
  1. S

    Howdy! Intro from a peptide enthusiast

    Howdy Meso, Been lurking here a few months and figured it was finally time for an intro! My primary interests are: peptides, nootropics, GLP-1s, GH, sourcing, fitness and supplements. I'm natural and am not a power lifter/body builder. I came to this space via my interest in nootropics...
  2. mahatmaandy_

    Hey Meso!

    Hello Everyone. I would just like to introduce myself. About me: Age: 27 BF%: around 10% Height: 180cm Weight: 90kg Startet with the gym in July 2016 with just 58kg Currently on Test, NPP and proviron. (600mg/700mg/350mg) Kcal/macros: 3850kcal - 285g protein, 45g fat and 560g carbs...
  3. Beirkorte

    Well, now we're here, time to dig in.

    Hello Meso crew and members. I was guided here by a particular discord about peptides and have been trying to learn more about what each peptide shorthand name is, what they're for and so on. I started sema with the assistance of a friend from another forum, taking a slow approach to titrating...
  4. Rez.

    Stay humble, stack plates

    Hi, I'm Rez, a 46 year old Londoner currently residing in Thailand. Being lifting off and on for twenty years but never managed to stay in shape for long. Started TRT this year March 2024 and loved it. Probably should of jumped on to it as soon as I hit 40. Kept upping my Test E dose to see...
  5. FantasticScarecrow

    I'm new here

    Hi! My name's FantasticScarecrow and I'm an absolute newbie in AAS. I've joined to learn things from you here (and ask dumb questions, obviously) My goal for now is to get rid of depression, get more energy to be able to work. I'm 31yo, 79kg 185cm I go to the gym, walk ~10k steps a day, eat...
  6. E

    New Member

    As a new member I want to introduce myself to the community. I am grateful to have found such a valuable resource for harm reduction purposes as it relates to AAS. I have been researching AAS use for enhancing performance and aesthetics for 5 years on my own and have a deep appreciation for the...
  7. 4

    New Member Intro Post

    Long time lurker finally decided to join the fun. I am 48 years old and recently decided to start giving a shit about my body. I am 6’ and 225lbs and I am down 40 lbs from my highest weight in October. I am currently using 10 mg of Tirzepatide weekly, dosed every 3.5 days and 150 mg of Test Cyp...
  8. J

    Had to make a new account - long time member new name!

    hi yall, Not much to say besides I’m back under a new name. Thanks!
  9. R

    New here: My TRT Story

    Hi guys, new here and figured I’d introduce myself with my TRT story. I’ve been lurking around for a bit and hope to continue my time on this forum. I have no background in steroids but I’ve learnt a lot in the last 3 months. It all started over a year ago when I felt like I needed to get my...
  10. B

    Hey guys

    Hey guys, nice to meet you all. I’m a 31yr old from NYC. I’ve been lifting since high school but was never able to get super toned. I got pretty badly out of shape during COVID lockdowns but since then I’ve been on a fitness/body recomp journey and have managed to cut my bf% in half (down to...
  11. O

    Hi Everyone, Glad to be a part of this forum.

    Hi, Been lifting for 5+ Years now steadily, was into other sports before and lifting here and there for 20 years before going steady for muscle Hypertrophy. From Canada Age: 37 226 lbs 5'7” BF: 17-19 ish % New to the world of PEDs (Less than a year, 1 Bulk cycle, now on a Cutting Cycle) I get...
  12. Z

    New Member (Introducing myself)

    Hello everyone, as has been customary for some time now I am going to talk a little about myself and why I want to participate in the entirety of MesoRX. I am a young man (23 years old) who has been researching everything at my disposal about AAS and peptides for about a year; this world...
  13. M

    New Member Introduction/harm reduction

    Hello everyone. I have been reading on this forum for at least 1 year now and finally decided it was time too jump on board. I plan on competing in classic physique in april. Anyways i just wanted too be another meathead.
  14. A

    Introduction/about me

    Hello, my name is Luke. I’m 21 with about 18 months natty experience. I went from 52kg/112lbs to 75kg/165lbs, then back down to 55kg due to becoming a full time chef and losing time in the gym and time eating. I wish to document a blast and cruise type of cycle given the circumstances, and...
  15. CallumBT


    Hey everyone, My name is Callum, and this is my introduction. I study in the Netherlands currently, but I am originally from England. I've been lifting consistently now for approximately 4 years, with a relatively healthy diet for the first 3 years, and a macro tracked diet for the last 9...
  16. R

    readalot (aka tareload) introduction

    Hello Fellow Body Dysmorphia [sic] sufferers. Looks like I have made to to the audition at Meso (after ExcelMale and I have basically parted ways and TNation as well haha). Spent years on TNation and ExcelMale under the handle Readalot and then Tareload (long and silly story). If you are really...
  17. K


    Hello, finally posting my introduction, I study in a veterinary school in France ( maybe i could get some clen ... ) and only finished one cycle for the moment, and would love to learn more about steroids here ! ;)
  18. cinder

    Hii, go check out my first cycle log :)

    I've been lurking for awhile and am really impressed with the people here. Lots of respect, so I figured it'd be valuable to start interacting. You can find my first cycle log here...
  19. J

    Hello scholarly gentlepeople and fellow anabolinauts

    I am commited to harm reduction when it comes to the use of AAS, GLP-1 agonists, SARMs, SERMs, nootropics, life extension chemicals, and the like. I am here to learn and improve, and always open to feedback.
  20. A

    hello, new member here

    I have been lurking here for a little bit but decided to take part of some discussions in this Forum. I have intermediate experience with PEDS id say.
  21. T

    Hi new here looking to help anti tech husband out

    Don't know if this is the right place to start my name is paige and looking to find where to get injectable steriods in Sydney nsw Hubby has been on before in the past but seems everyone he knows is short or not able to help out Looked at a couple of websites but from what I can see majority...
  22. fitbrain

    Meso hungry. Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone! Partially doing this to gain access to more privileges lol... but also, I might as well provide a little background about myself for anyone that reads this. I've been into health/fitness since probably age 19. Natty for most of my lifting career. Mostly obsessively optimizing...
  23. F


    i finally made an account.
  24. H

    Former drug addict, back in the gym, questions

    (came here based on an answer to a question on Quora which mentioned the forum) In 2010 I got a job at a gym and worked out for a couple years and was in great shape. Around the same time though I became addicted to painkillers and it began a horrific addiction where I was shooting up a bunch...
  25. Ambitiouslabrat

    Lurker turned member

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking this forum for months doing my research. I started my journey 3 years ago at around 255lbs around 45%bf or higher. I’m now 200 at around 22% bf ( yes I know I’m still fat ) I’m 5”8. Age is 34 Hoping to get to around 15% before I start anything but just...