15 year old RUNNING GEAR

Yup. Nasty, nasty shit. We just had 15 or so users killed down our way with a fentanyl cut batch of horse. Really sad, but I can only have so sympathy.

That world is dangerous enough without that shit, for sure.
Could've been me not too long ago but I'm glad I'm now on a better path. The crazy thing about people around here is they'll hear about some super dosed shit that's killing people and say "fuck where can I get some of that?".
Could've been me not too long ago but I'm glad I'm now on a better path. The crazy thing about people around here is they'll hear about some super dosed shit that's killing people and say "fuck where can I get some of that?".

No shit. "Where's the fire at?" Crazy.

Looking back at that life style is a trip man. Honestly, a few years ago, that would have probably been me too. Always chasing that goddamned dragon. Wishing it was as strong as that first time.
From the kid on reddit who was 19, was juiced to the gills and almost killed himself and his gf with shitty drugs deemed "Yolotard":

"I think the mapb in our last batch was contaminated with acety-fentanyl or some other very potient opiod
Fiance and I took about 250mg each and 20 minutes in I noticed she was having trouble staying lucid and seemed to be nodding off while talking
She kept saying how sleepy she was and itchy her body was
I realized some bad bad shit was about to go down
Kept telling her to stay awake and keep talking to me, eventually she collapsed unconscious
Very jerky breathing
I'm so high at this point I can't see straight and so physically weak I can't hold her upright
Basically sat there for 20 minutes trying fruitlessly to get her up and conscious before realizing that I was soon about to pass out too and if I went under we were both dead.
So I started screaming and crying and begging her to wake up and someone to help us.
Eventually there were knocks on the door but I couldn't unlock it. I kept screaming "KICK IT IN, DEAR GOD JUST KICK IT IN PLEASE MY FIANCE IS GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON'T
I fucked myself up really bad trying to open the door but falling everywere. Cuts and bruises all over, trashed the apartment, broke a water pipe through a wall with my head
Died 3 times.
Body started breaking down muscle tissue and dumping toxins into my bloodstream
Severe liver and renal failure, really bad rhadbomyolosis
I have only partial use of both of my arms and It feels like ive been hit by a truck but I'm going to make it. Fiance was fine, they gave her Narcofan and she snapped right back up.
Be careful."

He actually looked pretty good before and this is how the 15 year old will look after mortality comes knocking on the door.

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I've seen this kid on another board, and what happened to him is bad as hell. Definitely will take him a long time to recover and hope he'll now stay far away from that stuff.
I read only half of it and already know it's fully garbage. Funny how what they (You didn't write it nor give credits where they are due.) called something not being a fact is actually a fact while the other is a proven myth, let me explain. First of all the stunning of growth is actually truth and is caused by estrogen which of course is converted from testosterone and one of the reason men are taller than women is because women have more estrogen. The only thing here is that as I mentioned before, I will be using Anti-Estrogen through the whole cycle and all the synthetic testosterone will be gone when I stop it. The second "fact" is that Anabolics causes the an undeveloped HPTA to stop functioning properly. Firstly there is no such a thing such as an undeveloped HPTA because your body if functioning properly is always using the feedback loop to figure out how much GNRH Hormones are needed which then release LH and FSH and then testosterone comes into play. If anything else then younger people will keep more gains and recover faster because at puberty, a normal male, has a lot of testosterone. I will be doing blood tests before, on cycle and off cycle and I'll keep you guys updated when I start the cycle. At the end it says "heck you don't even need to eat good to grow". But of course that is wrong because if it was right then you wouldn't need to eat well on Steroids as well.
When it comes to the argument against the relationship of steroids and teenagers, this argument is dead on the money; the two should never for any reason exist with one another. There are several reasons steroids and teenagers do not mix three specifically, and while two are facts the one used by the anti-steroid crowd has yet to be proven as fact, but there’s a decent possibility it may hold some truth. The argument is simple; anabolic steroids will stunt a developing body’s growth by closing growth plates prematurely. If this is true, it is a sound argument, but it’s nowhere near as damaging as the other two which are absolute facts.

When steroids and teenagers collide, this has a strong, negative impact on their natural androgen production which has yet to fully develop to its full capacity. Some teens will find supplementation enhances their puberty rate in an unsatisfactory manner, as well as lead to inefficient androgen production in the long run. To make matter worse, anabolic steroids appear to have a tremendously negative impact on the mental state of teenagers. Many teenagers often experience severe depression after discontinuing anabolic steroid use; something that is normally not a problem for healthy adult men. For an adolescent, once use is discontinued his testosterone levels will be low, very low, and low testosterone can cause depression in any man regardless of age; however, let’s remember what was discussed above. When an adult man discontinues use, he is doing so with an already well-developed androgen system, and as such his natural testosterone production will begin again. As you recall, there’s a good chance a teen has damaged his androgen production, and while his natural production may begin again it will more than likely do so at a rate that is unsatisfactory. Further, most adults who supplement with anabolic steroids understand you do not simply stop and hope for the best; that’s the last thing you want to do. Most adult men will do things to promote their natural testosterone production, to get production going again at an efficient level; this is a thought most teens don’t know they need to have, and as such is tremendously damaging.

