1st Cycle: 300 Test, 100 Mast - any benefits to adding 10-20mg anavar?

Got you okay, I'll figure out some low dosing of AI to keep that in check. I thought the test level was very high for only 300 test weekly.

I titrated up from 150 T, and then at 200 T I added mast as a pseudo-ai at 50, and just moved up slowly. I figured it was kind of basic, and since I didn't have sides I figured I was in the clear, but I'll look into AI dosing this week

Thank you
Mast has no AI effect. Is blocks some E2 effects in the body but 100mg is low dose and will be minor effect. Often used to shed water and have a more "hardened" look. It is anabolic but less than test. Only an AI is an AI. Primo and Eq lower E2 for some but no guarantee.

I will echo others and say to many new compounds at one time can create a tricky situation. I would suggest aromasin as AI. Don't change compounds when figuring out AI dose. Hold steady, take bloods, and dial in AI. It is best to dial in your AI when you are taking only tests or test and HCG though. This will help you get more accurate numbers and a more accurate idea of how you feel on different AI dosage. That information is very helpful for the future and best to get without other compounds adding variables you're not aware of.