
  1. D

    Full Panel and Libido Issues

    5 weeks in bloods on 440 test 350 mast 140 tren 50mg var 6 IU HGH. Var has been discontinued now. I was wondering if anything stands out as concerning. I've never had anything out of range on thyroid before but from other threads I've read just T4 isn't that much of an issue. My main issue is my...
  2. O

    Thyroid Lab Changes While bulking

    Hey everyone! Would love some input- My TSH (usually lower reference range) and T4 (usually lower - low mid reference range) are always normative and i have been regularly taking 100mcg t4/day for 1 - 1.5 years. Now, 2 months into a bulk my TSH is quite high (I have never need it over 2) and...
  3. Aurum

    First course when there are problems with the liver

    Hi, I'm almost 39 years old, 174cm/64kg (5'8/141pounds). For last 12 months I worked out 3-4 times per week and I think I have reached my natural limit. I consider steroids to compensate my age and dropping testosterone level. Despite my concentration of T is "pretty high for my age" as my...
  4. J

    Thyroid cancer and testosterone

    Recently diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. Got surgery in a month to remove thyroid + affected lymph nodes nearby. I've stopped HGH because I know hgh can increase growth of cancer cells. But I am still on Test. Is there a link between testosterone and cancer? I don't want to come...
  5. M

    Blood test curiosity

    Alright, so I have not pinned test cyp or hcg in 22 days. Long story short I have a job that stays on my ass drug use wise. I just got a blood test done through my job for thyroid and vitamin d cause I’ve been having sleep issues. To my knowledge they should only be checking those two things. I...
  6. Bradybomb

    Does t3 at night affect your sleep?

    I’ve heard that taking t3 at night could affect your sleep as thyroid hormone is stimulating in certain environments, however I am not sure if night time environment would apply. Whenever I take more than 25mcg of t3 I split the dosage and I have never noticed a change in sleep. Have any of you?
  7. WalnutBlast

    Anyone experience sides on only 25mcg t3?

    Hey guys, I’m on only 25mcg t3 but getting some sides. I’m on cruise rn and kinda concerned and wanna fix this issue before getting back on blast. I’ve been having fast heart rate (high 70s to low 90s), and frequent flutters. My EKG was normal, 48 hr holter was normal, echocardiogram was normal...
  8. G

    T3 T4

    Hello everyone. So I had been doing a 6 week cycle with T3 and T4. I worked the dosages like a pyramid. It’s been 3,5 weeks since I stopped and I got my blood checked and the results came that I have low T3 and T4 and normal TSH. Does anyone know if it’s ok that the levels haven’t gotten...
  9. A

    Low Libido 3+ Years After Test Cycle, On TRT, Help Please!

    Hi guys, first time poster on the Meso RX forums. I’m 26 with a past history of AAS. Superdrol when I was 19, I could buy it OTC. 2 test cycles in 2015, the first of which had 6 weeks superdrol front load along with 4 weeks of Tren from 150mg up to 350mg. I guess I did them too close...
  10. Jennerater

    Female here! T minus 4 days out.

    Hi everyone! Error wtf? I just spent an hour filling this and pressed save. Rwar! I start my I start my AAS in four days var. I will re-write everything here in this form all over again soon. I am pissed, I logged all my supplements, medications, diet, stats, everything and clicked save and...
  11. J


    Hi guys I'm a newbie I work in the security industry oversea where all the guys juice but with no real knowledge. I myself do 2 months on 1 month off where I live in Thailand . I have used recreational drugs which I thought was shrinking my penis . When I come back to work we all basically...
  12. J

    Thyroid function and AAS

    Fellas, I am looking at running a standard 10 week cycle and have some concerns regarding my thyroid. I have Hypothyroidism (low T4 count) and currently take 112 mcg of Levothyroxine. My question is what will the effect, if any be on my thyrooid function and should I refrain from running...
  13. P

    POST SSRI low libido recommendations, PLEASE HELP!

    Hey Gents, This is my first time posting, was wondering if some of you hormone gurus could assist me in shedding light on fixing my low libido /ED predicament. Can someone take a look at my labs below and provide their take or any recommendations they would pursue please? I took...
  14. O

    Input on my case? Thyroid/'Adrenal Fatigue'

    Long story short: after years of treatment-resistant depression/anxiety/PTSD, I crashed severely 6 months ago and progressively began to experience reactive hypoglycemia, weakness/fatigue, tinnitus, balance problems, plus most of the symptoms of hypothyroidism (low temperatures, weight gain...
  15. M

    Questions for my CLEN/T3/YOHIMBINE (ketotifen) cycle

    Hi guys ! Here are my personal informations: Second cycle (2weeks clen only ended 2 days ago). 80 kilos (177 pounds) 11%bf 1,81 centimeter (6ft) Trained for 3 years 23 years old Train pretty much everyday (i can't have a rest day without a cardio or abs seance i know its bad) From what i heard...
  16. F

    Zero libido/mood swings/other symp on 34yo male > help with diagnose please (LAB RESULTS attached!)

    Hi all! I live in the UK and reached your forum looking for some answers. I will see an Endocrinologist soon but I don't know how 'conservative' is - so would like to have some opinions beforehand... ME: Male / 34yo / No past-current affections / No STDs / No meds / No supplements / Healthy...