PIP, what is it?

Passenger seat of a car in a head on collision. Two people died that afternoon. My girl at the time was driving and was doa. I still miss her all these years later.

Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories & stuff from your past time. I apologize... I can certainly relate. I had a similar occurrence only I wasn't injured. I felt helpless bc all I could do is sit & watch. I still have bad dreams sometimes...
I got horrible pip for a week from Masteron p. injected for 2 weeks...I could even sleep on that butt cheek... Lol not sure if the ester didn't agree with me or mast it was the first time running and I had to stop. A lot of people say its bad gear so I don't know if I agree because it was a good ugl that I use so I think sometimes running different compounds people react different I'm gonna try another brand of mast will see if it the compound that doesn't agree with me.
Passenger seat of a car in a head on collision. Two people died that afternoon. My girl at the time was driving and was doa. I still miss her all these years later.

Sorry to hear u went thru that also ben. Been there also ben survived a wreck that my 3 best friends and ones dad who was driving passed away. Broke both my arms and wrist with compound fractures almost lost my left hand and had to have scalp reattached after having 75 percent torn off. Me and 1 other survived! I know your pain it never goes away!
I have been pinning Test Prop and Tren Ace (never ran short esters) and have been hitting virgin muscles. No real PIP to speak of, oddly enough my delt shots are sorer than the quads. I will hit glute tomorrow and see how it goes. Maybe the Tren Ace is helping with Prop PIP? Or maybe some people are just prone to PIP, I dunno. I am getting headaches, increased sweating (I drink like a water buffalo working out), and what feels like Test Flu today, and I am getting mood swings. So I don't think the gear is bunk, then again I am only 4 pins in.
Ya test flu sucks since your introducing a outside chemical especially if its a high does too your body's normal immune response is to attack it and thus a low grade fever :( I got it bad when I front loaded !
Does it give you chills and shit? Sometimes I feel awesome and then today ugghh, I can still workout though lol. Shit like waves in and out, I guess it is based off of when I inject, which hasn't been at a consistent time or even time of day.
I think pip has a lot to do with where u get your gear from. I think it also depends what you are taking and where you are injecting it. I never hardly get pip unless i hit my quads. I use 22g to withdraw and a 25g to inject. For the newer guys yall are probably going to have some pip either way.
I have been pinning Test Prop and Tren Ace (never ran short esters) and have been hitting virgin muscles. No real PIP to speak of, oddly enough my delt shots are sorer than the quads. I will hit glute tomorrow and see how it goes. Maybe the Tren Ace is helping with Prop PIP? Or maybe some people are just prone to PIP, I dunno. I am getting headaches, increased sweating (I drink like a water buffalo working out), and what feels like Test Flu today, and I am getting mood swings. So I don't think the gear is bunk, then again I am only 4 pins in.

my guess is it's the tren.
Scratch my earlier post. Quad PIP is some delayed shit I guess, hit me a lot later than I expected, it feels like the first time I worked legs. Not crippling though.
Sometimes when i pin my glutes they get hard and almost golfball lije feeling it also hurts to touche but it doesnt turn red. What could be causing this should i rub the site longer after tge pin. What do you guys think
Sometimes when i pin my glutes they get hard and almost golfball lije feeling it also hurts to touche but it doesnt turn red. What could be causing this should i rub the site longer after tge pin. What do you guys think

I think you need to stop spamming the board to raise your post count. :rolleyes:
I would like to add a comment. I have never pinned any pharmaceutical grade anything. It's always been ug gear. In the beginning I struggled with pip. I would pin in my cheek and I did it one handed, trying to inject slow and steady, one handed in an uncomfortable position can be difficult. I started pinning in my quad so I can steady the syringe with one hand, and slowly inject with the other. I also started pinning my test of an evening after my workouts. To let the injection rest and heal. I noticed after I started doing my injects like this my pip has gone away. My point is good gear or underground, the post pain is mostly due to not injecting properly one way or another
The Raws have to be looked at in some cases like the Test E that was floating around a few
Months back. Huge discussions on other threads about tbe Carbic Acid not being washed out.

Of course you have your brewing metbods to look at as well.
Many other variables to throw in.