
  1. R

    Few questions about sterilization

    First question is about the raw powder I read the other post and couldn’t get a good reply. Do I need to pre sterilize my raws or does the filter and the ba do that. If I do need to sterilize the raws what’s your method? Second question after I clean my beakers and put them in the oven do I need...
  2. 666bym

    Easy Vial Sterilization Technique

    Hey guys, I plan on getting into homebrewing and since it can be a pain in the ass to source high quality pre-sterilized vials, I thought of an alternative technique using a very easy process and a pressure cooker. Basically I took some concepts I've been applying when growing magic mushrooms...
  3. Bradybomb

    Water based Benzyl Alcohol percentage

    I’m planning on making some water based winstrol and concerned about infection since 95% of infection comes from water based gear. I obviously will use sterile vials, filter the water and winstrol with .22um filters, and swab the top with alcohol every time before drawing. I was wondering what...
  4. Bootybeaver

    Pressure cooker for sterilizing vials

    Read allot about people using pressure cookers for an autoclave. I was curious if anyone had any experience with this, and if they knew approx what size pressure cooker you would need to autoclave 50 vials at a time? much appreciated!
  5. master.on

    Be clear: sterile filtration will NOT remove coronaviruses from finished or semi-finished gear.

    If an infected chinese worker sneezes or coughs on your raws, semi or finished gear, filtration will NOT remove the viruses. Coronaviruses are about 120-125 NANOmeters long Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis coronavirus | Definition, Features, & Examples Sterile...
  6. T

    Leaky Test Vial

    Hey guys, I need a little advice. When I got my vial of testosterone the other day it was leaking out the side a bit, not a lot, maybe like .5ml max, but enough to make the outside of the vial kinda oily. Obviously I’m not going to inject it out of fear of getting an abscess, but I was thinking...
  7. master.on

    Can HIV and other viruses pass trough 0.22 um filters?

    ...we have determined the diameters of mature and immature HIV-1 to be 110 to 128 and 132 to 146 nm, respectively... Determination of the size of HIV using adenovirus type 2 as an internal length marker. - PubMed - NCBI 110 nanometers = 0.11 micrometers Convert nm to um - Conversion of...