
New Member
Hey guys, new member here.

I’m 37, M, 5’8” and currently weigh 175-180 depending on the day. I’ve spent the last two years going from ~330lbs to where I am now. I started Wegovy (semaglutide) about a year and a half ago and now my doc alternates me between Zepbound (tirzepatide) and the Wegovy. Over the years I had several tests for low T and all came back in the low 200 ng/dL. My PCP diagnosed me as hypogonadal last June and started me on TRT. Life has been so much better ever since. No more insomnia, more energy and drive overall. No more high cholesterol or blood pressure (no more cholesterol or BP meds either). Lots more energy for my family and my 4yo daughter (probably the best win). Pretty much all good stuff.

I hit the gym pretty hard 5-6x/week and my diet is fairly dialed in. I hired a fitness and nutrition coach about 5 months ago and the results have been great. He’s really great at dialing in my macros for max results in the gym. Currently finishing up a recomp phase to shed some more subq fat and fill in more loose skin. Will do a mini cut in a few weeks before a big vacation. I lift weights 5-6x/wk, stair master for 30-40min 3-4x/wk and 10k+ steps/day. Considering a Test only or Test/Primo blast in the future. Also considering HGH as my doctor said it would be beneficial. I’ve learned a lot through the ups and downs of this process so far and looking forward to continuing to grow both mentally and physically.

Anyway, I hope to gain some knowledge and insight from this forum. I have lots of progress pics, but I’ve posted a few just to show progress so far. Cheers!


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Dude you look great, good work!

As far as running anything in the future, you really can't go wrong with test and primo. Someone not wanting to go pro can keep the body of a Spartan and look great for decades sticking to just those two compounds. It's always been my go to combo.

I'm running primo right now and love everything about it. Strength, mental euphoria, a bit of aggression without making me a dick head, it's great.
Hey guys, new member here.

I’m 37, M, 5’8” and currently weigh 175-180 depending on the day. I’ve spent the last two years going from ~330lbs to where I am now. I started Wegovy (semaglutide) about a year and a half ago and now my doc alternates me between Zepbound (tirzepatide) and the Wegovy. Over the years I had several tests for low T and all came back in the low 200 ng/dL. My PCP diagnosed me as hypogonadal last June and started me on TRT. Life has been so much better ever since. No more insomnia, more energy and drive overall. No more high cholesterol or blood pressure (no more cholesterol or BP meds either). Lots more energy for my family and my 4yo daughter (probably the best win). Pretty much all good stuff.

I hit the gym pretty hard 5-6x/week and my diet is fairly dialed in. I hired a fitness and nutrition coach about 5 months ago and the results have been great. He’s really great at dialing in my macros for max results in the gym. Currently finishing up a recomp phase to shed some more subq fat and fill in more loose skin. Will do a mini cut in a few weeks before a big vacation. I lift weights 5-6x/wk, stair master for 30-40min 3-4x/wk and 10k+ steps/day. Considering a Test only or Test/Primo blast in the future. Also considering HGH as my doctor said it would be beneficial. I’ve learned a lot through the ups and downs of this process so far and looking forward to continuing to grow both mentally and physically.

Anyway, I hope to gain some knowledge and insight from this forum. I have lots of progress pics, but I’ve posted a few just to show progress so far. Cheers!

Aside from what you mention have you tried high dose Tren to shed the initial fat, or diet changes ?

Someone I know went from 300lbs to 200lbs only by adding a gram of Tren to all his unhealthy habbit without even walking more, let alone exercising.

No test, nothing, just a gram of Tren for 7 months. I had recommended this to him as a joke, he took it seriously and I couldn't believe the results.
Very impressive results, @AHplayer13!

started Wegovy (semaglutide) about a year and a half ago and now my doc alternates me between Zepbound (tirzepatide) and the Wegovy.

What is the goal with alternating? To get through stalls? Or perhaps to try to chip away at costs?

Curious about that. I recently got on tirz and have been responding well to just 2.5mg. Bumping up to 5mg soon.

I see folks alternating with tirz and ret as well. Some are even stacking them for whatever reason. Still reviewing what benefits folks are experiencing or seeking.

I hit the gym pretty hard 5-6x/week and my diet is fairly dialed in. I hired a fitness and nutrition coach about 5 months ago and the results have been great. He’s really great at dialing in my macros for max results in the gym.

I'm still working on getting back into a good routine. I work from home but have been traveling a lot -- not that it's an excuse. I've been eyeing a coach to at least kickstart things.

I was doing great on my own 6 years ago but I've not managed my habits well.
Originally we were alternating to break a stall and increase efficacy by adding the GIP. It worked very well and I’m just one the fortunate ones that doesn’t seem to get the negative sides from GLP-1/GIP meds. We’ve been able to reduce and/or space out the meds to allow for whatever calorie consumption my coach wants me at (currently at 3200kcal).

As far as your dose, my advice is to stay at the smaller dose as long as you are seeing results. This gives you more room later to up the dosage etc. Unfortunately, I had to follow insurance guidelines for titrating monthly. I’d do things differently now, but c’est la vie. I’ve built up an apocalypse-worthy stock of sema, tirz and reta from china and look forward to possibly trying Reta in the future for cuts as I have read promising things about the metabolic effects of adding the GRA element to the GLP-1 and GIP.

Hiring a coach was a real game-changer for me. He changes my nutrition and workout routine monthly, so nothing goes stagnant (sore a lot more often). My old routine was working, but it’s easy to get comfortable with your routine. The monthly changes from low volume to high volume, fast paced to slower paced, time under tension, etc has really kept my body guessing and the results are great. It’s kind of expensive, but I love it and it really took my nutrition and training to another level.

I totally understand the difficulty of a busy life/career, but you just have to prioritize and make time. My spouse and I have an almost-5yo daughter and it’s so nice to be able to keep up with her and know that I’ll be around (and hopefully healthy) to see her grow up and thrive as an adult. It’s very rewarding to see her ask for healthy snacks over junk and join in on workouts when appropriate. I wish I had that as a kid.

Start your routine today and keep it consistent—both your nutrition and your workouts. The motivation won’t always be there, but if you can keep the consistency there, you’ll succeed. And most importantly, don’t beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon (and you will). I used to fall off all the time. I even went a month at the beginning of last year with no gym and crappy diet. My hiccups are now shorter and fewer and further between. If I let loose for a long weekend, I get right back to it on Monday. I’m still learning a ton and it feels weird that people are asking for advice almost daily, but I like to think I’m doing things right and headed in a good direction. The overall improvement in my physical and mental health speak to that, I guess.

Best of luck to you—do the work and get back to it!