Search results for query: Ethyl oleate

  1. A

    Ascendant Labs

    Its the Ethyl Oleate. But let me go find some research to back that up instead of just my word. In fact a free vial to anyone that can find the info, if you beat me to posting. Which is really me saying its been a long day and im tired. Someone do the research for me. :D
  2. XNooBX

    PEP Scam

    So you got your package Willis?
  3. RagingBlizzardLeapOfFaith

    Muscle Depot?

    ...bunk. I was sent bunk Revalor-200 from a frequently used veterinary web site. I even crushed up the pellets mixed them with BA, BB and Ethyl Oleate and injected them with the supposed Estradiol that should be there just to know for sure if this stuff was bunk, maybe I destroyed the molecules...
  4. shredded

    Muscle Depot?

    Did I read this right your going to bash this source without even doing a labmax or melting point test because you can't afford it. Melting point tests can be done with a digital thermometer $14 and a hot plate, what you don't have a hot plate, how do you cook your food. Please explain to me how...
  5. A

    Ascendant Labs

    Good enough for me, unless someone doesn't agree(with a valid reason) then I, really another research vial freebie :D, will do this all over again. Stomps, email your choice and shipping addy. Going to sleep now, everyone have a good night. Helix.
  6. T

    PEP Scam

    I wondered about this myself. Source I use has same 100/100/100 blend for $20 more than PEP. He doesn't use EO either. I am not sure how it holds.
  7. ebkallday

    Ascendant Labs

    ...Al, I froze your test prop to try to get it to crystallize. Five hours in my ice box and no crash whatsoever. Could this be due to the Ethyl Oleate? After a Test E run, I switched to AL prop to wind down on till pct time. I actually gained strength and lost alot of water retention without...
  8. Candyskull

    Ascendant Labs

    I don't need a vial because honestly, you made me curious. It has a melting (freezing) point of -32* C, which is really low (in contrast cotton seed oil has a melting point of -1* C). It also has chemical properties of...
  9. Big_paul

    Steroid Homebrew from Hubei MaxSource

    maybe im not under standing you but why would you want to use 5% ba and no bb on your test e. makes no sense at all to me. i never use more than 2% ba . get up to 5% and you start destroying muscle tissue and start running into site injection problems. it will be sterile for sure but it seems...
  10. azazul

    PEP Scam

    willis all jokes aside, i understand your frustration, obviously something got screwed up with your order, we get that. I have never ordered from pep but if you understand how this board works you will realize no one is repping anyone here, its all based off of user experience. That will take...
  11. Z

    Post IM injection site muscle pain

    ethyl oleate is the best oil
  12. beezil

    Best 2 week Cycles?

    not sure what type of experiment you are trying to do here... but PROP and ACEtate are what short cycles are based on. ethanates... are not. I don't know why you would use an ethanate on work out days... the half life is way too long...and your blood levels are not going to change...
  13. conquistador

    Astro Labs US Dom and Intl SRC 7th pin was on glute for the first time, slight inflammation and what not. I'm just considering injection pain a given with oil. At the end of the day is probably the oil what hurts. I would bring the dose down to 200mg/mL and add ethyl oleate. Also what percentage benzyl alcohol you use...
  14. T

    Best 2 week Cycles?

    ...injections would be fine. Only issue with running TNE ED, IMO, is the solvents that are used. I am not sure about injecting Guaiacol and Ethyl Oleate every day. I am not sure if there would be some health risks involved with this, the stuff smells like paint thinner. Prop ester even seems...
  15. Galileo

    UK source: Buying tools, etc?

    Anyone know an online resource, pref. in the UK, for stuff like: BA grapeseed oil ethyl-oleate BB glas vials .... ec. Preferably a UK site, and with quality being 100% US is too expensive. I've found " " but I don't know if it's legit. Little info about them online...
  16. G

    ...with tracking. Items ordered Testo Rapid Mastebolin Genotropin T3+T4 mix Product effectivenes and experience The best test prop, no pip, no hurt, ethyl oleate oil, smoth. Masteron rocks! Real Geno. Good combo. Additional commentary This guy is very friendly, always answer my email, always...
  17. ebkallday

    Freezer experiment

    ...Labs. Biomex Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250 Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100: No distinguishable crystals present. It is made with %30 Ethyl Oleate and I would almost bet the solvants used are a huge variable in this retarted experiment. I ended up heating the vials with crystals and...
  18. Astro Labs

    Astro Labs US Dom and Intl SRC

    I use 2% never more never less. I will be making batches with EO for the newer guys upon request. The guys who have previous cycles under their belt won't need it. Personally I don't get pip from my product unless I wiggle the needle when pinning. When you have virgin muscles it's...
  19. incrediblebulk

    PIP, what is it?

    ...other hand, a recipe like 2% BA, 5% Guaiacol (super solvent), 10% Benzyl Salicylate (liquid asprin) with the filler split 50:50 between Ethyl Oleate (oil/solvent hybrid) and normal oil should be far less painful. If you inject too quickly it can tear tissue. If your muscle is new to the...
  20. ScubaJack

    Skin Rash / infection (2x in 3 weeks) (pic)

    ...some new gear I am going to try next week. IMO i wouldn't pin again with it. I am thinking I am allergic to something in the gear. Ethyl Oleate or some crap possibly? I dunno. I will probably try and cut it with some grapeseed oil after this other gear has been run just to see, as I was...
  21. S reviews

    Are you kidding me. I will address your comments that I bolded 1st thing I did wait and let things unfold I put that in my first post about all this. 2nd two of the people with floaters the vials were unopened and unused. Also duck pulled his out and I don't believe his was a stopper. I...
  22. F

    2 week cycle plan HIGH TREN Bill Roberts/Realgains/Anybody

    ...Next Cycle: 6.25mg Exemestane Would the total androgen levels be low enough to begin recovery on day 15 @34mg? Or should I lower the dose of Tren...I calculated using a half life of 2 days for Tren Ace to be safe, because it will be suspended in 100% Ethyl Oleate which increases the half life.
  23. BiochemicalAbomination14 reviews

    ...a batch from one ugl (not from meso) where I consistently had pip for 5-7 days, that for me was too much ( it also might have been an ethyl oleate allergy, mind you). You need to all know and remember that getting an abscess is part of the risk, that shit can happen with the purest of...
  24. embrance

    High concetration,the need of filtering,and the basics.Need help.

    So my idea is making a mix with: 200eq 200npp 100tpp the best carrier for such a high mix seems to be ethyl oleate and i am not alergic to it(have used it) the powders i have: Boldenone undecanoate 24gr Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 24gr Testosterone Phenylpropionate 20gr i want...
  25. M

    Steroid Homebrew from Hubei MaxSource

    [:o)]Get Rdeay First[:o)] Benzyl alcohol (BA) Benzyl benzoate (BB) Ethyl oleate ?EO? Grape Seed Oil (GSO) :drooling:Testosterone Enanthate injection Recipes 250mg/mL Recipe for 100mL No BB 25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75mL) 5mL BA (5%) 76.25mL Oil 250mg/mL Recipe for...