Pharmacom labs BAD

Send one lab result to back your claims

Not a great history.

Pharmacom labs has been an awful experience with little to know response for information and taking their stuff has me only in pain not even wanting to move out of bed. I have a lot of inflammation and discomfort. Wasted money. I’m going to try QSC I hear good things ps I order test p with tren ace stack idk if the stuff was even legit
I'm running Pharmacom gear right now, and the quality is excellent just as it has been since I first used them 8 years ago.
Pharmacom labs has been an awful experience with little to know response for information and taking their stuff has me only in pain not even wanting to move out of bed. I have a lot of inflammation and discomfort. Wasted money. I’m going to try QSC I hear good things ps I order test p with tren ace stack idk if the stuff was even legit
Some questions for you:

1) Where did you buy it?

2) You said you have no response, but from whom are you talking about; who did you try to contact?

3) What is your accusation?

4) and, what evidence do you have to support your claims?

5) Are you allergic to EO?
Pharmacom Labs carrier oil formula is GSO with a small 5 to 10% EO (this information can be confirmed on the official Pharmacom Labs site under the "Innovations" section).

If the products are so bad, how do you explain the thousands of customers world-wide, including many here on MESO, that used the products without problems?

Pharmacom Labs has been around for nearly 20 years now -- no source would last that long is their products weren't good.
A great many customers, enough to support a business this long, keep coming back to buy again and again or the brand would be out of business long ago.
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Some questions for you:

1) Where did you buy it?

2) You said you have no response, but from whom are you talking about; who did you try to contact?

3) What is your accusation?

4) and, what evidence do you have to support your claims?

5) Are you allergic to EO?
Pharmacom Labs carrier oil formula is GSO with a small 5 to 10% EO (this information can be confirmed on the official Pharmacom Labs site under the "Innovations" section).

If the products are so bad, how do you explain the thousands of customers world-wide, including many here on MESO, that used the products without problems?

Pharmacom Labs has been around for nearly 20 years now -- no source would last that long is their products weren't good.
A great many customers, enough to support a business this long, keep coming back to buy again and again or the brand would be out of business long ago.
Thank you for replying. I am interested if this person takes the time to respond to your questions appropriately.
Feelz report. Thanks for your honesty. Doesn't count unfortunately.
I'll leave that to others to determine for themselves.

Since my data is objective, I'm not sure why "feelz" would be appropriate. Particularly in my case, I took 3 years off from lifting. My strength is up significantly versus being on TRT alone.
Send one lab result to back your claims
there is a strange phenomenon in recent years of para-social relationships and consumers defending companies , as if they are the slave allowed in the house.
why are you defending a source?

you believe a source who has an interest in making money, more than other users just like you? (by the way, they all have more experience with gear and sources than you)

you're new to all this, let me make this clear, these people make money from us, we don't owe them anything other than payment for our order, They aren't doing us a favor by selling us gear. We pay them. They are anonymous people from all around the world, taking anonymous crypto payments, breaking laws to sell us products and making more money than most people on this forum.

Why you yourself. would be defensive on behalf of a source, asking another user to "back claims" is extremely bizarre and you are a perfect example of what I described in my comment.

Why are you giving these anonymous drug dealers the benefit of the doubt more than the consumer?

this is not how this works
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I'll leave that to others to determine for themselves.

Since my data is objective, I'm not sure why "feelz" would be appropriate. Particularly in my case, I took 3 years off from lifting. My strength is up significantly versus being on TRT alone.
Because on a scientific basic you don't have the experimental negative control to rule out other factors (placebo, changes to diet, training, etc.) besides the effect studied (here the Pharmacom product). Glad you are back at it and not being disrespectful.

An objective/quantitative test would be HPLC assay on the product.
Update turns out I had a poor injection which led to the inflammation and discomfort also choose my delt which not good spot for me. Pharmacom responses are around 24hrs to 48hrs time make of that as you however not a waste of money I was wrong however I can’t edit my old post ps have a Dr administer your injections if possible completely better outcome. Still waiting on results however you know a place to test if the gears quality lmk below
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Update turns out I had a poor injection which led to the inflammation and discomfort also choose my delt which not good spot for me. Pharmacom responses are around 24hrs to 48hrs time make of that as you however not a waste of money I was wrong however I can’t edit my old post ps have a Dr administer your injections if possible completely better outcome.
So then why make a new thread? Why can't you simply reply to your prior thread??

Maybe think about not doing AAS. You don't sound like you are ready. Be careful.

I actually feel bad for the decent vendors sometimes. Some of their customers should not be customers.
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Reply from OP since he can't seem to figure out how to reply to his own thread.

I don't get it.
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Defending? I see a mistake in 2022 and not a single bad lab here. And complaints of lack of testing.

Seen alot worse fuck ups in meso.

Do they have testing credits?
yes I would consider, you asking me personally to buy their gear, go to the post office, send it to jano, pay the money for testing and then wait to receieve the results and post here, as defending the source.

I would have to lose money on the pharmacom products AND pay $100+ for jano testing

are you even aware that it costs money to test these things?

I have posted comments from years ago, and if you spent time reading through them instead of blindly defending a source you would see a clear pattern here.

Also, defending them by saying

"seen a lot worse fuck ups in meso"

ah ok, that makes it alright then