Irregular heartbeat

Had this happen randomly over the last couple years. Every time I made an appt with the cardiologist, by the time I got there, it resolved. 3 times with holter monitors for a week. Complete cardio work ups, including nuke stress. Never could get them recorded. Finally after 2 of the previous 3 days of it, I went to the ER last night……PVCs(premature ventricular contractions). Apparently they’re “harmless.” Anyone else suffer from these? They don’t feel harmless. Skipped beats followed by a slam. They’re disconcerting. I took metaprolol several times this last couple days and it makes a difference. I asked the ER DR last night for Nebivolol, he gave me a fucking antihistamine. I was informed nothing can be done for it. Wondering if anyone else gets these and how they manage, if so.
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Had this happen randomly over the last couple years. Every time I made an appt with the cardiologist, by the time I got there, it resolved. 3 times with holter monitors for a week. Complete cardio work ups, including nuke stress. Never could get them recorded. Finally after 2 of the previous 3 days of it, I went to the ER last night……PVCs(premature ventricles contractions). Apparently they’re “harmless.” Anyone else suffer from these? They don’t feel harmless. Skipped beats followed by a slam. They’re disconcerting. I took metaprolol several times this last couple days and it makes a difference. I asked the ER DR last night for Nebivolol, he gave me a fucking antihistamine. I was informed nothing can be done for it. Wondering if anyone else gets these and how they manage, if so.
How often are the PVCs occurring?

I understand how this feels and know it can be extremely bothersome. PVCs for a bit then went into AFIB in 2020 (ER, came out) and took me a long time to recover mentally and get it all back under control / knock on wood. Right now best thing I can tell you is don't let your mind make it all worse (easier said than done I know).

Your thyroid (TSH, fT3, fT4) numbers ok?

Recent or current AAS use?

Thyroid meds? You wouldn't happen to be running 50 mcg/day T3 with no T4 would you?
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How often are the PVCs occurring?

I understand how this feels and know it can be extremely bothersome. Went into AFIB in 2020 (came out) and took me a long time to recover mentally and get it all back under control knock on wood. Right now best thing I can tell you is don't let your mind make it all worse (easier said than done I know).

Your thyroid (TSH, fT3, fT4) numbers ok?
Recent or current AAS use?
All the labs came back normal. Don’t think they ran thyroid, last thyroid labs were fine(December). Last night PVCs were somewhat frequent, alarm for dual PVC and PVC/min went off a couple times. Right now they’re infrequent. It will randomly resolve and not not happen again for months or even over a year. Most concerning was failing to get a diagnosis over the course of years. I’m making a cardiologist appt, try to get some Nebivolol, was about to buy some from India, regardless. Thanks, man.
All the labs came back normal. Don’t think they ran thyroid, last thyroid labs were fine(December). Last night PVCs were somewhat frequent, alarm for dual PVC and PVC/min went off a couple times. Right now they’re infrequent. It will randomly resolve and not not happen again for months or even over a year. Most concerning was failing to get a diagnosis over the course of years. I’m making a cardiologist appt, try to get some Nebivolol, was about to buy some from India, regardless. Thanks, man.
Hey I wish you the best. Definitely make sure you get the TSH, fT4, fT3. They should of told you if they picked up arrythmia that may have been there since birth (branch block, etc). I was in the same boat with infrequent PVCs and short bursts of SVT. Then I stupidly ran ND a couple of times.

Great you are going to get checked out with cardiologist.
Hey I wish you the best. Definitely make sure you get the TSH, fT4, fT3. They should of told you if they picked up arrythmia that may have been there since birth (branch block, etc). I was in the same boat with infrequent PVCs and short bursts of SVT. Then I stupidly ran ND a couple of times.

Great you are going to get checked out with cardiologist.
For my own edification, “nd,” just so I don’t accidentally run something that aggravates it is what? Yeah, I’ve been done running stims of any kind, really, for years. Calcium score of 571, too, so, I’m thinking of running telmisartan(I have a bunch), some Nebivolol, and jardiance seems to be the new meathead heart/kidney hotness.
For my own edification, “nd,” just so I don’t accidentally run something that aggravates it is what? Yeah, I’ve been done running stims of any kind, really, for years. Calcium score of 571, too, so, I’m thinking of running telmisartan(I have a bunch), some Nebivolol, and jardiance seems to be the new meathead heart/kidney hotness.
Nandrolone decanoate
Seems skipping beats i relatively normal. Just depends on how often and to what degree from my reading.
How often are the PVCs occurring?

I understand how this feels and know it can be extremely bothersome. PVCs for a bit then went into AFIB in 2020 (ER, came out) and took me a long time to recover mentally and get it all back under control / knock on wood. Right now best thing I can tell you is don't let your mind make it all worse (easier said than done I know).

