
  1. Fxxy

    Came off everything - high progesterone (almost trippled), E2 not detected

    Hello guys, I am looking for a little advice from you or any tip. After year of blasting/cruising I came off everything because I am trying to get fertile. I started PCT 2 weeks after my last test E shot (62,5mg). Did 10 000 IU of HCG in these 2 weeks. I finished PCT ( 5 weeks of clomid...
  2. shawnsinful

    Caber & Progesterone

    Hi, I’m really in need of a reliable source of Caber. My Progesterone levels have been elevated and I haven’t done anything to keep them in check. I was going to order with expresspct now they’re gone I wanted to order from skank but now he’s closed too It seems like so many sources either...
  3. Nicolaus

    Best steroid?

    Hello beautiful people Before I get flamed or taunted, I would like to point out I am a complete newbie and would appreciate clarification please. Never have done a cycle and do not plan on doing any soon, want to do as much research before I do. 1) Why dont people just do deca only or primo...
  4. B

    Extremely High Progesterone?

    Hey guys, just got my new lab results. I was shocked at how high my progesterone was Total T >52 nmol/L (8.64-29.0) E2 48.67 pmol/L (28-156) Prolactin 252.30 uIU/ml (57.24-322) Cortisol 6.42 ug/dl (6.2-19.4) SHBG 6.52 nmol/L (14.5-48.4) PROGESTERONE 19.54 nmol/L (0.7-4.3) As you can see, my...
  5. B

    Progesterone As Important as Testosterone

    Hey all, I'm trying to become an amateur endo-enthusiast (seems like this lifestyle almost forces a lot of learning about the endo-system). Clearly I still have a lot to learn. I came across this article postulating the importance of Progesterone in both muscle mass (building) and estrogen...