My fuck the world cycle progress

Looking good bro.

If you were tan (or black) you'd look even more ridiculously large. You live underground or something? You a vampire?:D
Looking great but you need to bring up your traps, your upper chest and your forearms asap bro.

which is exactly why i dont feel like im big, i bust my ass for those, i barley train delts and yet they continue to grow.
My shoulders grow fast and so do my traps and my back and this gives me a really wide look which i love! Despite i have freaky peaks to my biceps, my triceps don't seem to grow easily for some reason.

Well, let me put this better, they do grow and respond to training very well, but get involved in anything i do so i am kinda overtraining them...

I think you have a career in Vince McMahon's organization if you have any physical talent to go with your showmanship......:popcorn:
Why no pics of the legs ever KBD? Show us the trunks! haha. Don't be worried if you don't think they're big enough. You may need some work in that area. I found that once my legs started to get really big, the rest of my body followed.
looking're ur legs coming along healing-wise?

I see what you're doing here Jeton---

"well what about the back of your legs kbd??:popcorn:"

"no no, I mean more in the hamstring area:drooling:"

"ya, that's it, just a little higher, my hubby taught me about anatomy, just let me see the glute one time"

[:o)][:o)]You're not fooling anyone Jeton....