12 week to vacation cycle

This is 1 year apart. Went to rehab last year and clean myself out. Was in a very bad place for a lot of my life and didn’t want to live. Came out with a passion for life again. It’s one reason I won’t run high dosages again I don’t want to put my body through it again. IMG_1961.jpeg
If I would see you on the street I would not assume that you have that condition you had in the beginning from just 200 test. Impressive!
What's your diet like @size28s ? Any cardio (your usually pretty lean in most pics I've seen since I've seen you on the forum)
No cardio. Only time I did cardio was for shows. My diet is very lean. I still and weigh and meaasure all my meals.
2 yolks 4 whites 1/4 cream rice
1 yogurt 1 shake
7 oz ground beef 1/2 cup rice
1 scoop Karbolyn 1 shake
7 oz chicken 1/2 cup rice
2 yogurts and 1 apple and peanut butter.

I cheat on weekends but now closer to the cruise I won’t