I'm not trying to fight with anyone but I don't think a kid should be using, I waited till I was 21 and even that was probably to soon. This is just a little info on the subject and even tho you can't look like some of the jacked freaks at 19 without a little help you can build a solid frame without them, then think about what's to come when you do a cycle after you already pushed your natural level to the limit. I was 135 pounds when I started lifting at 5'9 I busted ass till I was 21 and I did just fine, I'll post a picture of me natural if you would like man so you can see what your body will actually do if you train and eat right... Hell you don't even have to eat 100% good at that age I know I didn't but I did eat to grow.
This kid has shit genetics. At first I thought he was so weak because he didn't train hard but then I read he's always training so it is his genes then. Something is seriously wrong when you are that weak when on all that gear. At 15 I may have been a fat kid, but I played football and benched 350, deadlifted 400, and squatted around 350. And I did that all naturally.

The kid isn't going anywhere, he's gonna have a heart attack and realize this shit isn't a game.
If you are talking about me then you should know that I have perfect genes since I had put on around 10lb in the first two months when I had started lifting. Of course not all muscle but you could say around 5lb muscle. I only trained 2 months and had to stop because I begun working.
If you are talking about me then you should know that I have perfect genes since I had put on around 10lb in the first two months when I had started lifting. Of course not all muscle but you could say around 5lb muscle. I only trained 2 months and had to stop because I begun working.

None of that wasnt about you. We moved on awhile ago and actually got back on topic. Best of luck in your future though.
I found this genius post by the kid.

bignattydaddy@kyle_witcher I'll tell you a few tips for getting bigger without steroids tho. NEVER eat carbs, they will destroy any muscle that you have already.. eat 2-3 chicken breast a day and workout 2-3 times a week and you'll put on a good 15lbs of muscle each month.. dead serious that's what I do and look at me. Dont believe me just try it bro it'll work wonders
I do not think anybody would be retarded enough to write that. If he actually did then he probably also knows nothing about steroids so he better stop using them. Is he even doing PCT? I'm talking generally here and this has nothing to do with age.
I read only half of it and already know it's fully garbage. Funny how what they (You didn't write it nor give credits where they are due.) called something not being a fact is actually a fact while the other is a proven myth, let me explain. First of all the stunning of growth is actually truth and is caused by estrogen which of course is converted from testosterone and one of the reason men are taller than women is because women have more estrogen. The only thing here is that as I mentioned before, I will be using Anti-Estrogen through the whole cycle and all the synthetic testosterone will be gone when I stop it. The second "fact" is that Anabolics causes the an undeveloped HPTA to stop functioning properly. Firstly there is no such a thing such as an undeveloped HPTA because your body if functioning properly is always using the feedback loop to figure out how much GNRH Hormones are needed which then release LH and FSH and then testosterone comes into play. If anything else then younger people will keep more gains and recover faster because at puberty, a normal male, has a lot of testosterone. I will be doing blood tests before, on cycle and off cycle and I'll keep you guys updated when I start the cycle. At the end it says "heck you don't even need to eat good to grow". But of course that is wrong because if it was right then you wouldn't need to eat well on Steroids as well.
What about the estrogen effects of pct drugs like clomid and nolvadex? both shown to cause bones to mature rapidly . How will you counter that ? Aromasin only pct?
None of that wasnt about you. We moved on awhile ago and actually got back on topic. Best of luck in your future though.
I see. I'm Happy you guys are actually using some brain cells and are back on topic. Have a nice day since I have nothing to do here. May come back if I see something interesting.
If you are talking about me then you should know that I have perfect genes since I had put on around 10lb in the first two months when I had started lifting. Of course not all muscle but you could say around 5lb muscle. I only trained 2 months and had to stop because I begun working.

Just fuck up your life already.

Stop looking for validation just start pinning grams of test already!
I do not think anybody would be retarded enough to write that. If he actually did then he probably also knows nothing about steroids so he better stop using them. Is he even doing PCT? I'm talking generally here and this has nothing to do with age.

He blasts and cruises yo.

What about the estrogen effects of pct drugs like clomid and nolvadex? both shown to cause bones to mature rapidly . How will you counter that ? Aromasin only pct?
First of all if you actually fucked your Hpta up which is impossible and will probably go back to normal then you sure know nothing. Did you even do bloods before cycle and then off cycle or just used the ones after the cycle and decided they fucked you up not knowing what your normal Testosterone levels are? Secondly back on the topic of that post. I do not mind my bone maturing rapidly at all, In fact I would love for it to do that. never heard of it and if it is actually truth then I don't mind.
First of all if you actually fucked your Hpta up which is impossible and will probably go back to normal then you sure know nothing. Did you even do bloods before cycle and then off cycle or just used the ones after the cycle and decided they fucked you up not knowing what your normal Testosterone levels are? Secondly back on the topic of that post. I do not mind my bone maturing rapidly at all, In fact I would love for it to do that. never heard of it and if it is actually truth then I don't mind.
You would love for your growth to be stunted ? You must be over 6 foot tall with wide shoulder bones.

I stopped growing at age 13 . 5 foot 8 . I would love for my bones not to be mature right now .
Also no I never got my t levels tested befoee cycle just 1 year after cycle . They could of course been low before cycle . I suspect they might have
I'm not looking for validation since I already know the truth. I'm just using science to explain why Steroids are just as good or bad used in puberty or after.
The question is how do you avoid the stunting of growth? If you can get passed that issue then sure they are fine during puberty .
Now idk if they effect your brain which doesn't finish developing till like age 23