
  1. T

    Oxytocin dose

    Was wondering if I could get info on oxytocin doses and protocols? Anyone have experience with it and what was it like? I’ve heard it makes sex feel better is that true and how if so how?
  2. R

    Maik Wiedenbach on high doses of Testoterone

    Anyone ever watched this video on what the former Olympian Champ has to say about high doses of testerone. Very informative:
  3. RoidyNoob

    Former Pros BBs disclose use of gear video; Ronnie C, Lee Priest, Cormier...

    Former Pro BBs Admit to use and speak about dosages video; Ronnie C, Lee Priest... Set of interviews Tom Platz carried out in the 90's, exposing top pros with their use/abuse of gear Former pros interviewed in order of appearance: Ronnie Colleman, Aaron Baker, Mike Matarazo, Chris Cormier, Lee...
  4. K

    Running Anadrol and Dianabol at the same time

    All, Had a couple of questions about running a cycle, in particular using Anadrol and Dianabol at the same time and in what dosages. Assuming the following regime, Anadrol (50 mg/daily) Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly) Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly) Anastrozole or Aromisin - Could one run...
  5. F

    need PCT DOSES

    hi anyone can help me to do a correct pct with doses and how many weeks.. for 6 weeks or primo oral thanks.. 23 years, 1.81cm, 185-87 pounds, 12-15 bff