15 year old RUNNING GEAR

I'm 165 pounds last time I checked which was last week since I go by looks rather than weight and around 18% body fat. Not impressive at all.
Your diet must be totally piss poor as well then.

Also if you got gyno already you need to get that dealt with...ask mommy and daddy :rolleyes:
Look dude if you have your heart set on doing this I'd advice you to look at the HPTA Restart section of this board.
There's a ton of kids that dabbled into AAS only to not recover properly.

There's a couple of cats there's that even started lactating..
No joke.
Keep lying... I will recover my HPTA and you'll see.

What's your plan of recovery?
I will also run HCG 4 weeks prior to the PCT
I'll ask his mom about it. Her and his dad aren't doing so well right now. Soon enough i'll be around to keep him straight. Once me and his mom get back from the homeymoon. If we don't have more kids. If we do we might ship zero off to military school or something.
I thought you were actually being respectful to me but I guess I was wrong so Fuck you and everyone you know.
165lbs, 18%bf and youwork out once a week. And you think the lack of aas is what is keeping you from been huge? If you started lifting and eating right naturally, and I ran the worlds biggest cycle, you would blow up faster. Maybe you should put the time and effort in beore you decide if the muscle game is even for you.