10mg/ml Test Cyp


Sounds like you have old science doctors. My first two specialty TRT clinics sent me multiple use 10ml bottles and said two injections a week. My levels would fluctuate from 800-1200 with twice a week.

Now my personal internal medicine doctor prescribes me 1ml/bottles that I use three times a week with ZERO issues. My levels are 1100-1200 with M-W-F injection schedule.

Just because the vial says "IM only" or "single use" doesnt mean its true. It means it is only approved by the FDA for that.

Here is a good link for you to read up on for the latest subq science.
Testosterone Therapy With Subcutaneous Injections: A Safe, Practical, and Reasonable Option
I have been doing daily(microdosing) sub-q injections for several years. 15mg/day keeps me at just over 800. Been reading about TRT since the 90's.
I read that article when it came out. There have been others in JAMA showing sub-q TRT to be effective as well. That just supports what i started doing years ago.

Never said a vial was for only 1 use. The manufacturer does. That was just info for those that didn't know the safe correct protocol. And can ask for more!

The vast majority of Dr. old school of not still right the scripts for 1 x week.
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
Thats great to hear, and thank you for the kind words. It means a lot coming from someone who is as involved as you are in the industry in addition to being a competitor.

I absolutely agree that female testosterone use is taboo, and it’s just such a misunderstanding of the science. I have first hand seen women become MORE feminine on a low low dose of testosterone because it enabled their bodies to manufacture all the downstream hormones from testosterone that they could not while suppressed from other anabolic use.

Keep pushing the good information and i'll do the same, thanks again!
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
When you’re helping the women you coach, are they still able to have a period etc when you prescribe them and put them on that dose of testosterone without adding other hormones like estrogen or progesterone? Just asking and trying to learn.
When you’re helping the women you coach, are they still able to have a period etc when you prescribe them and put them on that dose of testosterone without adding other hormones like estrogen or progesterone? Just asking and trying to learn.

My wife still had her period on TRT. Post pregnancy and now fairly lean she doesn’t have one though.
Quick thought that I wanted some input on.

I am making a batch of testosterone cypionate for TRT use for a few female friends, as I am formulating I realize I probably don't need any BB or very minimal for it too hold in solution at this dilution? What are your thoughts?

1gr TC Raw
5mL Benzyl Benzoate
2ml BA
93.09 mL MCT Oil

Thanks for the input
It works, i made it for my gf, 42y old without even BB just BA and MCT, holds perfectly
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
A lot of women here might be helped by you sharing the name of that clinic, perhaps here and over in the women forum, where more of them and their husbands will see it.
@Laxbro88 I read through this thread and went searching for Cory Hageman, as I’d never heard the name before. What’s a good diving off point for listening to what she has to say? Sorry for tacking this on here, I’d DM if I could, and happy to continue this elsewhere if you’d rather.

did indeed shit myself lol. These protocols are generally for bikini competitors who want to preserve femininity while still being able to run other compounds and still have regular estrogen etc.
To to be clear. Virilization will still occur. Period.

Even with doctor prescribed dermal/topicals.

There is no such thing as exogenous androgenic male hormone doses _under_ a virilizing dose for women.

Anyone who has known female competitors who have taken them for any reasonable length of time can literally tell in the first 30 seconds of talking to them.

Likewise post menopausal replacement use is evident after any extended period of time in voice and body hair among other symptoms.

Mitigation/Minimization. Sure. Negation. Fallacy.

Please make sure your ladies understand that
15-70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 0.5-2.4 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)

Normal female testosterone ranges

Can we assume that keeping within that range is not virilizing? Male levels are 300-1000 and 10-35 on the same scales.

Although the thread has veered off topic some, the original post was about low concentration testosterone formulations so that females could dose more accurately at very low doses.

Only one post in the thread talks about a dose, and that is 3-5 mg a week. I do not know what that means in terms of bloodwork and the female reference range.

Likewise post menopausal replacement use is evident after any extended period of time in voice and body hair among other symptoms.

Since this is purely anecdotal, how much do you know about their "replacement use," as you call it? Share what data you have, even if there is not much.

How much of a sample size do you have of females who keep their bloodwork within the female reference range and still have virilization?
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Purely anecdotal. First hand witness and second hand experience over years. Cannot substantiate doses with any form of confidence. No statistical or study evidence to support. (To be candid, haven’t looked either) Sample size is around 8-12 first hand, 15-20 second hand.
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Do you have a general idea whether they stayed in the female reference range (the R stands for "replacement") or exceeded it?

Males here think TRT is 200mg a week and up. My guess is that females may be doing the same, especially physique competitors.
A substantial number of the first hand knowledge comes from women (I guess it would be second hand since I’m not the female.. but you get me) on Dr. prescribed TRT. 8 total. 6 injection depot and two deodorant/topical.

None were competitors. All but two post menopausal. I think it is reasonable to assume these ladies most likely stayed in range. All suffered Virilization. All added body hair, masculinization of skin and had clitoris enlargement. 6 of them deepening of the voice. To varying degrees.

The rest, are competitors.

To your point, I would not be able to say with confidence or credibility that their doses remained at replacement levels.

I think it is a reasonable assumption to say that at least a few if not all would have dabbled with variation in dose when looking at what we do as males.

Who knows to what degree.

