1,5 year cycle pct



I,ve been on a 1,5 year cycle now, mainly consisting of test e or test cyp 750mg per week.
I sometimes stacked in tren a and tren hex (for 2 months then 2 months off), clen and 1 time dbol for 6 weeks.
I didnt run anything else throughout this period, no anti e, no hcg as I didnt really have any problems with gyno etc.

I started with around 102 kgs being fat a fuck (who has already lifted 4 years naturally and a 6 months on/6 months off cycle of just test e 250mg), no idea about the bodyfat and im at 100kgs now with visible abs at 5'8-5'9.

I wanna come off until I get my girl pregnant, I dont know if I can get her pregnant right now as she comes off the pill next month and I just want to make sure to get her pregnant and not shoot empty water.

So I planned something like this:
I will have my last pin of test in the last week of march. Until then I shoot hcg low dosed at 500 ius ed, started yesterday. I will stop the hcg 5 days before my last test e pin.
Then, 2 weeks after the test shot I will start with clomid and nolva, clomid at 50mg ed for 4 weeks, nolva at 20mg ed for 6 weeks.
Im in the middle of cutting down as much bodyfat as I can, so when I start my pct I can eat like a monster again to prevent as much weight loss as possible.
I will also stack in arimidex to keep estrogen low, and in the first 2 weeks after the test pin I will add in low dosed clenbuterol, to take care of the cortisol and get that down a bit.

Would this be right ? I dont wanna come off forever, I just want her pregnant and get my natural test levels running, I will cycle then again, but short cycles.
Another questions I have, I want to keep as much muscle as possible, I doubt I could build some more without AAS right now so my goal while off the AAS would be to keep a much mass and strength as possible, so I thought to help out with some peptides?

I heard igf1 lr3 would be good for pct, the last 2 weeks after the test pin + the first 2 weeks of pct, then 4 weeks off and then 4 weeks on the igf 1 again was my thought?
When im off all the pct meds I would also add in ghrp and cjc at the typical 300mg/3 times a day dose..would this be benefical?


Week 1: 500 hcg ed until 5 days before last test pin
Week 2: last test pin
(wait two weeks)
Week 5 to week 9: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 5 to week 11: Nolva 20/20/20/20/20/20
Week 5: Arimidex ed for 2 weeks or so, i havent planned it for sure but it was a thought

Week 2 + week 3: low dosed clen for 2 weeks to clear cortisol levels

if its helpfull, adding in the peptides:
Week 3 to week 7: igf 1 lr 3 at 50mg ed in the morning and 50mg post workout, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks on again and so on)
Week 11: when im off all the meds I will cycle in ghrp and cjc at 300mg ed in the morning, post workout and before bed, for 50 days, then 50 days off.

Any input on the pct and please advise and input on the peptides? Money is no issue, diet is in check, training is in check (I train since 6 years, started at a fat 60 kgs and im 'lean' 100 kgs right now so I think I know what im doing training and nutritionwise.)
Please dont come with the 'you cycled way too long' comments, I know its been a long cycle, it was maybe a bad decision to stay on that long but it already happened and I doubt that I those 1,5 years destroyed my life. I feel good, I fuck my girl 2 or 3 times a day all day, I had no sides at all during this cycle.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
@Millard Baker

Please move to Post Cycle Therapy Forum. Thanks!

OP, you will find a lot more knowledgeable guys on the topic in the other forum. Just hang in, it may take a day or two to get a few good responses.

I,ve been on a 1,5 year cycle now, mainly consisting of test e or test cyp 750mg per week.
I sometimes stacked in tren a and tren hex (for 2 months then 2 months off), clen and 1 time dbol for 6 weeks.
I didnt run anything else throughout this period, no anti e, no hcg as I didnt really have any problems with gyno etc.

I started with around 102 kgs being fat a fuck (who has already lifted 4 years naturally and a 6 months on/6 months off cycle of just test e 250mg), no idea about the bodyfat and im at 100kgs now with visible abs at 5'8-5'9.

I wanna come off until I get my girl pregnant, I dont know if I can get her pregnant right now as she comes off the pill next month and I just want to make sure to get her pregnant and not shoot empty water.

