My fuck the world cycle progress

I see what you're doing here Jeton---

"well what about the back of your legs kbd??:popcorn:"

"no no, I mean more in the hamstring area:drooling:"

"ya, that's it, just a little higher, my hubby taught me about anatomy, just let me see the glute one time"

[:o)][:o)]You're not fooling anyone Jeton....

Lol jesus christ
Why no pics of the legs ever KBD? Show us the trunks! haha. Don't be worried if you don't think they're big enough. You may need some work in that area. I found that once my legs started to get really big, the rest of my body followed.

he posted pics weeks ago, they weren't bad at all, just not proportional to his upper bod.

I see what you're doing here Jeton---
"well what about the back of your legs kbd??:popcorn:"
"no no, I mean more in the hamstring area:drooling:"
"ya, that's it, just a little higher, my hubby taught me about anatomy, just let me see the glute one time"
[:o)][:o)]You're not fooling anyone Jeton....

:D that's cute, but ur talking about a very teenage scheme. i have waaay too much sex to scheme, been that way for almost 20 years now. it's ok, i understand if ur gay seduction technique is amateur-hour, u just need more practice! ;)

Im starting to think KBD is building a house on stilts.LOL

nah he described real injuries n if they aint healed it would be foolish to work them too hard.

Lol jesus christ

relax dude, rest assured that if i ever make a pass at u it will be extremely forward and explicit, i don't leave guys guessing. until then, take my posts at face value bcuz i'm a very blunt person, which should be obvious by now.

btw, u never did answer the question: how r ur legs doing? u working them at all? someone had suggested low-weight/hi-reps/deep motion range leg extensions to maintain some size n avoid joint stress...u ever follow any of that?
You all wanna see my ass? Ill post it up on here i dont give a fuck lol.

i, having already seen ur ass since u posted it a coupla weeks ago, actually wanna know more about how ur leg injury (knee, was it?) is doing, bcuz i have/had several similarities to ur situation: chipped cartilage and hi-dosage t/deca/drol 650/400/100 (t + deca started 10 days ago, drol today) ...thanks to the deca my recently injured wrist feels alot better, tho my knee still hurts in heavy squats, n i'm curious to know if u've pushed ur legs yet n if ur deca use seems to have helped at all.
i, having already seen ur ass since u posted it a coupla weeks ago, actually wanna know more about how ur leg injury (knee, was it?) is doing, bcuz i have/had several similarities to ur situation: chipped cartilage and hi-dosage t/deca/drol 650/400/100 (t + deca started 10 days ago, drol today) ...thanks to the deca my recently injured wrist feels alot better, tho my knee still hurts in heavy squats, n i'm curious to know if u've pushed ur legs yet n if ur deca use seems to have helped at all.

Just started deca last week bro, it wont kick that quick