
  1. T


    Hi all, I am 32 years old and I have been practicing fitness/bodybuilding since I was 18 (with periods that have been more intense than others in all these years - Only as a casual like every other guy going to the gym though, no competition). Since my transition to adult life, I have always...
  2. W

    Intro/peptide questions

    What's up,y'all? I'm a former amateur boxer turned coach/fitness trainer/sports nutritionist for a little over a decade. I'm 42 years old, 5'10", currently around the 185-190 lbs. area, and I'd guess at or maybe below about 10% body fat. Feels like I ought to be right on top of the whole...
  3. Panterra Noir

    New member, what’s up Meso!

    What’s up gang, I’m a 28 year old from the US and have been training for about 15 years. I was a D1 collegiate athlete and have been an on-again/off-again powerlifter. Now I’m a certified strength and conditioning coach (CSCS) who’s looking to dabble in some bodybuilding after a lifetime of...
  4. S

    First cycle - some help with bloods please

    Hi team, A quick introduction, I’m new to the forum but I’ve been lurking a while. My stats are as follows; 5’10” - 84kg (185lbs) - 29 years old - 11.3% bf I am currently on my first cycle, I am running the following; 500mg test e e3.5d week 1-15 Arimidex 0.5mg e3.5d week 2-15 Novaldex week...
  5. A

    New guy with new problem

    Hey meso, Joined the forums to largely get you guys opinion on an issue I’ve never had before. I compete in the classic division and have been working to fill my weight cap out. On to my third cycle with almost no hiccups and great progress. Until now. My source has always used cottonseed...
  6. N

    My Intro

    Hey! My name is Chris. I have been looking for community to get involved in to get more information. I've been doing a lot of research on anabolics for the last few years. Back in 2018 I did a test only cycle and it was fantastic, the best drug I've ever done for sure. I love the feeling of...
  7. DrBeefcake777

    New here (again) was on old Meso

    A lot has changed boys. Glad to see this place is still runnin and gunnin. I was a member wayyy back around 2004 when TheGreatApe and some other fuckhead troll extraordinaires were around. This place still has a similar look and feel but seems to have much less BS on it. Im usually on ProM but...
  8. DustMan

    32, going on TRT

    Hey everyone Love the forum so far, I'm purchasing a microwave soon just so I can have popcorn while reading the threads here. I'm living in Germany and I recently purchased some Fulmen's test E, I've got a bio electrical impedance scale, and I'll be doing pre and 6 week bloods using the 48...
  9. Shadow Project

    Introduction in the shadow

    Goodmorning, Shadow Project here, I would like to say hi and thanks for accepting me at Meso. Some background: 26 years old, 1.91 m tall, 106 kg @ 8-10% bodyfat (6ft3in, 233 lbs), Netherlands based, been lifting for well over 8 years, hopped on the juicetrain about 4 years ago. I always had...
  10. Mountainman385

    Semi-New to meso! Help me get involved?

    Hey guys! Been following me so and all the other forums for about 8 years or more but never signed up on any and participated until now. Decided to finally get involved in the community. Have done several cycles before, am a personal trainer and business owner as well. Show me the ropes of using...
  11. aanold

    Getting back into it.

    Just wanted to introduce myself as I've been reading here for a few months. I have found that every time I search for a AAS or HGH related topic online I find the best information on this site. There are many intelligent folks contributing here. I am 43 now and cycled AAS when I was in my mid...
  12. T


    I won't give you advice because I don't know what I'm doing. I won't give you a source because I'm a scamming liar. Really, ignore my posts. "About me". I am using gear because I'm mentally ill. My days are spent reading(1-4hours), lifting(.5-2hours) and playing league of legends(0-11hours)...
  13. AlphaPitTD

    New Member Introduction

    Hello Everyone. I would just like to introduce myself as i have not yet. I have been a member for the past month or so now just doing a lot of reading. You guys are funny and I'm really getting the idea of what you guys are about around here. That's about all I have to say for now. I will be...
  14. Go-G

    New Member Intro

    Hey, Guys: I've been lurking around long enough to realize two things: 1. This is an awesome forum, and 2. I need to introduce myself. I'm 53 years old, 6'1", 183bs. Bodyfat 11%. Been lifting off and on since 18 years old. Athletic generally, but consider weights the core activity for health...
  15. Dimitroslav

    The meat and potatoes...

    Afternoon mates, I do apologize for lurking around for so many months. I've enjoyed absorbing the information put forward and personalities as a wallflower; allow me to remedy the situation and come out of the shadows... I've only recently emigrated from the States to Canada- apparently I have...
  16. 213

    new to the board, glad to be here:

    what's up folks- newbie here. 25, 6'0', 230lbs @ 28% bf, working on it. currently 1 hour of fasted cardio 5x/week. PPL 2x/week. 2400 kcal- 220p 200c and 70f (bmr ~2000kcal, tdee 2800kcal) considering a PSMF because I respond well to low-carb dieting/have had success with it in the past...
  17. T

    Whats up!

    Hey Meso! After about a year of research and reading i have decided to join the place i thought was most trustworthy. I am currently 21 years old, 190 lbs with about 12% body fat. I want to take my lifting to the next level but i haven't been able to find resources. I know this isn't a source...
  18. RandallNowan

    First post, first purchase...

    Hello, Folks. I've been a lurker for a while but finally manned up today and got an account. I've had serious difficulties in organising some Bitcoin... But I think I've got it licked now and I'm going to be giving Kylin a try. Thanks for all the help you've already been, and in advance for...
  19. brn2domin8

    New Introduction

    Just saying hi! Been lifting since High school except for time off from injuries. (Back surgery, shoulder surgery, and broken leg/ankle) 44 yrs old. 6'4" 265 lbs approx 15.5% bf using 7 pt. Tried every bullshit supplement on the market and recently some sarms. Definitely a boost with the...
  20. H

    I'm new.

    Hello MESO! I'm Hyperbola, and I've joined the forum so I can read about vendors and customer buying experiences, as well as to learn more about the various products that are in use today. I chose MESO, because the threads I read beforehand seemed both useful and informative, and I was able to...
  21. Arm1nArmz

    New member from Oregon

    Hey guys new here to Meso-rx. I've been reading the boards for quite some time now. Thought it was about time to start an account so I can give some input that's has worked for me and ask questions to answers I can't find in the boards. I'm 29, was in the Army for 7 years(Artillery) Did one...