There is a new product on the horizona that is supposedly better than HCG


New Member
The product is called Gonadorelin

The pharmaceutical rep at APS where I buy my product sent me the following email regarding the differences between GnRH and HCG.
Gonadorelin- Suggested dosing 500mcg per day – ( we are compounding a 15mg vial for $45.00)
HCG is used in HRT medicine to stimulate the testis' production of Testosterone via the Leydig cells. HCG is chemically similar to LH/FSH in male patients, however it is not bioidentical. Gonadorelin is chemically equal to gonadotroin releasing hormone which stimulates the pituitary to produce more LH/FSH, which then in turn stimulates the Testis to produce testosterone fully restoring the HPTA (Hypothalamus--->Pituitary--->Testicular Axis). There is some evidence that HCg stimulates intratesticular estradiol which is very "toxic" to the cells within the testes, therefore possibly promoting primary hypogonadism or at least desensitization of LH/FSH within the Leydig cells leading to a case similar to secondary hypogonadism.

For use in PCT therapies and HPTA restoration protocols, gonadorelin may certainly prove to be a superior medication than HCg in male patients and will provide in the least a bioidentical option for axis recovery.

Please have doctor write script as follows:

Gonadorelin 15mg vial
Suggested Directions: inject 500mcg daily.
...sorry bro, but it's not a new product, and do to the pulsatile nature of GnRH, Gonadorelin (aka Lutrepulse; aka Factrel) is not going to work for our TRT/HRT (or even PCT) purposes.

Currently, it's use is limited to infertile women, works to induce ovulation -- or in hypogonadal men, as an 'testing' agent for use in evaluating their hypo-pit-gonad function...hebs
I comment on a separate thread about rhLH. On the thread, I believe I include the following study between hCG and rhLH (Cailleux-Bounacer et al.). One of the primary differences is the half-life, which makes use of rhLH unwieldy and problematic. Interestingly, the abstract following (Handelsman et al.), concludes, "Effective rhLH doping, which relies on a sustained increases in endogenous T, would require much higher and more frequent daily rhLH doses." Add the cost to this and hCG is the hands down choice.

Cailleux-Bounacer A, Reznik Y, Cauliez B, Menard JF, Duparc C, Kuhn JM. Evaluation of endocrine testing of Leydig cell function using extractive and recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin and different doses of recombinant human LH in normal men. Eur J Endocrinol 2008;159(2):171-8. Evaluation of endocrine testing of Leydig cell function using extractive and recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin and different doses of recombinant human LH in normal men -- Cailleux-Bounacer et al. 159 (2): 171 -- European Journal of Endocrinol

BACKGROUND: The functional testing of endocrine testis uses extractive human chorionic gonadotropin (ehCG). Recombinant human hCG (rhCG), avoiding any contamination, should replace ehCG. Moreover, a functional evaluation with recombinant human LH (rhLH) would be closer to physiology than a pharmacological testing with hCG.

METHODS: The study was conducted in normal men. We first evaluated the dose-effect of ehCG on plasma testosterone and estradiol levels, before and after injection of either hCG or vehicle. Secondly, the responses to the optimal dose of ehCG were compared with those of rhCG. Thirdly, we investigated the dose-effect of rhLH, on steroid hormone secretion. LH, testosterone, and estradiol plasma levels were measured after the injection of either rhLH or placebo.

RESULTS: ehCG induced dose-dependent increases in plasma estradiol and testosterone levels. They respectively peaked at 24 and 72 h after the injection. The most potent dose of ehCG (5000 IU) induced results similar to those observed with 250 microg (6500 IU) rhCG. By comparison with placebo, rhLH induced a significant and dose-dependent increase in plasma testosterone levels 4 h after the injection. Peak response of testosterone to rhLH and rhCG was significantly correlated. rhLH did not induce significant change in plasma estradiol level.

CONCLUSIONS: In normal men, a single i.v. injection of 150 IU rhLH induces a 25% rise in plasma testosterone levels by comparison with placebo. At the moment, the dynamic evaluation using hCG remains the gold standard test to explore the Leydig cell function. The use of 250 microg rhCG avoiding any contamination should be recommended.

Handelsman DJ, Goebel C, Idan A, Jimenez M, Trout G, Kazlauskas R. Effects of recombinant human LH and hCG on serum and urine LH and androgens in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2009;71(3):417-28.

CONTEXT: The administration of gonadotrophins is prohibited in sport but the effect in men of recently available recombinant hCG and LH on serum and urine concentrations of gonadotrophins and androgens has not been systematically evaluated in the antidoping context.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the time-course of recombinant LH (rhLH) and hCG (rhCG) on blood and urine hormone profiles in men to develop effective tests to detect rhLH and rhCG doping.

DESIGN: Two randomized controlled studies with a 2 x 2 factorial design.

SETTING: Academic research centre.

PARTICIPANTS: Healthy male volunteers aged 18-45 years.

INTERVENTIONS: In the rhLH study, men were randomized into (i) either of two single doses of rhLH (75 IU or 225 IU), and (ii) suppression of endogenous LH and testosterone by nandrolone or no suppression. In the rhCG study, men were randomized into (i) either of two single doses of rhCG (250 or 750 microg), and (ii) suppression of endogenous LH and testosterone by nandrolone decanoate (ND) or no suppression. ND suppression comprised a single dose of 200 mg ND 3 days prior to, and in the rhCG study an additional dose 1 day after gonadotrophin injection.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum and urine hCG, LH, T, T : LH ratio, urine epitestosterone (E) and urine T : E ratio. RESULTS: Neither rhLH dose produced a significant increase in serum or urine LH or T or in the T : E or T : LH ratios regardless of ND-induced suppression of endogenous LH and T. Nor did an even higher dose (750 IU) in three healthy men with unsuppressed gonadal axis. These findings were confirmed with two different commercial LH immunoassays together with adjustment for any influence of urine sediment and dilution. Both rhCG doses produced a steep, dose-proportional increase in serum and urine hCG with increases in serum and urine T and suppression of serum and urine LH, regardless of hCG dose. Serum but not urine T was lowered by ND suppression. The T : LH ratio showed a progressive increase unrelated to rhCG dose or ND suppression, whereas both rhCG and ND suppression minimally increased T : E ratio.

