As is, having testosterone and other anabolics CIII prevents lots of people from getting proper treatment for muscle wasting and hypogonadism. Because doctors are afraid of what the government will think if they prescribe for me, I am forced to break the law to maintain my health. I have suffered with multiple hormonal deficiencies all of my life. If i do not want a shortened life full of disability, I need to treat my hpogonadism and muscle wasting. I suspect that I also have a GH deficiency as well, only 5" 6' and very small bones. Why not just declare all of these drugs illegal and euthanise everyone with a hormone deficiency. For a supposedly free country, American government sure has a hard on about micromanaging a person's life and making him suffer. This is just one example of why I do not feel America has any business "spreading democracy" in the rest of the world. We are not far from a police state. I hope Senators Biden, Grassley, McCain and Schumer never need to be on HRT, because to them, hormones are bad. Very well, do not take them yourself, but please pull the stick out of your ass and stop hindering the treatment of people who need them.