1st Cycle: 300 Test, 100 Mast - any benefits to adding 10-20mg anavar?


New Member
As the post states, first cycle 300 test / 100 mast weekly, administered sub q daily. Comprehensive bloods came back very good. I'm currently on month 3 ( day 62) of this cycle.

Total test lc/ms 1703
Free test 76.65
% Free 4.5

Dhea 267
Cortisol 9.5
Prolactin 10.6
IGF-1 368 (I ran a tesamorelin/ipamorelin 90 day cycle, but finished beginning of March, maybe this is still coming down? not sure why my IGF is so high)
Estrodiol, specific 73.5

Additionally I take 750iu HCG a week (250x3) , and some peptides (finished ss-31 into mots-c, daily nad+ , thymosin alpha-1 2x a week)

Lipids came back good, hematocrit of 50 , up from 49.7;

Bottom line everything is good, I have no estrogenic sides, no acne, no hair issues, no issues at all currently - so do i have anything to gain by adding in anavar at a relatively low dose 10-20mg pre-workout? or I'm just risking messing up this currently standing house of cards?

38 years old, work out 6 days a week, eat cleanish, supplement thoroughly, 30 minutes zone 2 cardio every day.

My goal is just trying to get trim, maintain and gain muscle in a deficit to the best of my ability.

Thank you for any feedback
It sounds like everything is moving along well for you, why potentially mess up a good thing? If I were you I’d bump the testosterone up to 400 or Test to 350, mast to 150 if I wanted to increase muscle gain.
I'm in the same boat with you and almost same age. Currently running 320 test 150 primo and next week i will add 30mg Var for the last ~6 weeks of the cycle and the end of the deficit as well.

You already took a taste of what test and mast is doing to you and how you react, i don't find it too much to throw some var considering you're on more milligrams of aas in total. Personally i'm eager to see what's all the fuss about var. Obviously with liver and lipid precautions..
I think what I'm going to do is up the test / mast a bit for 30 days, assuming everything feels fine, get new bloods, and maybe try the var for Mid June through Mid July to finish up. Maybe I'll feel polished up in June, and just ride out on just test/mast - will update as I get new bloods. Thanks all
Definitely var will benefit. Cap off the last 4 weeks with 20-30mg. You’ll get a great diced up look.

Your E2 is pretty high though, I’d add in an AI asap. I know you say you don’t have E sides but I’d be proactive rather than damage control on that one.
Definitely var will benefit. Cap off the last 4 weeks with 20-30mg. You’ll get a great diced up look.

Your E2 is pretty high though, I’d add in an AI asap. I know you say you don’t have E sides but I’d be proactive rather than damage control on that one.
I was thinking the HCG could be the cause to the E2 being up there? I guess that's something to kick around - if I don't have sides from a high E2, should I be proactive for that E2 level or in my body is this just not high enough to be a problem? I could add in a tiny amount of arimistane or something weekly, but I was under the impression I should wait for an estrogenic side effect prior to trying to knock it down
first cycle
test / mast
starting off strong right off the bat with more than one compound for first cycle.

administered sub q daily.

Additionally HCG ss-31 mots-c, nad+ , thymosin alpha
double yikes

do i have anything to gain by adding in anavar
tripple yikes

My goal is just trying to get trim, maintain and gain muscle in a deficit to the best of my ability.
quadruple yikes

So youve thrown the kitchen sink at a first cycle, and want to add more, all for the goal of "getting trim".
I was thinking the HCG could be the cause to the E2 being up there? I guess that's something to kick around - if I don't have sides from a high E2, should I be proactive for that E2 level or in my body is this just not high enough to be a problem? I could add in a tiny amount of arimistane or something weekly, but I was under the impression I should wait for an estrogenic side effect prior to trying to knock it down
The hCG doesn’t help but it’s definitely has more to do with the 1700 test levels with no AI.

Absolutely you should not wait for the sides to show up. Damage control on gyno flare up is a lot less fun than proactive intervention like an AI, reducing dose or adding Primo.
First cycle is as basic as it gets. Gain experience by testing the waters, you don't need much to get good gains. Use Testosterone only 250-500mg is sufficient. Since you already ran mast then it doesn't matter now, but usually no need for any of that. Later on add as you wish.
starting off strong right off the bat with more than one compound for first cycle.


double yikes

tripple yikes

quadruple yikes

So youve thrown the kitchen sink at a first cycle, and want to add more, all for the goal of "getting trim".
Man, your communication skills are a sight to behold. You're a big addition, but I'm sure you get that a lot in the real world, you know, outside of this little garden of yours babe.

You think that 100 mast without any sides was a copious addition to this first cycle? So Yikes 1 I guess?

