
  1. C

    Primo, Test, Dbol, Winny, Anavar Cycle

    I'll start by saying this is my first time joining a forum as such or posting any type of blog that involves anabolics. That said, I am about to run this cycle in 2 months and would like some feedback for those who are advanced and know. Stats: Age: 27 Height: 6'4" Weight: 225 LB BF:6% Past...
  2. drippie

    Thoughts on this cycle

    I'm 37yo training for 20years. 6'0 205lbs - 9-10%bf Just looking to keep slowly adding the lbs and fine tune the physique Here's what I was thinking. Cyp 250mg (once per week trt) Prop 100 eod Tren ace 100mg eod Primo 200mg eod Anavar 60mg Ed Proviron 50mg Ed Arimidex .25 Ed Caber .5 e3d...
  3. Wendylifts

    Primo Cycle

    So, I started pinning primo 5/17. 25mg 2x/week. There was some overlap with my last 1 and a half weeks of var which I was taking at 10mg/day. I am drawing with a 22 ga and pinning with 25 ga in the glute. The pin is absolutely nbd. Although after the first one, the very first ever pin for me...