
  1. A

    Confused Adding HCG at the end of the cycle or on PCT

    i am in the middle of cycle now tomorrow will be my week 5 my recent plan test e 500mg 1-8 weeks deca 350mg 1-8 weeks hcg 750iu/ed after 10 days from last injection after hcg immediately start nolva and colmid for 4 weeks but i read many articles that really confused my about starting hcg on...
  2. GhostFaced

    Does body fat matter when using hcg

    Can I use hcg at 30%BF ?, also is pro roids legit? apparently they are from my city shipping takes 1-2 days, how much is 500 mg in ml
  3. RandallNowan

    HCG "gainz"

    With continued use of HCG is it possible to get your balls bigger than they used to be / bigger than 'natty'? I wouldn't mind an extra ml or ten, lol. Cumming like Peter North would be a bonus...
  4. J

    HCG, during or after? 1st cycle

    Just want some experts to chime in on this
  5. Ap3xPr3d8r

    Recieved FAKE gear halfway through cycle, NO PCT

    Stats: 27y.o. 5'11, 195lbs, 7%bf, I took my first shot of TRT dosed Test Cyp 200mg on Jan 1st-April 1st. From April - May, I used my pharma gear and doubled the dosage (500mg/week) and got great results, gained about 15lbs. I did this knowing I'd run out, but another source would come in...
  6. L

    Does Hcg raise blood testosterone levels?

    I know that Hcg raises ITT, but if you are taking Hcg only and got a TT check, would the Hcg elevation show up? If so, what is the normal raise, meaning if you took 250iu and got a TT check the day after, what would one expect TT values to be?
  7. A

    Second cycle

    I am getting ready to start my second cycle, for the first cycle I used: anavar/50 milligrams/day test C/500 milligrams/week Anastrozole 1mg/day for duration of cycle and PCT. For about 10 weeks, followed with Clomid for PCT. I really liked it the results considering the anavar help with...
  8. X-BODY

    How Long Does Bacteriostatic Water Last for Once Opened. With and Without HCG

    Hi I have 30 ml Bac Water (rubber stopper) from Hospira. But i need 5ml for each HCG batch. If i store my bac water in refrigerator, how long can i use opened bac water itself? Some people says its lasts 3 months, others a year. Im confused :) And After reconstituting HCG with bac water, it will...
  9. P

    First cycle, on week 5, comments , thoughts, all very welcome

    Hey all, That’s my first cycle, I’m 29yo, bf % no idea, not fat , not lean perhaps about 15% before starting the cycle, 188cm and currently 91kilos and I have been lifting for the last maybe 10 years, on and off, but quite consistent. In September 2015 I broke some capsules in my hand while...
  10. H

    Testicles desensitised due to HCG blast (low sperm volume, weak erection)

    My cycle history is a 12 week cycle of just test e in 2014 and in 2015. I had my serum test levels checked after both cycles: After 1st cycle (24/07/14): 21nmol/L After 2nd cycle (08/06/15): 17nmol/L I had in my head I had not fully recovered so last month after some research I started a...
  11. L

    Hcg and Hmg PCT combo?

    I was reading a thread where a member ran the two of these for PCT, with no SERM. Has anyone else done this?
  12. A

    first tren cycle looking for tips

    I'm in the process of researching and studying up on tren.. I've been looking into it for about a year now. any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated. a little about me I started working out when I was 13 for sports I went in and played college football until I ran in trouble with the law...