
  1. A

    Can you just straight up ask?

    Okay I know you can't ask on forums and I'm not doing that but basically I've had an international source for a long time but get paranoid with customs every time I order (although nothing has happened yet) and would like to get in contact with a domestic source. So let's say I find a trustable...

    Biomex Labs Anadrol 25 - HPLC-UV - 2016-04 - SIMEC via

    Biomex Labs Anadrol 25 was determined to have actual content of 23.8 mg/tablet oxymetholone. Steroid analytics courtesy of Biomex Labs Anadrol 25 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab Biomex Labs Anadrol 25 lab report by posted May 13, 2016 at 12:53 PM Biomex Labs...
  3. A

    Need help for first oral cycle

    I've been looking into Winny, Dbol, Tbol, Anavar ect. I'm deploying overseas and can't get needled shipped out to me or that's the first thing that I would do! I'm just not able to! I find something I like and do research but end up at a dead end it seems. I am 73in (6"1') 180lbs (skinny) 22...
  4. RoidyNoob

    Oxandrolone and Digestion with Fatty Acids...Question¿?

    Hello there. So a few months back I read that oxandrolone is best assimilated when taken on an empty stomach and specially when no fats are eaten around (before and after) the time when taking the cap. But I cant remember where I read it.o_O Is there any science/bro-science behind this? Any...
  5. RoidyNoob

    Oxaver (Vermodje's Oxandrolone) experience?

    Hey there. Has anybody recently (2014-2016) tried Vermodje´s Oxandrolone; "Oxaver" ? Any feedback on this product will be much appreciated. Thanks