CONCLUSIONS: Both rhCG doses produce a striking increase in serum hCG and T with suppression of serum LH but, at single doses up to 750 IU, rhLH has no influence on serum or urine LH or T. Effective rhLH doping, which relies on a sustained increases in endogenous T, would require much higher and more frequent daily rhLH doses. Use of LH immunoassays optimized for serum to detect rhLH doping by urine LH measurement requires more standardization and validation and, at present, is unreliable. The T : LH ratio is, however, a useful screening test for hCG doping although its utility requires further evaluation.


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You might consider using HMG AND HCG

HMG is used for stimulating hormones by triggering FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - and lh - leutenizing hormone - production in the body. This drug was originally designed for use in women where it stimulates the ovaries to produce multiple follicles, thus making them more fertile. The dosage varies from woman to woman, and HMG has been shown to induce ovulation in about 75-85% of patients that it is administered to.

In men, HMG can be used to stimulate natural testosterone production and to keep or restore the natural function of the testes. Those using HMG after testicular dystrophy often report an increase in sex drive and sense of well being as well as an increased rebound in fertility.

HMG is a drug similar to hcg in use and some of its function, but also has the added benefit of FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - stimulation, which triggers extra receptors to produce testosterone. While hcg is known mainly for testicular stimulation, HMG will also increase the amount of sperm the body is producing, which hcg isn?t as effective at. Although it hasn't been around as long and isn't as recognized as hcg, HMG is steadily picking up more interest in the medical community for the roles it can play in testosterone recovery. Those who don't see the results and recovery they want from a typical PCT - post cycle therapy - protocol may find HMG beneficial since it is able to stimulate the body's receptors at a wider range of points than hcg is able to.

HMG can be most effective when ran alongside other lh - leutenizing hormone - stimulating drugs such as hcg, Clomiphene, and Tamoxifen during a post cycle treatment plan. A typical dose of 75-150iu a day for 2 weeks is sufficient for restoring normal testicular function and sperm count in males. Although some may find that a longer protocol is needed due to extended periods of staying shut down or the use of hormones which are harsher on the body's natural testosterone function such as such as Trenbolone etc. One may also wish to run an anti-estrogen such as Aromasin during administration of this drug due to the possibility of elevated estrogen levels.

Successful treatment of anabolic steroid-induced a... [Fertil Steril. 2003] - PubMed result

Fertil Steril. 2003 Jun;79 Suppl 3:1659-61.

Successful treatment of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia with human chorionic gonadotropin and human menopausal gonadotropin.
Menon DK.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Comment in:

Fertil Steril. 2004 Jan;81(1):226.

OBJECTIVE: To document for the first time the successful treatment using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and human menopausal gonadotropins (hMG) of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia that was persistent despite 1 year of cessation from steroid use. DESIGN: Clinical case report. SETTINGS: Tertiary referral center for infertility. PATIENT(S): A married couple with primary subfertility secondary to azoospermia and male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. The husband was a bodybuilder who admitted to have used the anabolic steroids testosterone cypionate, methandrostenolone, oxandrolone, testosterone propionate, oxymetholone, nandrolone decanoate, and methenolone enanthate. INTERVENTION(S): Twice-weekly injections of 10,000 IU of hCG (Profasi; Serono) and daily injections of 75 IU of hMG (Humegon; Organon) for 3 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Semen analyses, pregnancy. RESULT(S): Semen analyses returned to normal after 3 months of treatment. The couple conceived spontaneously 7 months later. CONCLUSION(S): Steroid-induced azoospermia that is persistent after cessation of steroid use can be treated successfully with hCG and hMG.
did a very small sc injection of the gnrh about 4 hours ago, mostly a test that I wouldn't have an anaphylactic reaction to it and see what else might occure

I did seem to feel ok the last couple hours, saw a hottie in a miniskirt while I was eating my lunch and definitely felt a connection to libido stirring, but this could be completely unrelated to the shot

might bump up the dose just a bit next time as I think keeping dosage very low is important so as not to cause the desensitisation effect of reverse stimulation

thinking and hoping this might be a better and milder solution than hcg in keeping a small amount of hpta function going at least on a sporadic basis
going to take the chance that low dose might not cause some of the paradoxical reverse situation that is reported from some sources and will continue with this

currently using 5 micrograms per day, maybe that dose is too small, or maybe not, we'll see how things go
still curious about this stuff, I got scared reading the studies that claim that continued use actually caused a suppression that more gnrh did not stimulate the pituitary anymore, but I wonder about the studies and how the reality might apply to someone that is on trt for life, would there be any bad effect to sporadic use of gnrh

I think it did do some good things in my limited experiment with it so far, thinking of starting up again (although one extreme bout of ED happened soon after I had been taking this, but it may be totally unrelated I'm thinking)
would love to hear some theories on this stuff and long term use

I still don't understand how low enough dosage of what is basically identical to endogenous gonadorelin could cause any problems, and it does seem like a superior way to achieve what people are trying to achieve with hcg in a trt application as an ancillary