Im 19 year old male at 6"3 and 98kg (215lbs) with some muscle due to my training for the past year and a half with bodybuilding but i have a HUGE bone structure so muscle wise i am not big.
I have recently found out i have a very low bone mineral density through a DEXA scan particularly in my spine. I have recently been having joint aches, pains and clicking in my knees, pelvic bone and spine. I have also been training for the past year and a half 3 days a week consistently so this is the only thing that has strengthened my bones and my good nutrition and supplement schedule.
Am i a candidate for GH replacement therapy?
I am STILL waiting to be put on testosterone replacement!!! I have also recently done a 24 hour urinary cortisol and ACTH stimulation test. And am seeing an endo on the 20th to see what treatment i will be on... not sure if this endo is even aware of E2 problems and i already have slight gyno. So basically with all my knowledge i have to be my own doctor to try and solve all this.
I have been very sick with symptoms of:
* Shortness of breath... more so now after eating.
* bradycardia/tachycardia.... cardiologist ruled out heart problems its all endocrine related
* extreme joint and bone pain and clicking... feels like they are about to fracture any second
* A lot of Muscle Atrophy
* Getting startled easily
* easy brusing, strechy skin
* loss of sensation of touch (which is odd)
* extreme fatigue/ brain fog
* muscle weakness
* hair loss
* waking up 3-4 times a night for the past 3 years. Cannot stay asleep.
Here are my recent endocrine results I dont know the ranges they weren't provided! lol but its all freaken low you get the picture:
TSH: 7.8 (0.5 - 4.00)
Free T4: 13.7 (8 - 22)
LH: 1.7 IU/L * ( 2.0 - 10.0)
FSH: 3.5 IU/L *
Prolactin: 13.9 ng/ml
Testosterone: 10.1 nmol/L (12 - 32) *
SHBG: 45.3 nmol/L *
ACTH: 15.3 pmol/L (2 - 12) *
Cortisol: 510 nmol/L *
Growth Hormone: 0.8 mU/L *
DHEA's: 3.2 umol/L *
Androstenedione Level: 6.5 nmol/L *
Oestradiol Level: 73 pmol/L *
IGF-1: 33.4 nmol/L *
I also always have very low cholesterol. And at the moment i am eating a high fat/moderate protein low carb diet
I also seem to have a reduction in appetite... and am assuming some sort of gastrointestinal malabsorbtion also since ive been taking vitamins/minerals all the time and when tested my zinc, iron, iodine levels for example we're low which is odd.
Any other advice would be well appreciated
Im 19 year old male at 6"3 and 98kg (215lbs) with some muscle due to my training for the past year and a half with bodybuilding but i have a HUGE bone structure so muscle wise i am not big.
I have recently found out i have a very low bone mineral density through a DEXA scan particularly in my spine. I have recently been having joint aches, pains and clicking in my knees, pelvic bone and spine. I have also been training for the past year and a half 3 days a week consistently so this is the only thing that has strengthened my bones and my good nutrition and supplement schedule.
Am i a candidate for GH replacement therapy?
I am STILL waiting to be put on testosterone replacement!!! I have also recently done a 24 hour urinary cortisol and ACTH stimulation test. And am seeing an endo on the 20th to see what treatment i will be on... not sure if this endo is even aware of E2 problems and i already have slight gyno. So basically with all my knowledge i have to be my own doctor to try and solve all this.
I have been very sick with symptoms of:
* Shortness of breath... more so now after eating.
* bradycardia/tachycardia.... cardiologist ruled out heart problems its all endocrine related
* extreme joint and bone pain and clicking... feels like they are about to fracture any second
* A lot of Muscle Atrophy
* Getting startled easily
* easy brusing, strechy skin
* loss of sensation of touch (which is odd)
* extreme fatigue/ brain fog
* muscle weakness
* hair loss
* waking up 3-4 times a night for the past 3 years. Cannot stay asleep.
Here are my recent endocrine results I dont know the ranges they weren't provided! lol but its all freaken low you get the picture:
TSH: 7.8 (0.5 - 4.00)
Free T4: 13.7 (8 - 22)
LH: 1.7 IU/L * ( 2.0 - 10.0)
FSH: 3.5 IU/L *
Prolactin: 13.9 ng/ml
Testosterone: 10.1 nmol/L (12 - 32) *
SHBG: 45.3 nmol/L *
ACTH: 15.3 pmol/L (2 - 12) *
Cortisol: 510 nmol/L *
Growth Hormone: 0.8 mU/L *
DHEA's: 3.2 umol/L *
Androstenedione Level: 6.5 nmol/L *
Oestradiol Level: 73 pmol/L *
IGF-1: 33.4 nmol/L *
I also always have very low cholesterol. And at the moment i am eating a high fat/moderate protein low carb diet
I also seem to have a reduction in appetite... and am assuming some sort of gastrointestinal malabsorbtion also since ive been taking vitamins/minerals all the time and when tested my zinc, iron, iodine levels for example we're low which is odd.
Any other advice would be well appreciated