Best 2 week Cycles?


New Member
Just finished my first 12 week Test E/Dbol Cycle. Currently in week 2 of PCT.

Naturally, Im already thinking of my next cycle!

For a few reasons I dont think I will be doing any more long cycles. Im very interested in these 2 week cycle protocols. Something like 2 on 2 off, and repeat that 3 or 4 times in a year.

Anybody had good experiences running short 2 weekers? And what compounds did you use? So far Im leaning towards a Tren/Anavar stack.
My first cycle of test was 14 weeks and the wait for pct+pct was mentally hard on me. My second cycle now test prop has been great planning on 8 weeks and quick pct transition should help me a lot better. Very interested to see what people have to say about these short cycles!
Just finished my first 12 week Test E/Dbol Cycle. Currently in week 2 of PCT.

Naturally, Im already thinking of my next cycle!

For a few reasons I dont think I will be doing any more long cycles. Im very interested in these 2 week cycle protocols. Something like 2 on 2 off, and repeat that 3 or 4 times in a year.

Anybody had good experiences running short 2 weekers? And what compounds did you use? So far Im leaning towards a Tren/Anavar stack.

I have actually been playing around with short cycles including some 2 weekers. I used Test Prop at 100mg and Tren Ace at 60mg ED. Got a little out of the cycle but nothing drastic. I think I need to frontload the Prop and Tren, which I will be trying in the next week or 2. I grabbed some TNE as well so I will inject that as well on work out days and last 3 days of cycle. So I will try 200mg Test Prop and 100mg Tren A on day 1. 70mg Test Prop and 60mg Tren Ace ED and 15-30mg Methylstenbolone ED. I will inject 50mg of TNE on workout days, and drop Prop after day 11 and Tren after day 12, and then run TNE @ 50mg ED last 3 days. I think a cycle of TNE and Tren Ace with a oral would be great even with only ED injections. A TNE cycle is definitely possible and the half-life has been found to be longer than originally thought (being around 36 hours) so ED injections would be fine. Only issue with running TNE ED, IMO, is the solvents that are used. I am not sure about injecting Guaiacol and Ethyl Oleate every day. I am not sure if there would be some health risks involved with this, the stuff smells like paint thinner.

Prop ester even seems too long for 2 weekers, honestly, and I am just speaking from my own experience. A front load may help dramatically, I have been too chicken shit to try it. But using fast acting injectables and orals is the way too go and TNE and a strong oral sound like a good start because they kick in so fast.

I am still in the process of tweaking this, but the results I achieve during 2 weekers, I have kept. I don't think I lost a pound off my lifts after a 2 weeker, did drop weight though. My most recent cycle was a longer cycle, I lost all of my gains, but that could have been because I used a diff. company's PCT chems and I think they were shit.

I think my 2 week protocol will be something like 2 on 2 off, 2 on 2 off, 2 on 4 off, and then repeat. Probably take 6 weeks off after one 2 weeker at some point. I will PCT in between each cycle.
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Wtf are you talking about..2 week cycles? Tren var stack?

I don't know why I'm about to help you, the better half of me is screaming to let Darwinism run it's course.

But regardless here's is my advice.

1. Read some studies on the HPTA
2. Read some studies on the half lives and HPTA suppression unique to each anabolic steroid
3.Read some more
4.Reevaluate what you want to do on your next cycle if it involves only 2 weeks of AAS use with compounds that are going to suppress your Test levels rapidly and test is not one of said compounds....refer to #3
Relax bro, take a breath. Let Darwinism run its course, thats cute.

I have done a ton of reading and research thanks. As always I seek to learn more and one of those ways is though discussion on this forum.

Of course I should have expected an over the top aggressive response from some asshat who thinks that his way is the ONLY way.

Start here if you want to learn about some different protocols that have worked very well for some people not interested in the classic american super cycle.

Wtf are you talking about..2 week cycles? Tren var stack?

I don't know why I'm about to help you, the better half of me is screaming to let Darwinism run it's course.

But regardless here's is my advice.

