blood work

  1. L

    1 year blood work.. How does it look?

    M 38, 6'3", 204lbs, Pinning test c Mon/Thu 0.35/250 (175/week). Diet is clean. Bloods done on a Monday before pinning. My first blood showed FT at 164 and TT at 15.4. I feel good with no symptoms. Any suggestions / recommendations?
  2. huckinturtles

    Questions about Bloodwork results -HGH

    Long time lurker,10+yrs, search usually provides the answers I need. I was planning on starting HGH soon, have a year worth of kits arriving soon, but based on my IGF-1 results I'm not sure if it's worth it. I'm 35 and currently only on 100mg every 7 days prescribed TRT. These results are 7...
  3. O

    Low T3 from GH? & TRT Blood Work (e2 doubled)

    Hey everyone, Can GH cause low T3 (people seem to say the opposite)? + Got recent blood work as I thought maybe i was a little more watery, and Questioning a slight reduction in sex drive so looked at e2... but Healthy? TRT user since Late June 2023, low dose GH user since Nov 2022, HCG...
  4. H

    How to Lower HGH for a prescription?

    What are all the ways to lower HGH and IGF-1 for bloodwork for getting a prescription.
  5. O

    Test levels have dropped in half after two years on TRT despite slightly increasing dose?

    TRT for 2 years and for almost all of it was .2ml EOD for an average of 140mg a week (120 one week, 160 the next etc). My levels had consistently ran in the 1040-1140 range on day of injection before injection. Always the same labcorp for testing. Later last year I switched to Phizer test for...
  6. O

    Injection timing for labs (EOD TRT)

    Hey Everyone, TLDR : When is the best time to get blood drawn in regards to EOD TRT injection timing? I am sure this question has been asked and answered, but I couldn't find much on here (maybe I am bad at the search function). Currently doing EOD injections and want to get routine labs, I...
  7. P

    Need Help - See attached Bloodwork

    Checked my blood a few weeks ago cause I had the feeling to run on low testosterone. Nearly all symptoms of testosterone deficiency hit me like a truck like a year ago, feel like a piece of shit. I started noticing that I’m gaining more fat at my belly and a small gyno kicked in also, but this...
  8. Zirpon

    my blood work on 250mg sustanon and 25mg aromasin

    1 blood test: 2 blood test: i inject 1 ampoule of aspen sustanon once a week on Sunday. i also take 1 pill of Pfizer aromasin on Sunday. the first blood work is from Monday. the second blood work is from Tuesday. i bought both the sustanon and aromasin at a pharmacy in turkey. from my...
  9. amorgan90

    Bloodwork - 250mg Test C - Only the Best AAS

    Just got my mid-cycle blood work back from the 8 week mark. Done about 30 hours after the last pin. Been doing 250mg per week pinning EOD, and this is my first cycle. Ordered this Test before I found this forum and only the best AAS doesn't seem to have a great rep around here but I figured I'd...
  10. I

    Blast end timing prior to TRT bloods

    For those of you on MD prescribed TRT, if you do a blast how many weeks do you end it prior to TRT bloods? I would taper down to TRT and run that dose. I would taper down to TRT and run that dose. I've done 4 wks in the past, thinking of 5 wks with the half life of Test C to get the number...
  11. Vomiit

    Not gaining shit from 700mg per week pharmacom test e

    Hey guys, long time lurker, new poster. ALL ORDERS WERE FROM DOMESTIC, NOT A RE SELLER! My very first cycle I ordered pharmacom test C and had amazing gains at 500mg per week pinning every 3 days. Went from 139 to 167 (im 5’6 and at the end of the cycle after water and fat was shed i ended up at...
  12. O

    Prolactin Levels Doubled???

