes the pompous reddit/glp forum reject, whose moniker defines the only gifts nature has bestowed on him are an uncontrollable appetite, only tamed by Eli's or Novo's miraculous interventions, and an outstanding cowardice.

You mock me and OP, goading others to do the same, denigrate and criticise him but have never done so, right here where he writes.
You do it hidden away in the comfort of your fave glp source, the now defunct QSC.
That place fits you to a T.
But since you are so aghast at what he does, why not come here and confront him about being fat, on tren, stupid and dangerous?
Answer: because you are a lame, poisonous keyboard warrior, with zero to show for it.

First of all, I am nobody's mommy, you disrespectful little turd.
Go talk like that to the real life melts that gravitate around you.
They deserve it.
Your mommy did an outrageously bad job: her son is an insufferable, deluded cretin.

Secondly, nobody here is a pet project and, once again, you show yourself for the pathetic, sad untermensch you are.
And nobody condoned, justified or liked what Rek was doing.
You are just being malicious.

Many members (myself included) interacted with Rek out of concern, to provide advice, to share their experience or maybe just out of curiosity.
But never with the spite and meanness that marks what you put on this forum.
You want to look like a little princess but fail. You just don't have it.

Looking at your desperate attempts at grandstanding, one would think you would call for tren to be consigned to its intended recipients (bovine, rather than human).
True harm reduction.
But no.
You castigate others whilst busying yourself microdosing 10mg of tren a week.
Very enlightened and progressive, guys.

It is very likely you are middle aged.
There's that typical envious, old man vibe about you.

Here, there are many men in that age bracket (a fabulous few of those come to mind) who have told us about the excessive and adventurous cycles they ran, in their youth.
They are also still engaged in steroid cycles that, despite not being as intensive, are certainly not what one would call basic/conservative, simple or low dose.

That has never been and would never be your scenario, because you lack the guts and knowledge to do even a fraction of what they have done and do.
Perhaps, the awareness of this inferiority that Meso has exposed for you is also what enhances the natural snotty contempt you are full of.
Judgemental but no backbone.

Now be a good boy and go deal with your tirz fatigue and your glps.
But, in case you are fat, follow your own advice and leave the 10mg of tren alone.
Harm reduction dictates fat people don't take tren.
Ok mommy, not reading your wall of text. Maybe try responding in the thread I made the comment in next time. Oh right you didn’t because you would get flamed for this stupid comment.
Ok mommy, not reading your wall of text. Maybe try responding in the thread I made the comment in next time. Oh right you didn’t because you would get flamed for this stupid comment.

Yeah, everything is too much effort with your tirz fatigue.

Coward shit.

I "got mad" because I gave you an emoji, objecting to you making fun of someone.
And here we are.

Who is the one with the thin skin.
Yeah, everything is too much effort with your tirz fatigue.

Coward shit.

I "got mad" because I gave you an emoji, objecting to you making fun of someone.
And here we are.

Who is the one with the thin skin.
Says the person who wouldn’t even post in the q thread lmao. I’ve been living rent free in your head for weeks, it’s a beautiful thing. How do you imagine me? Draw me like one of your French boys?
Says the person who wouldn’t even post in the q thread lmao. I’ve been living rent free in your head for weeks, it’s a beautiful thing. How do you imagine me? Draw me like one of your French boys?

Oh I just did, girl.

Deluded retard.

Are you such a shit because you are a short person?
Reposting here since @iris was too much of a coward to respond to my comment here where I originally made the comment. Thought it was funny as fuck. Love angry walls of text, keep em coming.

I’ve been living rent free in her head this whole time since I made that comment a while back

Not at all.
Shameless idiot.
You are the one, mocking and posting bs about someone with a log, on a dead source thread that has never had anything to do with him.

And I am the coward.

I hope the viagra riddled crowd comes to give you a few thumbs up, since my reaction to your post was what "made you mad".

Useless, gutless, ignorant homunculus.

You wish.

I just had way better things to do than reply to the vomit you post.

On a dead source thread, where you keep hiding.
Like I said, it's the perfect spot for you, in the company of the dumbass you have just replied to
Says the person who wouldn’t even post in the q thread lmao. I’ve been living rent free in your head for weeks, it’s a beautiful thing. How do you imagine me? Draw me like one of your French boys?
Brother, your the biggest pussy, you linked my log, off topic, in a random thread to “call me out” , instead of coming here and saying stuff to my face. You dont even realize why she pulled your comment here.

Lol just lol
Brother, your the biggest pussy, you linked my log, off topic, in a random thread to “call me out” , instead of coming here and saying stuff to my face. You dont even realize why she pulled your comment here.

Lol just lol

I did call him a retard and a coward for a reason.

He just went back to the qsc thread to get thumbs up from the other lame, middle aged dumbass.
More insults, over there.
Not here.
The glp-viagra crowd awaits eagerly, there.

You realise all this started because I put a flipping emoji to his post linking your thread, there.

I mean, if this is not short man syndrome, idk.
Or maybe micro penis to match the 10mg tren microdosing.
Whatever it is, something is there.

Now he is even complaining at the delay of my reply.

Tuna fucking melt.
Brother, your the biggest pussy, you linked my log, off topic, in a random thread to “call me out” , instead of coming here and saying stuff to my face. You dont even realize why she pulled your comment here.

Lol just lol
Okay I’ll say it to your face just didn’t seem worth engaging with someone as dumb as you. You’re a fucking idiot for running gear at the amount you did. You assumed a grip of sides for no reason and your psychology is fucked taking about wanting to die all the time. Your whole thread is cringe af. If the admins here cared about harm reduction they would have banned your crazy ass, but seems they kept you around so they could laugh at you lmao
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Okay I’ll say it to your face just didn’t seem worth engaging with someone as dumb as you.
And yet you did.
On the qsc thread.