1. Read some studies on the HPTA
2. Read some studies on the half lives and HPTA suppression unique to each anabolic steroid
3.Read some more
4.Reevaluate what you want to do on your next cycle if it involves only 2 weeks of AAS use with compounds that are going to suppress your Test levels rapidly and test is not one of said compounds....refer to #3
I have actually been playing around with short cycles including some 2 weekers. I used Test Prop at 100mg and Tren Ace at 60mg ED. Got a little out of the cycle but nothing drastic. I think I need to frontload the Prop and Tren, which I will be trying in the next week or 2. I grabbed some TNE as well so I will inject that as well on work out days and last 3 days of cycle. So I will try 200mg Test Prop and 100mg Tren A on day 1. 70mg Test Prop and 60mg Tren Ace ED and 15-30mg Methylstenbolone ED. I will inject 50mg of TNE on workout days, and drop Prop after day 11 and Tren after day 12, and then run TNE @ 50mg ED last 3 days. I think a cycle of TNE and Tren Ace with a oral would be great even with only ED injections. A TNE cycle is definitely possible and the half-life has been found to be longer than originally thought (being around 36 hours) so ED injections would be fine. Only issue with running TNE ED, IMO, is the solvents that are used. I am not sure about injecting Guaiacol and Ethyl Oleate every day. I am not sure if there would be some health risks involved with this, the stuff smells like paint thinner.

Prop ester even seems too long for 2 weekers, honestly, and I am just speaking from my own experience. A front load may help dramatically, I have been too chicken shit to try it. But using fast acting injectables and orals is the way too go and TNE and a strong oral sound like a good start because they kick in so fast.

I am still in the process of tweaking this, but the results I achieve during 2 weekers, I have kept. I don't think I lost a pound off my lifts after a 2 weeker, did drop weight though. My most recent cycle was a longer cycle, I lost all of my gains, but that could have been because I used a diff. company's PCT chems and I think they were shit.

I think my 2 week protocol will be something like 2 on 2 off, 2 on 2 off, 2 on 4 off, and then repeat. Probably take 6 weeks off after one 2 weeker at some point. I will PCT in between each cycle.

not sure what type of experiment you are trying to do here...

but PROP and ACEtate are what short cycles are based on.

ethanates... are not.

I don't know why you would use an ethanate on work out days... the half life is way too long...and your blood levels are not going to change fast with that ester.

if you want something to hit your system quick... you need a suspension.

research some more.
research some more , ive done this for many years im sure i was doing cycles before you were born, and in that time i have learned that your not going to do something that no one else has ever tried, and the reason you havent heard of short cycles is it didnt work. think about it if 2 week cycles worked everyone would be doing them . your not coming up with something new ....
Beezil I don't think he mentioned test e once in the post u quoted. He wrote tne multiple times wish is test no ester.
Beezil I don't think he mentioned test e once in the post u quoted. He wrote tne multiple times wish is test no ester.

I stand corrected! My apologies TG85

thank you for that...

I saw the TNE and thought ethanate. I am not used to no ester... or running suspensions...

short cycles in theory sound like they would work on paper... but what I have found... is the 2 weeks off is not enough time to restore the HPTA fully.

atleast for me. so... I may as well run a 8-10week in a row... atleast in this stage in my life. When I was younger it was easier to restore my HPTA fully before getting back on...:)
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If you run 2 week cycles, you're going to have a bad time. With the short ester compounds, by the time you shut down, you'll be starting your next mini-cycle up; that shit wrecks your system.

Other compounds need 10-14 weeks to even be effective so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.
With the short ester compounds, by the time you shut down, you'll be starting your next mini-cycle up; that shit wrecks your system.
That's the entire point of 2 week cycles, you're not fully shut down. The hypothalamus is suppressed but the pituitary is still functional which leads to a very rapid recovery.

The concerns with 2 week cycles were valid 15+ years ago when Bill Roberts first introduced it to the community but they have since proven to be an effective alternative to traditional cycling.
Love 2-weekers. You have to frontload the Prop ester on day 1 and stop injections by day 9 or 10 and keep orals through until day 14. PCT is a breeze. 2 weeks is all you need. My labs would show I was back up before the 2nd week but I always went 3-4 anyway because I can make strength gains while on SERMS.

I would not do 2-weekers with only 2 weeks off. I would do a 2-weeker once a quarter... otherwise your always ON...either on a SERM or an AAS and it becomes inefficient.

Most people who knock 2-weekers havent tried them or just don't like the slow-steady gains (I could gain and keep 5-6lbs no problem on a 2-wkr). It wont give you the huge mass results a 10-weeker would, but you will gain some size and lots of strength. You won't have to endure a long shitty recovery.

