From the kid on reddit who was 19, was juiced to the gills and almost killed himself and his gf with shitty drugs deemed "Yolotard":
"I think the mapb in our last batch was contaminated with acety-fentanyl or some other very potient opiod
Fiance and I took about 250mg each and 20 minutes in I noticed she was having trouble staying lucid and seemed to be nodding off while talking
She kept saying how sleepy she was and itchy her body was
I realized some bad bad shit was about to go down
Kept telling her to stay awake and keep talking to me, eventually she collapsed unconscious
Very jerky breathing
I'm so high at this point I can't see straight and so physically weak I can't hold her upright
Basically sat there for 20 minutes trying fruitlessly to get her up and conscious before realizing that I was soon about to pass out too and if I went under we were both dead.
So I started screaming and crying and begging her to wake up and someone to help us.
Eventually there were knocks on the door but I couldn't unlock it. I kept screaming "KICK IT IN, DEAR GOD JUST KICK IT IN PLEASE MY FIANCE IS GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON'T
I fucked myself up really bad trying to open the door but falling everywere. Cuts and bruises all over, trashed the apartment, broke a water pipe through a wall with my head
Died 3 times.
Body started breaking down muscle tissue and dumping toxins into my bloodstream
Severe liver and renal failure, really bad rhadbomyolosis
I have only partial use of both of my arms and It feels like ive been hit by a truck but I'm going to make it. Fiance was fine, they gave her Narcofan and she snapped right back up.
Be careful."
He actually looked pretty good before and this is how the 15 year old will look after mortality comes knocking on the door.
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