12 week cutting cycle


New Member
Have decided to run a cutting cycle for ~12 -16 weeks.
Have run 3 cycles in the past, 1 with Tren A.
I will give a short rundown, lmk if you would like me to provide more detail.

Test E 200mg/week - Weeks 1-4
Oral Turinabol - 50mg/week - Weeks 1-4

Titrate dosage of Test E accordingly - Increase by 50-100mg/wk if gains aren't as sufficient as they could be

Test E - 200mg - 300mg/week - Weeks 4-12
Tren E - 150mg/week - Weeks 4-12
Mast E - 300mg/week - Weeks 6-12
Oral Winstrol 50mg/week - Weeks 8-12

Have Prami and Aromasin on Hand.
Will dose accordingly to bloodwork and if there are any progesterone or Estrogen flair ups.
Will be measuring blood pressure as well.
Injecting 2-3x per week.

Supplements I will be taking during cycle:

Apple Cider Vinegar - Acid Reflux
Vitamin B6 + P5P - Prolactin
Ashwagandha - Cholesterol management and Mood
Citrus Bergamot - Cholesterol
+ all my daily supplements (Fish oil, vitamin D3 + K2, Magnesium etc..)

Let me know your thoughts, I am looking forward towards the constructive criticism and ways to improve this cycle
OK let's see. So first of all I think you are very careful about health. That's very good. But on your stack I would change a lot. This stack would work too but I would optimise it. In the first 4 weeks I would recommend you to throw out the turianabol because of to reasons.
1. I would not take it in a cut
2. Orals are liver toxic and you can avoid it
But for that I would upper the dose test to 250-500mg
For the next weeks I think the components are ok. If you don't do a competition or something else I wouldn't take winstrol because it's very very toxic. I would say almost more then tren. And about the dosages... I think the test is ok. But in a cut I am a fan of high tren and low test.
Let me explain. If you take tren that's more likely go to the androgen receptors than test and then the test couldn't go to them anymore. So I would upper the dose to about 300mg - 400mg
The mast is ok too. I think the optimum would be for you:
350mg tren
300mg mast
200mg test
Best wishes to you and your diet!