So I planned something like this:
I will have my last pin of test in the last week of march. Until then I shoot hcg low dosed at 500 ius ed, started yesterday. I will stop the hcg 5 days before my last test e pin.
Then, 2 weeks after the test shot I will start with clomid and nolva, clomid at 50mg ed for 4 weeks, nolva at 20mg ed for 6 weeks.
Im in the middle of cutting down as much bodyfat as I can, so when I start my pct I can eat like a monster again to prevent as much weight loss as possible.
I will also stack in arimidex to keep estrogen low, and in the first 2 weeks after the test pin I will add in low dosed clenbuterol, to take care of the cortisol and get that down a bit.

Would this be right ? I dont wanna come off forever, I just want her pregnant and get my natural test levels running, I will cycle then again, but short cycles.
Another questions I have, I want to keep as much muscle as possible, I doubt I could build some more without AAS right now so my goal while off the AAS would be to keep a much mass and strength as possible, so I thought to help out with some peptides?

I heard igf1 lr3 would be good for pct, the last 2 weeks after the test pin + the first 2 weeks of pct, then 4 weeks off and then 4 weeks on the igf 1 again was my thought?
When im off all the pct meds I would also add in ghrp and cjc at the typical 300mg/3 times a day dose..would this be benefical?


Week 1: 500 hcg ed until 5 days before last test pin
Week 2: last test pin
(wait two weeks)
Week 5 to week 9: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 5 to week 11: Nolva 20/20/20/20/20/20
Week 5: Arimidex ed for 2 weeks or so, i havent planned it for sure but it was a thought

Week 2 + week 3: low dosed clen for 2 weeks to clear cortisol levels

if its helpfull, adding in the peptides:
Week 3 to week 7: igf 1 lr 3 at 50mg ed in the morning and 50mg post workout, 4 weeks off, then 4 weeks on again and so on)
Week 11: when im off all the meds I will cycle in ghrp and cjc at 300mg ed in the morning, post workout and before bed, for 50 days, then 50 days off.

Any input on the pct and please advise and input on the peptides? Money is no issue, diet is in check, training is in check (I train since 6 years, started at a fat 60 kgs and im 'lean' 100 kgs right now so I think I know what im doing training and nutritionwise.)
Please dont come with the 'you cycled way too long' comments, I know its been a long cycle, it was maybe a bad decision to stay on that long but it already happened and I doubt that I those 1,5 years destroyed my life. I feel good, I fuck my girl 2 or 3 times a day all day, I had no sides at all during this cycle.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

What's plan B, should you not be able to get your girl pregnant and unable to restart your HPTA?
In this scenario i would be looking at blasting hCG. Check out Scally's protocol for blasting hCG. And perhaps an aggressive PCT - ie; longer. Instead of 4 wks, 6-8 wks.
Plan A would be to get my girl pregnant until September and then get oncycle again after 6 months off fully recovered.
Plan B would to go to doctors if not pregnant until then and do whatever they think would help to get my fertility running again.
Plan C if that doesnt work fuck it and shoot 2g per week until im dead
having a child should be the most important thing in your life certainly more important than your cycle , you seem to have your priorities a bit out of wack .
thats why i come off.
The 3rd option thing was a sarcastic joke, not a serious thing.
I want to get my gf pregnant, thats why i come off of in the first place.
Why all this conjecture about how and to what degree AAS effect sperm counts.

The fact is while SPERMATOGENESIS may bc suppressed considerably while using AAS the effect is NOT analogous to TT secretion.

But the only way to KNOW what effect cycling has had on fertility REQUIRES a SPERM COUNT.

How telling is it that the OP not once mentioned LAB TESTING as a measure of effective PCT! What now someone says "I need a sperm count, F... that I'm a cycling machine" lol

Make up your mind get off the PED drugs a while and commit yourself to healthy sperm absent the unnecessary influence of AAS or continue cycle for another decade.

However should you opt to continue your existing course (which I've no doubt you will do) chances are you'll become a lifetime member of Mesos TRT forum !
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You think that's bc the MAJORITY of patients whom are on TRT would MUCH prefer not to be, if endogenous production was sufficient.

But they have NO OPTION, and if the OP continues to cycle as is, NEITHER WILL HE!
I agree with the doc... TRT scares the crap out of me that's why I'm off gear and staying off for a while. I got encronologist on the 1/3/16 gonna see what he says about my bloods from my last course.

OP - I have a 11 month old little girl and she is more spectacular than and bulging bicep bro! Don't miss out on the chance to have a child, get the steroids out your head and think about baby names you won't regret it! Good luck brother..