Your thyroid (TSH, fT3, fT4) numbers ok?

Recent or current AAS use?

Thyroid meds? You wouldn't happen to be running 50 mcg/day T3 with no T4 would you?
Can you expand on running t3 without t4? I currently take t3 year round, 25-50 mics without t4.
Can you expand on running t3 without t4? I currently take t3 year round, 25-50 mics without t4.

Sorry for member firewall. Quick sign up and where a lot of my posts are buried.

Careful with the T3 mono. Watch your serum TSH, fT3, fT4. My fT4 sunk below range and TSH continued to climb. Pretty sure it contributed to my AFIB. If your thyroid and heart are fine then maybe not a huge deal. But if you have even subclinical hypothyroidism and have underlying arrythmia it may be risky. Another guy on here posted same thing after a while on T3 mono IIRC, AFIB city.

Anyway I got lots of compliments in the ambulance on the way to ER. Be careful.

Sorry for member firewall. Quick sign up and where a lot of my posts are buried.

Careful with the T3 mono. Watch your serum TSH, fT3, fT4. My fT4 sunk below range and TSH continued to climb. Pretty sure it contributed to my AFIB. If your thyroid and heart are fine then maybe not a huge deal. But if you have even subclinical hypothyroidism and have underlying arrythmia it may be risky. Another guy on here posted same thing after a while on T3 mono IIRC, AFIB city.

Anyway I got lots of compliments in the ambulance on the way to ER. Be careful.
Thank you for the detailed response. These are the kinds of things that can be life changing to know. I will adjust my protocol, and lower the t3 and add in t4. Thank you.
@PaintDrinker a summary post with many links. I ended up spending about a year on SSRI to reset my brain to not panic with arrythmia. In all the AFIB ended up costing me about 2.5 years to really mentally recover. Good news is I am good now knock on wood. Disclaimer: I have Hashimotos so my experience may not be applicable at all to you. Just want to help someone avoid all the crap I went through if I can. Currently I take a much more physiologic ratio of T4 to T3.
Best wishes.

Edit: whoops here's the link

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Sure. It is no fun and took me a while to recover mentally. Track TSH, fT4, fT3. Do you have baseline numbers? Euthyroid?
My TSH was very low for a very long time, decided to start t3 without supervision and honestly immediately felt better. But now I’m concerned about having 0 t4 in my system. I’ll have to go back and check the numbers but absolutely hypothyroidism.
I can't even believe that not a single person had anything to say about COVID on this matter. I have them now and pretty sure its AFIB. I also know a few more people, older to 30ish, that have them too. Mine is strange in that I can get off the elliptical after a whole hour registering 1000 cals burned and then it only kicks in once i start to drink water and rehydrate. Very strange... I suspect that many folks would notice them too if they were only stressing themselves athletically... and FYI sometimes they just start in the middle of a workout. On those occasions its almost like the more I strain muscles then something gets released that causes it to happen. IT HAS MADE ME LEAVE THE GYM ONCE OR TWICE...
I used to get these lot. Skipped beat, followed by a big one and it would always make me cough after. For whatever reason I have not had them in some time now and I have not changed anything.
Had this happen randomly over the last couple years. Every time I made an appt with the cardiologist, by the time I got there, it resolved. 3 times with holter monitors for a week. Complete cardio work ups, including nuke stress. Never could get them recorded. Finally after 2 of the previous 3 days of it, I went to the ER last night……PVCs(premature ventricular contractions). Apparently they’re “harmless.” Anyone else suffer from these? They don’t feel harmless. Skipped beats followed by a slam. They’re disconcerting. I took metaprolol several times this last couple days and it makes a difference. I asked the ER DR last night for Nebivolol, he gave me a fucking antihistamine. I was informed nothing can be done for it. Wondering if anyone else gets these and how they manage, if so.
I’ve had a rhythm issues since I was in high school. I had this exact problem figuring out what it was.. It was tough to catch on an even a halter monitor. After ER visit three it came back as afib. I decided to go ahead and get ablation and eight years later I’ve had maybe one or two outbreaks I thought was afib but it’s been great.

I still get those pvc’s and pac’s that can really make it a tough day. Mine get almost back to back, really uncomfortable.

Hope you feel better!
I used to get these lot. Skipped beat, followed by a big one and it would always make me cough after. For whatever reason I have not had them in some time now and I have not changed anything.
Yeah, I don’t actually cough, but, when they’re frequent, I get the feeling of needing to cough. Yes, I’ll go months, sometimes over a year without it happening, then just pops up. Sometimes goes away in a day. These last 2 episodes were 2 weeks, then nothing for 3 weeks, then 3 weeks again. Nothing for about 2 weeks now.


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