10mg/ml Test Cyp


Sounds like you have old science doctors. My first two specialty TRT clinics sent me multiple use 10ml bottles and said two injections a week. My levels would fluctuate from 800-1200 with twice a week.

Now my personal internal medicine doctor prescribes me 1ml/bottles that I use three times a week with ZERO issues. My levels are 1100-1200 with M-W-F injection schedule.

Just because the vial says "IM only" or "single use" doesnt mean its true. It means it is only approved by the FDA for that.

Here is a good link for you to read up on for the latest subq science.
Testosterone Therapy With Subcutaneous Injections: A Safe, Practical, and Reasonable Option
I have been doing daily(microdosing) sub-q injections for several years. 15mg/day keeps me at just over 800. Been reading about TRT since the 90's.
I read that article when it came out. There have been others in JAMA showing sub-q TRT to be effective as well. That just supports what i started doing years ago.

Never said a vial was for only 1 use. The manufacturer does. That was just info for those that didn't know the safe correct protocol. And can ask for more!

The vast majority of Dr. old school of not still right the scripts for 1 x week.
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
Thats great to hear, and thank you for the kind words. It means a lot coming from someone who is as involved as you are in the industry in addition to being a competitor.

I absolutely agree that female testosterone use is taboo, and it’s just such a misunderstanding of the science. I have first hand seen women become MORE feminine on a low low dose of testosterone because it enabled their bodies to manufacture all the downstream hormones from testosterone that they could not while suppressed from other anabolic use.

Keep pushing the good information and i'll do the same, thanks again!
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
When you’re helping the women you coach, are they still able to have a period etc when you prescribe them and put them on that dose of testosterone without adding other hormones like estrogen or progesterone? Just asking and trying to learn.
When you’re helping the women you coach, are they still able to have a period etc when you prescribe them and put them on that dose of testosterone without adding other hormones like estrogen or progesterone? Just asking and trying to learn.

My wife still had her period on TRT. Post pregnancy and now fairly lean she doesn’t have one though.
Quick thought that I wanted some input on.

I am making a batch of testosterone cypionate for TRT use for a few female friends, as I am formulating I realize I probably don't need any BB or very minimal for it too hold in solution at this dilution? What are your thoughts?

1gr TC Raw
5mL Benzyl Benzoate
2ml BA
93.09 mL MCT Oil

Thanks for the input
It works, i made it for my gf, 42y old without even BB just BA and MCT, holds perfectly
I couldn’t agree with you anymore and I respect the way you’re going about this. A good starting dose for female trt is as low as 3-5mg per week, so brewing it higher doesn’t make any sense.

I coach a lot of female athletes and I run them through a clinic who prescribes them 5mg/ml bottles.

I’m also shocked by the 50mg/ml being prescribed to women.

Female testosterone usage is still very taboo and it’s good to see someone pushing actual good information on the topic.
A lot of women here might be helped by you sharing the name of that clinic, perhaps here and over in the women forum, where more of them and their husbands will see it.