Seriously, tell us.
Where does all this acid bitch in you come from?
There is always a reason why a grown man behaves like you do

You’re a fucking idiot for running gear at the amount you did. You assumed a grip of sides for no reason and your psychology is fucked taking about wanting to die all the time. Your whole thread is cringe af. If the admins here cared about harm reduction they would have banned your crazy ass, but seems they kept you around so they could laugh at you lmao

Let's ask them, shall we?

Go ahead and tag the owner, Mr Millard, since you mention him.

Go on, coward.

What were you saying about teaching the qsc glp/viagra crowd like yourself about
"Inconsistent views around harm reduction"?

Where are those inconsistent views you keep mentioning that people have displayed towards OP on this thread?

Since you are teaching us all a lesson (including the owner), you had no issue with this (from someone who, OF ALL PEOPLE and to my utter disappointment, joined in your qsc goading session.
Yes, Cereal Masturbator, you of all people.
I can understand it coming from this puny coward, but you? When nobody insulted you for what you have been doing, which was the same and worse).

This stuff is not cringe af and therefore bannable.

Your reaction to it was as follows:
Ngl that sounds miserable

The true Meso advocate of harm reduction, even admins gets scolded by you for their inadequate performance.

On a pretty high dosage of tren right now, of course had the mandatory argument with the girlfriend Monday night, sleeping on the couch. I’m 6”0 like 285lbs right now and sleeping on a small 3 seater sofa, that mixed with the tren has made sleep nearly impossible. Only logical decision take a zopiclone, have a wank and fall sleep. Anyway I get distracted and stay up for a while, zopiclone has started to make me feel funny because it’s kicked in but I’m still awake. Call it self sabotage, call it the tren ? I decided to take 5 more and a cialis, get really hazy and have a massive wank. Lie down on the coach start loading up the filthiest pornography know to man ….. BAM woken up by a screaming girlfriend, 2 hours late for work, phone next to me displaying borderline criminal activity’s. Dick is still in hand, never got to have my wank. Curtains are open life’s ruined. What a start to a Monday lads, I wish you alll a better week.

Haha I won’t give a specific but I’m currently experimenting in the ball park of 2G’s

Ah no, still on the couch, still on tren and currently actually trying to brew a tren ace / TNE blend to cut down injections per day ! Making the most of my time here haha

Brother tell me you’re talking about that death is available shit, I can’t read more that 5 posts of that shit without physically cringing

10MG a day son ?
10MG a day ?
You’re using it to try and coax a teenage girl through puberty brother ?
Break up with the wife
say goodbye to the children
Rent a room at a local motel (cheaper the better, won’t look the same when you leave anyway)
Fill up that syringe
Dedicate your whole life to this drug and getting swole
Neglect nutrition completely, you’re on tren, it will make up for it
Look like you barely work out and cry every time you walk past a full lengh mirror

Cycle done

You mean to say bro didn’t REALLY feel 10MG within minutes and couldn’t control his erection or undressing girls

…. So he’s just a pervert then ?

150MG tren ace
200MG tren E
40MG inj superdrol (split am and Pre WO)
250MG sust

60IU lantus
2X 15IU novorapid
1X 10IU novorapid
400-800MCG IGF-DES intra workout
10MG cialis
Had a little time cruising on a lower dosage, lower food, less training, now turning things back to 100%, time to get swole

Come on now, tag the owner.

Report them both.

And all the others that are posting about the insane amount of drugs they take.
This is a harm reduction forum, you say, yes?

And, since you are at it, complain about the drug dealer without subscription tag plastering pictures of his gear all over the place, including source threads, even posting jano tests of the crap he makes, there.
Just for fun, of course.
But you may be told to go mind your own business, as obviously there is no business whatsoever to mind.
And yet you did.
On the qsc thread.

Seriously, tell us.
Where does all this acid bitch in you come from?
There is always a reason why a grown man behaves like you do

Let's ask them, shall we?

Go ahead and tag the owner, Mr Millard, since you mention him.

Go on, coward.

What were you saying about teaching the qsc glp/viagra crowd like yourself about
"Inconsistent views around harm reduction"?

Where are those inconsistent views you keep mentioning that people have displayed towards OP on this thread?

Since you are teaching us all a lesson (including the owner), you had no issue with this (from someone who, OF ALL PEOPLE and to my utter disappointment, joined in your qsc goading session.
Yes, Cereal Masturbator, you of all people.
I can understand it coming from this puny coward, but you? When nobody insulted you for what you have been doing, which was the same and worse).

This stuff is not cringe af and therefore bannable.

Your reaction to it was as follows:

The true Meso advocate of harm reduction, even admins gets scolded by you for their inadequate performance.

Come on now, tag the owner.

Report them both.

An all the others that are posting about the insane amount of drugs they take.
This is a harm reduction forum.

And, since you are at it, complain about the drug dealer without subscription tag plastering pictures of his gear all over the threads, including source threads, even posting jano tests of the crap he makes, there.
Just for fun, of course.
But you may be told to go mind your own business, as obviously there is no business whatsoever to mind.
You wrote all that and I’m not even going to read any of it, like I said, rent free
And, since you are at it, complain about the drug dealer without subscription tag plastering pictures of his gear all over the place, including source threads, even posting jano tests of the crap he makes, there.
Just for fun, of course.
But you may be told to go mind your own business, as obviously there is no business whatsoever to mind.
@Dirthand mommy is slandering you but doesn't have the balls to tag you.