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Whats up fellow pioneers


New Member
New to the thread, been watching and lurking for about a year now, the reason I'm on here is to gain as much knowlege as possible before I ride the bike for the first time, cant wait to feel that ass sorness(no homo). Does putting no homo make it homo? Any way here be the stats

Age- 20 turning 21 in june.
Weight- 157 and lean bulking
Height- 5'8 ish maybe 5'9
Bf 10% give or take
Experience- 5 years of lifting.

Did 3 years in a juvinille prison so the only thing to do was work out and read, I remeber when I was 14 I had a weight bench in my room and slept on a mat on the ground then when I was incarcerated at 16 I was like shit ive been doing this haha, used to be 185 lbs but you know the diet was shit in jail so mostly fat and water, been on a cut for about 6 months so im probably way lower than 10% but I dont like to brag or lie, caloric intake as of two weeks ago is 3,500 calories, with 2 protien shakes a day. My body type is meso morph so I should start gaining nicley here pretty soon. Also used to run my own marathons just for shits and giggles so that kept me more on the slider side.
Hope to get some feed back from you oldies like I said

And all the others who ive yet to have stalked haha.

P.s Gonna be homebrewing as well but down the line so if I dissapear and a new source pops up lol
I am only good for brewing questions. The rest i leave for the professionals, lol. Oh, and saying no homo just makes it less fun.
Feel free to hit me up anytime bro. I can only offer my true experience. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Good luck bro
Age- 20 turning 21 in june.
Weight- 157 and lean bulking
Height- 5'8 ish maybe 5'9
Bf 10% give or take
Make sure you build a solid base before using anything.

I work with a younger kid who's still in high school, he follows the diet and training perfectly and focused on sleep. Took him from 160 to 193lbs over the past year and still just as lean.

Get your diet dialed in exact, focus on intense short workouts and alot of sleep/recovery time. You'll grow fast
What's up guys, been in the shadows for a while still training natural, weighing 180 or so. Just put in my first order for the sauce hopefully I get it next week or the following. I'll be adding pics and updated stats in the next week or so as well. Maybe I'll post in the cycle fourm and keep it updated. Hope everyone is well with all this crazy shit going on.