
  1. O

    Old Vials, high SHBG, Symptoms, and AI Use

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this and appreciate your patience and help. I started a new Test Cyp cycle last Sunday (30th June), injecting 100mg on Sunday and Thursday, planning to continue for eight weeks, pinning 2/week. Concerns: - Current Symptoms Initially, I felt great, but mid-week, I...
  2. Training till failure

    Blood results

    Should I take 0.5mg of cabergoline and 12.5mg of aromasin to lower my prolactin and estrogen? What dosage of each should I run? Thanks in advance
  3. O

    Prolactin Levels Doubled???

    One year ago on 175mg test E: Testosterone 33.2nmol/L (7.6-31.4nmol/l) Oestrodial 150pmol/L (0-192pmol/L SHBG 37noml/L (16-55nmol/L) Free Androgen Index 89.7 (24-104) Prolactin 390mIU/L (86-324mIU/L) Now on 150mg Test E: Testosterone 24.5...
  4. WatchWho

    High prolactin (26 Ng/ml) PRE gear

    I just restarted a TRT/cruise at ~200mg Test C per week. And prior to getting started again (after being off for a a long time) last week I sent off blood work to LCG. The results were a little shocking. Apparently - my test levels were in the 800s (without any TRT) - which is odd since I had...
  5. musclemedicine

    Test Prop Injection Pain and Prolactin Support (4tren)

    So three days ago I started my first cycle since 2014. I am running test prop and tren ace (First time with either compound EOD: 100mg tren ace (0.5ml) and 100mg Test prop (1.0ml). I load one syringe with both and inject 1.5ml total. I have been loading with a 19 gauge filter tip needle, and...
  6. FiftyShadezOfOrange

    Blood Work Available: Let's Explain Prolactin

    Hello folks! So I've recently decided to do as much lab work as possible to try and figure out what my optimal hormone levels are, as I get extremely flat any time my estrogen / prolactin go off a small range, no matter what other AAS i'm on. First test results are from May 17, I was running...
  7. Shiza

    Pre cycle bloodwork - some low/high

    Hey there guys - it occurred to me I think I posted initially in the wrong subforum.. so here is what I posted: Hey guys - long time lurker first time poster here. I have been following this board and many others and decided I wanted to start posting.. especially after my pre bloods. I...
  8. Shiza

    Pre cycle bloodwork - some low/high

    Hey there guys - long time lurker first time poster here. I have been following this board and many others but decided I wanted to start posting. I recently took my pre cycle bloodwork prior to starting a test e only cycle (500 mg/12 wk with HCG and proper PCT. I have a few high and low...
  9. T

    Test levels too high after PCT

    Hey guys, bit of an unusual problem, but still dangerous in my doctors opinion. I did a Test P - Tren A Cycle for 9 weeks. Cycle with Test P 33mg ed Tren A 50mg ed After that followed a PCT with -100mg ed Week 1 -50mg ed Week 2,3,4 -nothing Week 5 -3 days 40mg Nolva ed -7 days 20mg Nolva ed...
  10. G

    Cabergoline alternative

    Wondering if there's something I can use instead of cabergoline to fight off prolactin gyno as my source is sold out. I have arimidex but I've been told caber should at least be on hand if I'm going to run tren or MENT. Anyone know of anything that would be a worthy alternative?
  11. M

    What to expect from Deca/Caber

    Hey guys, I just want some anecdotal opinions on how I'm feeling during my cycle currently. So I'm 23 years old (Don't comment on my age, I know the risks and researched/contemplated for two years before starting my first 500mg test only cycle). I just want some friendly advice and opinions on...
  12. B

    Extremely High Progesterone?

    Hey guys, just got my new lab results. I was shocked at how high my progesterone was Total T >52 nmol/L (8.64-29.0) E2 48.67 pmol/L (28-156) Prolactin 252.30 uIU/ml (57.24-322) Cortisol 6.42 ug/dl (6.2-19.4) SHBG 6.52 nmol/L (14.5-48.4) PROGESTERONE 19.54 nmol/L (0.7-4.3) As you can see, my...
  13. P

    POST SSRI low libido recommendations, PLEASE HELP!

    Hey Gents, This is my first time posting, was wondering if some of you hormone gurus could assist me in shedding light on fixing my low libido /ED predicament. Can someone take a look at my labs below and provide their take or any recommendations they would pursue please? I took...