    One year ago on 175mg test E: Testosterone 33.2nmol/L (7.6-31.4nmol/l) Oestrodial 150pmol/L (0-192pmol/L SHBG 37noml/L (16-55nmol/L) Free Androgen Index 89.7 (24-104) Prolactin 390mIU/L (86-324mIU/L) Now on 150mg Test E: Testosterone 24.5...
  13. M

    Ordering bloodwork

    Hey all, I plan on ordering the female hormone panel from privatemd for precycle bloods. I remember the last time I did, I bought a gift card and purchased with that because I’m in a banned state. Is it necessary to purchase blood work with a gift card if I’m in a banned state or can I use...
  14. Roco Bama

    Lifeextension has some killer deal lab work

    Male basic hormone panel $56 Male Basic Hormone Panel | Blood Test | Life Extension Chemistry panel profile $26 Chemistry Panel CBC | Blood Test | Life Extension IGF-1 blood test $56 IGF-1 | Blood Test | Life Extension Fasting glucose and insulin $25
  15. Moxie

    Test Cyp, Dbol Bloodwork

    Hi guys, Hoping to get feedback on the bloods I have attached below. This is my second cycle and I'm still learning how to interrupt the bloods and make necessary adjustments. Kinda worried about the cholesterol so I appreciate all feedback. First pic is bloods drawn 1 week before starting...
  16. A

    4 year cruise and pct log

    I been cruising on 4 years of test e and I really need to come off because of life situations and I will be posting bloods and using @pharmacist for pct products and I will trying this pct from @ApeShitFuckJacked on the comprehensive guide to pct thread Which looks like: HCG 2000iu E3D for 14...
  17. Nicolaus

    Tren and Bloodwork

    Hi guys, I’ve been on 140mg of test c per week for a while now and have been receiving total testosterone result as 1000+ ng/dL I’ve been using tren A for about couples months now and my testosterone came back at 500 ng/dL Can tren lower my test results even tho I’m using exogenous test...
  18. Heavy Iron

    Purple Panda Labs Bloodwork

    Bloods were drawn 40 hours after last pin 7th week. Homebrew w/PPL raws -Test E brewed at 305mg/ml 10%BB & 1%BA -EQ brewed at 330mg/ml 10%BB & 1%BA Running the test at ~750 EQ at 750 (recently bumped EQ to 900) (The crashed E2 is of a suspect dbol from zphc from drugsgear)
  19. krismet

    I'm new here

    Hello all! Former lurker/new member. 39 yr old man 5'10" 180 lbs I've been training off and on since junior high. Mostly off, as I have had a lot of competing interests, but the past couple of years I've been more consistent. Still on the skinnier side. Currently studying for NASM CPT exam...
  20. AlphaLife

    Labs MD has new tests

    Was shopping for my post-cycle bloodwork today and noticed that Labs MD has a few new tests that may be of interest to our community, including: - "Hormone Panel (Males Only)" for $70.99. "This is our Hormone Panel for Females utilizing the Male Only Testosterone test. This Testosterone test...
  21. FutureMrO

    Pre cycle blood work

    Hey guys I'll be starting my seconde cycle test p and winny, And I didn't get any blood work for my first cycle (I know stupid) but I was wondering what to ask the doctor. What blood work should I get done? Iv been told lipid liver and kidney function? I also have been getting acne so I'll have...
  22. Bebeto54

    Bloodwork help

    So im doing a bloodwork b4 my cycle now. The cycle consists of: Tren a, test p, dbol,adex,caber,clomid,nolva and possibly anavar Tell me everything i need to test, thanks
  23. F

    Mid-cycle blood work, looking for suggestions

    Hi guys. I was hoping someone could take a quick look at my bloods and let me know if they would make any adjustments. The mid-cycle bloods were taken 48 hours after my first pin of week 6. Some basic info: 500mg test e per week (2x250). Taking exemestane at 12.5mg/day. I am erring on the side...
  24. Gorilla Ayo

    One year cruzing, blood work off cycle.

    A friend of mine was on a blast and cruze. He wants to know!!!! Hahaha ha just fawking around. I was on a cruze and blast for a year or so and got some blood work done bouts 3 month later off cycle. Now my buddy Google got me some what sketch out. Can anyone help me break some of this down...
  25. SSJ10_Gogeta

    First Cycle - Week 9 Blood Work - Underdosed

    I've spent A LOT of time researching on these forums, but this is my first post. I never felt the need to post because if I searched hard enough I always find someone that already asked my question before. Now I do have a legitimate question/request for advice. Stats: Age: 25 Weight: 205...