I'm lying? I'm putting words into your mouth? Alright, if you want to look like a complete ass, you asked for it...
Like you claIming that nolva is outrageously dangerous?
Here, you said "NOLVA is the worst f'n drug you can put in your body. I dont know where this population got the idea to use it, bu tit is a HUGE mistake." And
here, you said "For all you guys that think Nolva is fine for PCT, you might want to read up. That is before you kill your prostate, and yourself. ANYTHING is better than NOLVA!!!"
I was wrong here, so wrong. In fact I am about to incorporate Nolva into my regimen while on cycle.
Like you claiming that clomid is found naturally in the body?
Here, you said "You are much better off with clomid. It is actually a mild form of estrogen... You are really only adding a hormone that is already natural to your body."
Did not mean that one as interpreted, or stated, moving too fast. Again I was pointing out the misnomer that SERMS "act" like estrogen. We are on the same page here conciliator, Stop it.
Like you claiming that SERMS do not have intrinsic agonist properties at the estrogen receptor?
here, you said "FURTHER, it is not acting like an estrogen anywhere. The 'Agonism' comes from the fact that the estrogen remains free to circulate throughout the body still playing its role where is is NOT RECEPTOR DEPENDENT... It is not some function that the Nolva is doing by itself. It is the result of the estrogen that remains aromatized and unchecked. The agonism is a RESULT. The ANTAGONISM IS A RESULT." And
here, you said "The SERMS is not 'signaling the bone' per say. is is the fact that the estrogens are still circulating in the blood thus still allowed to have an effect." You also said "tHE WHOLE description of acting as an estrogen is a verbal misnomer designed for laymen.. The agonism, or ant-agonism is an ACT!!!! and a measured result of what the remained estrogen is allowed to do in the face of the particular drug. Llewelen is simply putting in terms for children like you." And if that wasn't enough,
here you say "I still say they dont 'act like estrogens'/ They either fill receptor slots on different tissues or they don't thus allowing or disallowing estrogen to do its job....."
Like you claiming that PCT has nothing to do with blocking estrogen at the hypothalamus or pituitary?
Talking about SERMS, you said
here that "One point is that the [pituitary] is not directly involved period." And
here you said "Regarding the action and location of [estrogen] receptors. I guess you are now in agreement with me that they are no where near the pituitary?"
If you want, I can list some more dumbass things you've argued. And after you claim I'm putting words in your mouth, I'll shove your own words into your mouth like I did here.