Yikes 2 is I guess you don't like subq? We'll just move past injection methods causing you to repeat like a broken toy. We'll just assume you got lost and just typed the same thing twice.

Yikes 3 - I don't know, did you get lost again? At least you almost spelled* triple correct. That's a pudding cup in your favor. Does someone guide you around in real life? We can try to extend the service to the internet I guess, I'll chip in?

Imagine calling test at 300 and mast at 100 the kitchen sink, after the communication skills of a disabled toaster. Different leagues of existence outside the walled garden for sure, you just keep trying to big up to someone asking questions starting with "this is my first cycle'. You're important, and you matter, you told me in those yikes big boy
The hCG doesn’t help but it’s definitely has more to do with the 1700 test levels with no AI.

Absolutely you should not wait for the sides to show up. Damage control on gyno flare up is a lot less fun than proactive intervention like an AI, reducing dose or adding Primo.

Got you okay, I'll figure out some low dosing of AI to keep that in check. I thought the test level was very high for only 300 test weekly.

First cycle is as basic as it gets. Gain experience by testing the waters, you don't need much to get good gains. Use Testosterone only 250-500mg is sufficient. Since you already ran mast then it doesn't matter now, but usually no need for any of that. Later on add as you wish.

I titrated up from 150 T, and then at 200 T I added mast as a pseudo-ai at 50, and just moved up slowly. I figured it was kind of basic, and since I didn't have sides I figured I was in the clear, but I'll look into AI dosing this week

Thank you
How do you figure? Daily subq is such a tiny amount, no pip, just easy breasy in my opinion, but I've heard the same thing from friends that do IM a few times a week. What do you personally not like about it?

It doesn’t absorb and leave a painful fat knot.

Pretty sure it only works “well” if you have a decent amount of fat.

Still, I would just start going IM. It’s intended to be used IM and any data you find about half life, absorption rates, etc will alll be premised off IM injections.
Man, your communication skills are a sight to behold. You're a big addition, but I'm sure you get that a lot in the real world, you know, outside of this little garden of yours babe.

You think that 100 mast without any sides was a copious addition to this first cycle? So Yikes 1 I guess?

Yikes 2 is I guess you don't like subq? We'll just move past injection methods causing you to repeat like a broken toy. We'll just assume you got lost and just typed the same thing twice.

Yikes 3 - I don't know, did you get lost again? At least you almost spelled* triple correct. That's a pudding cup in your favor. Does someone guide you around in real life? We can try to extend the service to the internet I guess, I'll chip in?

Imagine calling test at 300 and mast at 100 the kitchen sink, after the communication skills of a disabled toaster. Different leagues of existence outside the walled garden for sure, you just keep trying to big up to someone asking questions starting with "this is my first cycle'. You're important, and you matter, you told me in those yikes big boy
You should try listening to him, he’s actually giving you good advice !!

Tell me how the mast is affecting you ? What kind of feeling does it give ya? Any difference in strength gains ?

Also 70 E2 is not high for 1700 total test. You’re supposed to have higher estrogen with higher T total. Estrogen is good for many things.
You think that 100 mast without any sides was a copious addition to this first cycle? So Yikes 1 I guess?
Its a first cycle, any amount of anything that isnt test only is objectively bad practice. It is yikes, because it clearly shows the person either has not done their research, or only did enough to validate their idea, or worse ignored what the standard practice because they are chin deep in dunning Krueger.

Yikes 2 is I guess you don't like subq? We'll just move past injection methods causing you to repeat like a broken toy. We'll just assume you got lost and just typed the same thing twice.
Oil based preparations dont go subq. Its fine if your doing so to leverage the peak time on TRT dosages, but doing so on a first cycle/blast is idiotic.

Yikes 3 - I don't know, did you get lost again? At least you almost spelled* triple correct. That's a pudding cup in your favor. Does someone guide you around in real life? We can try to extend the service to the internet I guess, I'll chip in?
the amount of sense this section makes is really telling as your your critical thinking skills and decision making.
Its your first cycle, and you want to pump 7 other peptides in for shits and giggles. you not knowing why that is cringe, is cringe.
deserved yikes

Imagine calling test at 300 and mast at 100 the kitchen sink,
and the half dozen peptides and injections, and the anavar, and the HCG, without understanding how any of them work or what youre doing in the slightest because you have never ran a cycle before.

after the communication skills of a disabled toaster.
a bit simple are we?

Different leagues of existence outside the walled garden for sure, you just keep trying to big up to someone asking questions starting with "this is my first cycle'. You're important, and you matter, you told me in those yikes big boy
you missed the point entirely of every one of my yikes.
I award you 0 stars