It is a tough argument to make or support beyond anecdotal or first hand evidence purely because human nature often creates a screen of ambiguity (much like the perpetual debates on pro competitor hormone doses) in defense of image for a variety of reasons.

Combine that with what appears to be (to your point) a general lack of true scientific studies targeting this phenomena and allowing for recreation and thus validation (or discrediting) the postulation … and well… you are kind of stuck.
To be fair, I’m not sure I’d say I’m ‘suffering’ from the virilization I’ve experienced, and I doubt my husband would say it either.

And, it’s also not been permanent. I’ve been on testosterone pellets for a few years now, and the virilization stuff has for sure come and gone (enlarged clitoris, generally ‘fuller’ down there, some chin hair).

The pellets are pushed hard by clinics because they make the clinics money, but they’re not releasing testosterone in a consistent fashion, at least not in my experience. When that pellet is gone or near gone, the ‘down there’ stuff is the first to go, and it’s like a balloon deflating (and just as sad, lol). Just a couple of the reasons I’m out the door with pellets and have been digging around this forum endlessly as I make the move to injections. This thread in particular is one I watch because of the low concentration topic, which makes for easier small doses more frequently, instead of huge peaks and troughs.

There’s also the aspect that women tend toward chin hair, deeper voices, and hair loss as we transition through menopause, so it’s tough to separate out what might have been happening anyway (those chin hairs were appearing prior to the pellets, for example).

I suspect a lot of women don’t want to admit to ANY virilization because we’ve had to claw our way toward how far we’ve managed to get with respect to our hormones and their replacement/care as we age. For an athletic active woman past childbearing age and heading to menopause, the upsides outweigh the downsides - for me.
There’s also the aspect that women tend toward chin hair, deeper voices, and hair loss as we transition through menopause, so it’s tough to separate out what might have been happening anyway (those chin hairs were appearing prior to the pellets, for example).
I was wondering about that. Lots of gravelly voiced old ladies when I was a kid in the 1970s with no hormone replacement therapy.
Quick thought that I wanted some input on.

I am making a batch of testosterone cypionate for TRT use for a few female friends, as I am formulating I realize I probably don't need any BB or very minimal for it too hold in solution at this dilution? What are your thoughts?

1gr TC Raw
5mL Benzyl Benzoate
2ml BA
93.09 mL MCT Oil

Thanks for the input

You won’t need BB

I brew all my wife’s esters she’s tried at this very same concentration. It’s perfect for titration. Ie she can titrate from 1.3 to 1.2 mg per day with ease.

Just ba for cyp. I’ve switched to sesame oil cuz it is a little bit slower releasing and it’s what Xyosted (sp?) subq pharma test uses
Do you have a general idea whether they stayed in the female reference range (the R stands for "replacement") or exceeded it?

Males here think TRT is 200mg a week and up. My guess is that females may be doing the same, especially physique competitors.
My wife tested 150 total test at 1.3mg prop , daily.
In my opinion 10mg/ml is too small for the amount of oil. It depends how much your female friends are taking but 100mg/ml sounds the best for what you are trying to do. 10mg for every 0.1ml of oil. Quick little pin with slin pin. So much easier then drawing out 1ml
I suspect a lot of women don’t want to admit to ANY virilization because we’ve had to claw our way toward how far we’ve managed to get with respect to our hormones and their replacement/care as we age.
women have had hormonal support for generations, going back to the 1960s, "hormones" and "hormonal" were associated with the feminine.

to this day, a man can't even get testosterone prescriptions from conventional doctors/urologist/endocrinologist unless they are below an arbitrary number equivalent to an elderly man. Young men are unfairly denied simply because of their age which is ironic considering they would be most in need, this is because our hormone, testosterone is stigmatized as STEROIDS.

Go to the wikipedia page of "hormone replacement therapy" and its literally only referencing women

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as menopausal hormone therapy or postmenopausal hormone therapy, is a form of hormone therapy used to treat symptoms associated with female menopause.

not to mention the fact that any 12 year old girl can get birth control pills which obviously alter their hormones, they are even prescribed to women for acne.

What you say is the inverse, the medical community has taken female hormonal issues seriously for a long time, and until recently male hormones have not had the same visibility

pretty ironic a 55 year old woman can get a testosterone prescription while a 20 year old man will be denied and viewed as a drug seeker

really clawing huh
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In my opinion 10mg/ml is too small for the amount of oil. It depends how much your female friends are taking but 100mg/ml sounds the best for what you are trying to do. 10mg for every 0.1ml of oil. Quick little pin with slin pin. So much easier then drawing out 1ml
A bit too much as some would like to do 5mg X2 a week or 2.5 mg X2 a week

Best concentration is 50mg/ml or 25mg/ml

Allow to do 5IU on a slin pin (0.05ml) for a 2.5mg dose or 0.1ml for a 5mg dose or even less with 0.1ml 2.5mg perfectly for very low volume pinning and precise ramp up or down.

100mg is too much you can't fine tune it.
A bit too much as some would like to do 5mg X2 a week or 2.5 mg X2 a week

Best concentration is 50mg/ml or 25mg/ml

Allow to do 5IU on a slin pin (0.05ml) for a 2.5mg dose or 0.1ml for a 5mg dose or even less with 0.1ml 2.5mg perfectly for very low volume pinning and precise ramp up or down.

100mg is too much you can't fine tune it.
Well yes it would all depend on the dosage they are using. Something like that would be better then 10mg/ml