
  1. A

    Noob hello

    Hey everyone, F/40s here, I am doing my noob duty by saying hi :). In my youth I use to be super fit and active and then life and marriage happened and I got inactive and VERY fat. Now I am in search of some camaraderie of like minded people on my mission back to fitness with the assistance of...
  2. FutureMrO

    Cutting cycle

    hey guys this is going to be my 3rd cycle Iv ran cycles when bulking but when I cut I tend to lose that look you can only have when on a cycle I'll be doing a 12 week cut and thinking of running test e at 500mg a week. Tren A at 50mg eod for 5 weeks and also have var and clen on hand. Idk if I...
  3. P

    New Cycle!

    Starting a 12 week cycle using PharmaCom products, its leaning towards being a cutting and shredding cycle. (I pin 6 days a week) Im looking at running this: Test Prop; 50mg ED, 300 weekly Tren Ace : 50mg ED, 300 weekly for 4 weeks 75mg ED, 450 Weekly for next 4 weeks...
  4. M

    Help me with clenbuterol please

    Hey champs! Ive revently decided i will start taking clenbuterol for fat loss that have been stubborn all my life Im 22 yrs old , 5"11 , 211 pounds On ablut 20% bf Ill combine clen with lifting+ cardio 6 days a week My diet as i read will be low carb high protein ( ill increase my carbs a...
  5. HiddenMystery

    COMEBACK CYCLE, Im so lost!

    I’ve been on house arrest for about 6 months now, which has completely stopped me from going to the gym for obvious reasons. Ive had to cut some cycles short. I’ve run about 4 or 5 cycles, my best cycle was my first cycle (first full cycle) a year ago, a simple test compound and dbol cycle run...
  6. N

    2016 - 6 Month Competition Cycle PLEASE COMMENT!!!

    Wassup Bro's! Ive lurked around every forum on the web and decide i wanted some comments from some new people so ill be bringing this years game here! Stats: 23 yo 5-6 160lb 7% BF Ive been Competing for years around my area and have been self taught and trained. My diet has also been be...
  7. H

    New and have questions

    2 x GP Stan 50 (Winstrol injectable) 2 x GP Nolva (Nolvadex) 2 x Test E 200mg / EQ 200mg This is what I'm starting with and I'm not sure how much to use or how often, I know I need this to lean out and lose fat, but that's all I know. I'm completely green and need advice. This is my first...