Recently tried a 6-week Test-prop/Var run. PCT was still easy (ball atrophy is mild on a short run and dont need HCG), but not as immediate as a 2-weeker. Gained 16 pounds (some fat of course) and kept it all...bc diet is in check and still most important part of this game.
Waste of time and money to me, you might as well just be on all the time and quit kidding yourself about 2 wk cycle recovery. Not to mention blood levels jumping all over the map. Your not going to gain much on 2 wks of anything, right when the compounds wanna start working your quitting them. I wouldn't do it, but just my opinion. Good luck whatever route you go bro
Waste of time and money to me, you might as well just be on all the time and quit kidding yourself about 2 wk cycle recovery. Not to mention blood levels jumping all over the map. Your not going to gain much on 2 wks of anything, right when the compounds wanna start working your quitting them. I wouldn't do it, but just my opinion. Good luck whatever route you go bro

It's all right there...nothing else left to say.
Relax bro, take a breath. Let Darwinism run its course, thats cute.

I have done a ton of reading and research thanks. As always I seek to learn more and one of those ways is though discussion on this forum.

Of course I should have expected an over the top aggressive response from some asshat who thinks that his way is the ONLY way.

Start here if you want to learn about some different protocols that have worked very well for some people not interested in the classic american super cycle.

Sorry I must have lost my shit,

your right I should forsake the medical and scientific journals for the vast wisdom of bulldog on real+%*#^%forum

Thanks for posting the link, game changer. :)
Awesome thanks for the replies fellas. This is why I started this post, Im keen on hearing everyones opinions. Most people at least can keep it civil.

I havent decided yet if I will run a 2 week, 4 week or 6 week. Im going to do some more research. Anyway I have at least 3 more months before I can hit up another cycle.

If/when I do it, Ill post up a log.

I would be more interested hearing from guys who have actually done these types of cycles. Practical experience beats armchair theorists in my opinion.
Awesome thanks for the replies fellas. This is why I started this post, Im keen on hearing everyones opinions. Most people at least can keep it civil.

I havent decided yet if I will run a 2 week, 4 week or 6 week. Im going to do some more research. Anyway I have at least 3 more months before I can hit up another cycle.

If/when I do it, Ill post up a log.

I would be more interested hearing from guys who have actually done these types of cycles. Practical experience beats armchair theorists in my opinion.

I've done it, I didn't get shit from it bro
IMO if you run 4 weeks you may as well just do traditional cycle. I did a 4 weeker and was completely shut down and lost most of my gains. 2 weekers have simply been plateau busters when I get stuck at a weight. But if u put say 5 lbs on a 1RM in 2 weeks and keep the strength gain it is worth it IMO.

There is validity in the thought that the compounds not really starting to take full effects in 2 weeks. A front load may help but the propionate ester still seems slow. Acetate is a little better. But TNE or test susp. plus a strong oral and maybe some tren might yield better results.

To compare longer cycles to short ones u have to add the number of weeks u are actually on to make a true comparison. So for example you would have to compare 4 2 weeks cycles to one 8 week one.

I recover very quick from a 2 weeker but when I tried 4 I was shut down just like I did a 12 weeker. The gains I got from 2 week cycles I kept in full and I ended up bumping weight up faster than training natty.

Another thing to consider is how long a person has ran AAS and how close they are to their "genetic limit". I know guys who blast and cruise and I know a 2 weeker would do shit for them. One guy I know cycles until gains stop cuts his test dose in half and drops extra compounds (tren, orals) for about a month and then goes back to blasting.
IMO if you run 4 weeks you may as well just do traditional cycle. I did a 4 weeker and was completely shut down and lost most of my gains. 2 weekers have simply been plateau busters when I get stuck at a weight. But if u put say 5 lbs on a 1RM in 2 weeks and keep the strength gain it is worth it IMO.

There is validity in the thought that the compounds not really starting to take full effects in 2 weeks. A front load may help but the propionate ester still seems slow. Acetate is a little better. But TNE or test susp. plus a strong oral and maybe some tren might yield better results.

To compare longer cycles to short ones u have to add the number of weeks u are actually on to make a true comparison. So for example you would have to compare 4 2 weeks cycles to one 8 week one.

I recover very quick from a 2 weeker but when I tried 4 I was shut down just like I did a 12 weeker. The gains I got from 2 week cycles I kept in full and I ended up bumping weight up faster than training natty.

Another thing to consider is how long a person has ran AAS and how close they are to their "genetic limit". I know guys who blast and cruise and I know a 2 weeker would do shit for them. One guy I know cycles until gains stop cuts his test dose in half and drops extra compounds (tren, orals) for about a month and then goes back to blasting.

I agree with you on the purpose of 2-weekers. But on a 4-weeker, I kept every pound. Different folks, different strokes...