PIP, what is it?


A lot of people have varying definitions of PIP. What causes it? Why do I get more from a ml out of the same bottle than the next ml?

What is your definitiom of PIP?

It can be caused by using the wrong gauge pin. Moving around the needle while injecting. Hitting the wrong spot. Are you pulling your gear out of the bottle with the same needle you pin with? This dulls the needle and will cause pain. Especially if you are mixing two ml of different compounds from different bottles. Every time that syringe goes in and out of a bottle you are dulling it. Of course incorrect mixtures of gear can cause it, but is that always the problem?

I pin myself and sometimes am sore afterwords, but is this truly PIP? Do we expect every shot we take to be completely painless?

I personally have been more sore after pinning out of the same bottle than other times, so we know it's not always the gear.

I want to know everyones definition of PIP. And share their experiences. Excluding that old mexican stuff we all used to get that just burned like a mutha, LOL.
I have come to the conclusion I just suck balls at injecting. I get PIP from everything no matter what. Even "bios pipless prop" lol. My hands just arent steady. IMO PIP is not a big deal at all. Worst PIP Iv'e ever had isn't near as bad as the day after legs lol.
Pip is bad fucking gear, period

I have to disagree DD. I have gotten pip from scripted Watson cyp. I deduced it was my pinning practice and not the gear. So I think it can be either bad gear or a bad injection or a combination of both.

EDIT - It still seems that I did say it wasnt the scripted test huh. LOL! So I guess I am kinda agreeing. LOL!
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For me, I call it a knot or a hot site. The soreness is expected. But I don't need to look like I just got kicked in the leg.
I've had minor pip with tren ace and I mean minor. It didn't effect my workout or daily routine. Other than that I've ran
Test e
Tren e
Tren a
Bold un...
Test 400

All with no pip except from tren a. I think it also has a lot to do from person to person.
Pip is bad fucking gear, period

Pip can be good gear pinned poorly. I got pip from pinning 1.5ml in about 15 seconds and ended up with a huge swollen knot in my quad. Slowed it down to 60-90 seconds with the same gear and was pain free.
PIP comes from trauma at the injection site (unsteady injects/dull needles) plus the amount of BA/BB concentrations used. BA and BB hurt because they are solvents and cause irritation at the site no matter what. Ugl gear has higher concentrations of these because its not made in a sterile environment. For example, Pfizer test I have uses 0.09% BA while my Ugl is around 2%.

To sum it up, it has a direct correlation to the BB and BA but it can vary from person to person and compound to compound. This comes from my research and from my own experiences in home brewing, plus I have somewhat of a medical background.
You can also have a different kind of pain that comes from barotrauma. That's from injecting too much into a particular area, or too quickly into the muscle. There are a lot of factors that go into determining PIP, so a lot of what others say above is also correct.

Immediate pain is usually caused by barotrauma. Soreness the next day is usually due to solvents. Hope this helps.
The definition of pip is-post injection pain
If you mean what does it come from.
1-high dosed gear uses more solvents causing pip
2-to much B.A causes pip
3-allergic to EO. Causes pip
4-bad injection practices can cause more than just pip it can cause an abscess
someone said mixing gear can cause it, I don't find that to be true
I'm sure I left something out but that's enough for now
The definition of pip is-post injection pain
If you mean what does it come from.
1-high dosed gear uses more solvents causing pip
2-to much B.A causes pip
3-allergic to EO. Causes pip
4-bad injection practices can cause more than just pip it can cause an abscess
someone said mixing gear can cause it, I don't find that to be true
I'm sure I left something out but that's enough for now
Mixing oil and water gear is something that shouldn't happen. I've read where guys say it isn't a problem. I know some old timers that talk of abscesses as a direct result.
Separate slin pin for my winny in water, thank you very much.
One labs tren ace gives me immediate pip for an hour after injection. This is an ache that spreads through the whole area. If I injected my delt, I can feel it everywhere in that arm. Then it's gone.

The pip from test prop or test e will not hit until 24 hours later. This is what I call true pip.

If I get a knot, I assume it was injection technique, probably sliced the muscle up.
PIP is a weird thing. I have pinned glutes and delts for years with no major issues. I recently started pinning ventral glutes and have been almost crippled from it, using the same oil I pin glutes and delts with and experiencing zero pain in glutes and delts, pain is in ventral glutes only. Virgin muscle? Not sure, know im hitting the right spot on ventral glutes. Have to see if it continues or if my muscle gets use to it. Good Post!
Then all the antibiotics, flu shots, tetanus shots, and Demerol (worst by far pain wise) in all the various locations I've been whacked have been "bad gear". :rolleyes:

I think it's more complicated than that.

Snapped my femur In half. 75mg/ml of Demerol muscled helped a great deal.
Ok, I got a pip tale for you guys, 4th wk. Of a 5wk vile (10ml) of test e, I set up like a fuckin surgeon, alk pads wiped top, 1 pin to pull, 1 pin to push, no blood 1 1/2 -23g. Painless, 2nd day Lil bump, 4th day newbie paranoia sets in my first cycle so im shiting bricks scared as fuck, I run to nearest urgent care center, bottom line doc says, no pain, no redness, no abcess, no fever, no problem, 3 days later gone, im fine now but im not sure wat happen, but I think it came from shaking.
I found this on pip. I did not write it so I cannot take any of the credit.

Pain is caused when the oil/solvents are absorbed by the body and crystals are left behind.
Short esters (propionate or acetate) are harder, more painful crystals with melting points in the 100c range.
A hormone with a longer esters (excluding cypionate - cyp is long but also high melting point) can have a melting point in the 20c-40c range. not far off from human body temp.

Pain is also caused by concentration of your gear.
Building off of point 1: Let's say it takes the body 24 hours to absorb 1mL of a certain oil/solvent blend, and 24 hours to absorb 50mg of Testosterone Propionate. If 50mg (or less) of testosterone propionate is in 1mL of that oil, this injection should be painless. On the other hand, if 100mg of testosterone propionate is in that same 1mL of solution, then after 24 hours the body will have absorbed 50mg and 1mL, leaving 50mg behind in the injection area, crystalized and painful.
Its better to shoot 3mL of 50mg/mL Testosterone Propionate than 1mL of 150mg/mL Testosterone Propionate.
This is also why water based suspensions (Testosterone base/no ester, Winstrol ) hurt the most, water is very easily absorbed in the body

The solvents used can cause pain in 2 ways. Benzyl alcohol (BA) is used at 1%-2% as a preservative and antiseptic. If the alcohol content is too high the gear will burn. Pain in the first 24 hours is usually caused by heavy solvents, pain in the next few hours is usually cause by crystalization. Another way is a bad recipe. if someone used 2% BA, and the rest of the solution oil, the mg/mL would have to be low due to oil's weak ability to hold crystals. On the other hand, a recipe like 2% BA, 5% Guaiacol (super solvent), 10% Benzyl Salicylate (liquid asprin) with the filler split 50:50 between Ethyl Oleate (oil/solvent hybrid) and normal oil should be far less painful.

If you inject too quickly it can tear tissue.

If your muscle is new to the hormone, it will absorb the hormone very slowly, but absorb the oil/solvent very quickly. This will cause more crystalization and pain. As your muscles recognize the hormones, they will be absorbed more quickly, thus less pain. The deeper you inject into the center of a muscle group, the better.