thoughts on using HCG on cycle


10+ Year Member
What are your thoughts on using HCG while on cycle. Do you think it should be used for the whole duration of the cycle or just the last part of the cycle. Im talking about 8 to 12 week cycles.I personally like to use it the last 4 weeks of a cycle.500iu every 3 days for 30 days,then Nolvadex and Clomid.
FWIW: This is the method I used for most, but the hCG is extended to the point where there would be hypothalmo-pituitary function expected. So, in almost ALL cases this will extend past the last AAS administration. Again, the duration will depend upon the AAS type, dose, & duration used. Sometimes for patient compliance, hCG was used for the whole cycle. It might be hard to believe, but some just are not able to remember much when it comes to schedules!!!
I didnt mention but i include the AAS that are still in my system according to half life as part of the cycle.I have changed my cycles to use fast release AAS in the last part of the cycle.
I personally did 250 iu's on Monday's and Thursday's. Seemed to work great for me.

FWIW: This is the method I used for most, but the hCG is extended to the point where there would be hypothalmo-pituitary function expected. So, in almost ALL cases this will extend past the last AAS administration. Again, the duration will depend upon the AAS type, dose, & duration used. Sometimes for patient compliance, hCG was used for the whole cycle. It might be hard to believe, but some just are not able to remember much when it comes to schedules!!!

Yes, there are compliance issues when I work w/ someone. Also, I tend to wait till the end of my cycle but my situation is not typical, and ideally one is better off using HCG thought cycle.

The problem is, that my primary ugl does not carry HCG. IMO, most don't. My secondary (actually, have not ordered from them yet) ugl does carry HCG, but they have a $250 minimum. The HCG I use comes from a pharmacy, but it is expensive and I only get as much as I need.

The problem of using on cycle is not so much the e2d injection schedule (sub q, slin) but the fact that HCG goes bad after a month. You will use something between 250 and 500 IUs e2d which means you will have a lot of wasted HCG. That means you will only use a fraction of a $100 bottle, unless you van get 5lIU bottles.

So, what I do, and suggest that people I work with do, is to wait until the end of the cycle, about 5 days after last 100 mg shot of test e/c. If you are using on cycle, you will want to only use short acting esters, like T p for the last 2-3 weeks. Serms are no good until all AAS have cleared.

I suggest 1.5k Ius to 2k, e2d for 3 weeks, and by then you will be ready for serms.

In terms of compliance, it is hard enough to get cyclers' to buy and use HCG and AI/pct ,materials. These materials are often more expensive than the actual steroids (especially if they are using test, even at large amounts). I explain to them that they will pms for the next 2-3 months, will lose all gains, and basically go through hell. They don't listen and always want to just get the steroids, and none of the materials that make using steroids safe. These dumbfucks don't realize the consequences of an impaired HPTA system until they experience it.

