
  1. Type-IIx

    Gear, Growth, and Gains Podcast Ep. 011 Prerelease

    Sahp brothas, Ep. 011 of the Gear, Growth, and Gains podcast will be airing this Saturday, Mar 1, 2025. Prerelease Details: Gear, Growth, and Gains – Ep. 011 Episode Outline Introduction Sleeping Medications and Bodybuilding: magnesium (e.g., oxide, glycinate) melatonin Nyquil™ (doxylamine...
  2. Training till failure

    Need help with my sleep stack.

    Not sure if this is the right thread to post this or not: So I take: 770mg of valerian root extract 3mg of private prescription melatonin tablet 50mg melatonin patch 1000mg cbd full extract 1500mg of ashwagandha Was wondering weather or not all this is too much or not and weather or not there...
  3. A

    Just started pharma GH and suddenly worse sleep quality

    I recently bought some pfizer genotropin growth hormone pens from a reputable turkish source on here and running it through the ITS app everything is legit as well as the strong smell of hospital/band aid on the pen. I have been injecting 0.7mg which is around 2.1 iu per day an hour before...
  4. T

    Hgh sleep issues

    Ahoj všichni. Many z vás jsou velmi erudovaní. Proto doufám, že mi můžete pomoci. Když připnu hgh (1iu stačí) ztratit zcela možnost usnout. A malý bzukot v mé hlavě. Víte kde je problém? Jsem s tímto problémem sám. Dělá mi to hyge, opti, evogen a humatrop. Děkuji vám za radu
  5. MrBeans

    MK677 not working?

    Hi everyone, So me & my friend have started our first cycle 6 days ago with (5mg of LGD & 10mg of MK677 per day, also for the first 4 days we bumped the LGD to 10). Yesterday we were discussing how we feel & we both agreed that we felt a bit more energetic & the endurance as well as recovery...
  6. Z

    Mk-677 is shortening my sleep cycle

    this is my 2nd cycle of mk-677 from IRC and have same problem as first time. im waking at 4pm. ive tried dosing pre sleep, dinner, 2pm, lunch. no go. last nigh i went to sleep at 9pm. woke at 2pm. ive dropped the dose for this week to 5mg. weird thing is im not tired. ive googled mk677...
  7. VVV

    Clenbuterol, Salbutamol/Albuterol and Sleep

    Howdy everyone, I'm wondering how to get the best of both worlds here: I love the effects of clen and also the way that it makes me feel, the energy boost. Same with albuterol/Sambutamol. BUT. About sleep: The side effect that I get - since I'm sensitive to stimulants - is lousy sleep. High...
  8. Meathead

    Using alcohol to help with Tren insomnia is it hurting my gains.

    I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and...
  9. GhostFaced

    Sleep Pills

    what sleeping pills are safe to take on a regular basis
  10. RandallNowan

    Sleep.... GHB?

    Anyone struggle for sleep? Do any of you use GHB to get to sleep... Or if not, what do you use? Getting fairly sick of not sleeping. It's fucking me up and keeping me small.
  11. Amiraliii

    How to control sleeping during cycle !!

    Hey guys hope you doing well I want to know about sleeping importance during cycle. my trainer keeps telling me that i should sleep from 12 to 4 at night to gain muscle he said you only gain when you sleep .As i have sleeping issue, i wanted to know if he is right or no and what should i do to...