1 Week In Pct 50/50/25/25 Clomid, 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex...


New Member
... and I feel absolutely normal. I was scared shitless after reading all the horror stories. My strength is the same, libido is good, mood is good, my balls are getting bigger/fuller.. the only think is that I look a bit flat and that I run out of juice (pun) on high reps faster.

I am sure that my medication is legit as it is all pharma grade. Is my experience normal?

I will do 6 weeks post PCT.

@Northern Nutrition

I heard a lot (at the gym and online) about how you feel crap, and have no motivation to train, bad libido etc. I feel fine, libido is strong I train as hard as ever and even hit a few pbs along the way. That is why I got confused if my experience is normal.
First cycle run? Felt the same way on my first cycle I guess fresh muscle receptors. Kept most of my gains run creatine with PCT
First cycle run? Felt the same way on my first cycle I guess fresh muscle receptors. Kept most of my gains run creatine with PCT

Yes. I went with 12 weeks of sust 250 e3d followed by 140mg of test prop eod for 4 weeks. Started PCT 4th day after last test prop jab.
Just a quick update.

I am currently at end of week 3 going for week 4 of PCT. I feel fine, libido is there (even tho lower than when on cycle), and balls are as big as ever.

I started at 193 lbs and during peak of my cycle I weighted 216 lbs I now (without any changes in diet and/or training) weight 204lbs . I havent lost any strength (which is my main concern) and I am in a comfortable weight (for my weightclass 198lbs).

I plan 6 weeks post PCT to do full bloodwork and then depending wait a few more weeks and jump on the second cycle. In which I will run just test again - wk1-12 750mg teste and wk12-16 100mg eod testp with dbol 25/50/50/50 kickstart :)
got my pct coming up i hope mine is as smoothly as this. im mad nervous. glad to hear you doing well
2nd week into my pct. Everything is great. Still maintaining and not fucking around lol

Wish I knew what I do now when I first cycled. Would have been so much better