
  1. J

    Pharmacom Test-E and DBol Cycle

    Source: Pharmacom Store Compounds: Dbol 30mg/day & Test E-300, 600mg/week total, split in 2 pins/week Exemestane 15mg EOD Previous Stats: 5'11'' 208 lbs approx 17% bf bench: 185bs x 10 shoulder press: 60lb dumbells x 8 Deadlift: 225x8 Current Stats: weight: 221 lbs bf unchanged Bench: 225lbs...
  2. BigVinny

    Hello from San Diego

    Hello everyone! I am new to this board though I am not new to lifting or AAS use. My first and only cycle a few years ago I did test prop 350mg/week and hit PRs on all my lifts, though the size did not stay on after cycling off. I actually think it may have been under-dosed. Some stuff about...