
  1. primus

    Arimidex helping acne?

    Can estrogen control help with acne breakouts while on cycle? I'm not prone to gyno or hair loss at all but acne is the one that gets me. Luckily none on my face, mostly on my back then a little on shoulders and chest. Family history of back acne. I've had back acne since teens and I'm...
  2. S

    Test E to Prop Acne??

    Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious. I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and...
  3. T

    finished my first cycle. advice please

    im at 5-9 180lbs. 10% bf. I finished my 1st cycle in feb. did test e 500 per week 12 weeks. gained some pretty good results but i had to change sources in the middle of the cycle. my test didnt really kick in till like week 5 so it wasnt good till i got it from my second source. mid cycle...